The Walking Drama season 3


Well Known GateFan
Okay saw "Hounded" last night. Was just meh. The "crazy Rick" thing got tiring very fast. It reminded me of the slowness of last season every time they showed that damn phone. Ugh!

I'm sick of Andrea already. Seriously, she needs to get eaten. Michonne was cool though and I'm looking forward to more of her.


What ship is this?
Staff member
And the mind numbing stupidity continues....

Andrea shacks up with the governor for pretty much no other reason than to titillate the viewers with scenes of Laurie Holden sans clothing (seeing as there is no logical reason for the relationship and it is pretty much out of the blue - a hallmark of bad writing). Rick is talking to people already dead on the phone. The town sends a group to hunt Michonne for no logical reason and she actually attacks them for no logical reason instead of just moving on and forgetting about them.

Meanwhile, Glenn and Maggie go out for baby food and are so careless and stupid about it that they get taken captive by Merle despite them both having him at gunpoint. And to top it off Daryl finds the lady who ran off and Michonne finds the prison.

The silliest part is that despite having action and such the show is boring. It's boring because the action has no context, the characters don't behave consistently and their motivations are at best opaque and more likely totally illogical. It even comes off like people personalities change from episode to episode - not a sign of good writing.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
And the mind numbing stupidity continues....

Andrea shacks up with the governor for pretty much no other reason than to titillate the viewers with scenes of Laurie Holden sans clothing (seeing as there is no logical reason for the relationship and it is pretty much out of the blue - a hallmark of bad writing). Rick is talking to people already dead on the phone. The town sends a group to hunt Michonne for no logical reason and she actually attacks them for no logical reason instead of just moving on and forgetting about them.

Meanwhile, Glenn and Maggie go out for baby food and are so careless and stupid about it that they get taken captive by Merle despite them both having him at gunpoint. And to top it off Daryl finds the lady who ran off and Michonne finds the prison.

The silliest part is that despite having action and such the show is boring. It's boring because the action has no context, the characters don't behave consistently and their motivations are at best opaque and more likely totally illogical. It even comes off like people personalities change from episode to episode - not a sign of good writing.

:facepalm:. This is why I wont watch the show...havent seen a lick of season 3. Why dont they just take the baby out AS food?


Well Known GateFan
:facepalm:. This is why I wont watch the show...havent seen a lick of season 3. Why dont they just take the baby out AS food?

The good thing is that the pace has vastly improved in season 3 so when you do watch it it won't drag as much. Plus you get to see you-know-who buy the farm. ;)

As for the baby, well, at least it's cute. To me all babies look the same and I usually don't care but this one did look adorable in Rick's arms. The whole time I couldn't help thinking that now the writers have to do something with this cute lil' bean and how sucky of a story line it is to begin with. As much as I dislike children I'm not cool with watching them get killed off, especially by zombies. Hopefully they'll just fob the baby off on someone who just takes it and leaves. Or, being a soap, the baby will probably get stolen by some crazed mother and/or zombie mother...and then we come full circle back to you-know-who, ugh! :icon_neutral:


What ship is this?
Staff member
To me the baby in and of itself is not a problem. The issues much more (to me again) are the characters behaving idiotically and their motivations either being almost impossible to decipher or making no sense if they can be discerned. Also that the characters seem to change personalities between episodes on occasion - Rick flips from the calm and decisive leader to a psycho who goes all "apocalypse now" and talks to dead people with zero warning - and then next thing you know he's back being calm and rational with no insight whatsoever on what happened.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The good thing is that the pace has vastly improved in season 3 so when you do watch it it won't drag as much. Plus you get to see you-know-who buy the farm. ;)

As for the baby, well, at least it's cute. To me all babies look the same and I usually don't care but this one did look adorable in Rick's arms. The whole time I couldn't help thinking that now the writers have to do something with this cute lil' bean and how sucky of a story line it is to begin with. As much as I dislike children I'm not cool with watching them get killed off, especially by zombies. Hopefully they'll just fob the baby off on someone who just takes it and leaves. Or, being a soap, the baby will probably get stolen by some crazed mother and/or zombie mother...and then we come full circle back to you-know-who, ugh! :icon_neutral:

Dont get me wrong, I love babies. :) I just dont want them in my shows. In a show, they serve only as props that make noise and need to be changed and fed and fussed over.


Well Known GateFan
To me the baby in and of itself is not a problem. The issues much more (to me again) are the characters behaving idiotically and their motivations either being almost impossible to decipher or making no sense if they can be discerned. Also that the characters seem to change personalities between episodes on occasion - Rick flips from the calm and decisive leader to a psycho who goes all "apocalypse now" and talks to dead people with zero warning - and then next thing you know he's back being calm and rational with no insight whatsoever on what happened.

Oh I agree completely, especially in how Rick is behaving. I suspect they had the "Rick is crazy" story line mapped out for an entire season but saw the negative reaction to the slowness of season 2 and rewrote his insanity to the condensed, unbelievable stuff we've just seen in 2 episodes. No matter how you slice it it's just bad writing.

And I'd say the baby is a problem only so much as the other writing gaffes are. I mean, something has to be done with the baby now that it's there (like the other plot holes they've written). This show is quickly becoming "The Walking Nursery". Seriously, they've done two episodes on finding baby formula so far. Yawners.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Oh I agree completely, especially in how Rick is behaving. I suspect they had the "Rick is crazy" story line mapped out for an entire season but saw the negative reaction to the slowness of season 2 and rewrote his insanity to the condensed, unbelievable stuff we've just seen in 2 episodes. No matter how you slice it it's just bad writing.

And I'd say the baby is a problem only so much as the other writing gaffes are. I mean, something has to be done with the baby now that it's there (like the other plot holes they've written). This show is quickly becoming "The Walking Nursery". Seriously, they've done two episodes on finding baby formula so far. Yawners.

OH MY GOD. Seriously? That baby might make a good snack for a zombie. Babies do not belong in TV shows like this or in scifi. :facepalm:. Put it out as bait, have an accident and problem solved.


Well Known GateFan
OH MY GOD. Seriously? That baby might make a good snack for a zombie. Babies do not belong in TV shows like this or in scifi. :facepalm:. Put it out as bait, have an accident and problem solved.

To me having the baby doesn't tighten the tension, rather, it just exposes a huge writing flaw. At least in the comic book they had the baby perish along with you-know-who, but now we've got some smug A-hole writers for the TV show that clearly think they're gonna write some gripping, turgid, suspenseful, emotional, baby-centric scenes of high drama that might win them some Emmys. :McKayrolleyes: Talk about boring.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually, properly handled in the story, a baby could have been a plus for this show....hear me out.

One of the big issues in the show is the general pettiness of the characters. It's hard to root for unlikable people to survive in a survival story. SGU had this issue in spades - did anyone on Destiny actually elicit a desire that they do well or even survive?

A baby could have been used here to bring out some positive character traits in the group; make them a bit easier to root for. Instead it seems to be just a prop for more soap opera clichés.

As it stands the only character on the show one can root for at all is Darryl. Maybe that's the answer! Transform the show into just Darryl wandering the earth (like Caine on Kung Fu) slaying the undead and dispensing wise bromides to the survivors he encounters...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Dont get me wrong, I love babies. :) I just dont want them in my shows. In a show, they serve only as props that make noise and need to be changed and fed and fussed over.

Much like Token I until the end where he took the lead just long enough to die in a contrived manner. Token II seems a little more involved.
--- merged: Nov 19, 2012 at 5:19 PM ---
OH MY GOD. Seriously? That baby might make a good snack for a zombie. Babies do not belong in TV shows like this or in scifi. :facepalm:. Put it out as bait, have an accident and problem solved.

Bro, you missed when Rick found the zombie that ate Lori sitting on the floor with a full belly barely able to move. It looked pregnant. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan


Sinister Swede
Daniel O'Brien offers up a pretty good summary of what's wrong with this show and it's show so successful despite being so awful.
The Walking Dead is the only show in America that all of my friends watch despite the fact that we all mostly hate it. I've seen that phenomenon with reality TV shows (the audience of Jersey Shore is made exclusively of people who only watch on the off chance that one of the characters might choke to death in the middle of an episode -- but I'll let Dave talk about that), but never with a serious, scripted television show on a network known mostly for its quality.
This isn't the place for me to talk about why this show is bad (the pacing, unlikable characters, not enough zombies, a lack of fresh ideas, child actors, what's-her-name, Rick's terrible accent), and I know that taste is subjective. Just because all of my friends watch the show begrudgingly doesn't mean the rest of the world does. That said, we have a Forum where people can talk about movies, TV shows, music, life and whatever else they're interested in. Everyone's usually pretty articulate and thoughtful, it's nice in there. Here are some quotes from various folks in the thread dedicated to The Walking Dead:
"Why are the writers doing their best to make us hate the main characters?"
"Man, this show is getting more and more soap opera-y every week. They really need to get back on the road because it's starting to stagnate."
"I was trying not to dislike Dale and Andrea, I've failed."
"I think at this point, the words that come to mind when I think of Lori are 'useless' and 'no redeeming qualities.' That's probably not good for your leading lady."
"Yes, I do hate the shit out of most everybody."
It's not like we have a special section of our forums for people to hate a TV show. Those are people in a thread reserved for fans of The Walking Dead! And the weird thing is that they are fans. The people who don't like the show don't watch it, but the people who love this show hate it. Go to the comments section over at the AV Club whenever they recap a new episode, and you'll find that most of those commenters are similarly pissed off at the show. The show that they keep watching. Every. Single. Week.
And why do they do that? One word: Hope. And now for some more words: Everyone who watches The Walking Dead isn't watching it because it's good; they're watching it because it can be good (and because Daryl rules). When I heard about this show, I was on board because I thought, "This could be either a show about people fighting zombies OR a show about interesting, diverse strangers trying to set up a new life at the end of the world, and also there are zombies in the background." It is, unfortunately, neither of those shows (it's a show where 12 unlikable people get into tense whisper-fights inches from each other's faces and between two and four zombies get killed every episode to remind people that HEY ZOMBIES). But I keep watching because, one day, it might be one of those better shows I envisioned when the show was first announced.
Some people watch because the graphic novel on which the show is based is awesome, and they're holding out hope that, one day, the show might be as good as the comics. Some people keep watching because it has all of the ingredients of a good show (money, the creative freedom a network like AMC allows, great source material, lots of characters, a liberal amount of side-boob, zombies), and even though it hasn't embraced those ingredients yet, it still might some day.
The Walking Dead is successful because people are tuning in but watching a different, better show in their imaginations, every single week. We, as a television-viewing audience, have never been this optimistic.


Well Known GateFan
December 2nd is is the final episode before the mid-season break. Episode 8 -- "Made to Suffer". The rest of the season resumes in February but the exact date hasn't been listed yet.


Well Known GateFan
Are we sure that Lori is dead? I saw the epi but did i miss a shot of the zombie actually chomping on her?

I am betting the writers will bring her back--"she found a stapler in the desk drawer and stitched herself up then holed up in a corner eating cockroaches to regain her strength"-- when they realize that so many ppl were tuning in just to see her die they'll bring her back

and then they can say she is like a "human/zombie hybrid" so near to death that she"half turned" (hey a bunch of TPTB's change their canon as they go along) she has a "primordial psychic connection to the raw savageness of the Zed horde (kind of like that chick on SGA when the space vampires got close) given her people and her now forgiven husband the edge the need in the post apocalyptic wilderness" :crying-028:

Just think of the possibilities? it could go on forever....!
--- merged: Nov 23, 2012 at 12:25 PM ---
Much like Token I until the end where he took the lead just long enough to die in a contrived manner. Token II seems a little more involved.
--- merged: Nov 19, 2012 at 5:19 PM ---

Bro, you missed when Rick found the zombie that ate Lori sitting on the floor with a full belly barely able to move. It looked pregnant. :icon_lol:

Long live Token II!!!


Well Known GateFan
Are we sure that Lori is dead? I saw the epi but did i miss a shot of the zombie actually chomping on her?

I am betting the writers will bring her back--"she found a stapler in the desk drawer and stitched herself up then holed up in a corner eating cockroaches to regain her strength"-- when they realize that so many ppl were tuning in just to see her die they'll bring her back

and then they can say she is like a "human/zombie hybrid" so near to death that she"half turned" (hey a bunch of TPTB's change their canon as they go along) she has a "primordial psychic connection to the raw savageness of the Zed horde (kind of like that chick on SGA when the space vampires got close) given her people and her now forgiven husband the edge the need in the post apocalyptic wilderness" :crying-028:

Just think of the possibilities? it could go on forever....!

They didn't show Lori getting shot in the head or munched on. They just implied it for both moments. So, yeah, she could be back...ugh! :disturbed:

And don't even get me going on the psychic thing in horror/scifi stuff. That gimmick is beyond lame.


Well Known GateFan
yeah but 'lame' seems to bring in the bucks--at least that seems to SyFy's thesis

they also kind of implied "sinead o'connor looking chic" got ate too, but what do you know...there she is.


Well Known GateFan
Agree with almost everything you've said joelist. I'm guessing there's not a single engineer or applied scientist in all of Georgia that survived to help these idiots get past their lame 'survival' mode. Not even any competent military. It seems this 'virus' targeted almost entirely all of the intellectual/competent people but left the idiots and self-absorbed drama queens untouched. Notice I said almost entirely, Darryl's probably the only exception I've seen so far.

Hirschel should be teaching them all the basics of medicine, his skill should be spread out. And they should all be engineering and making bows and arrows and becoming competent with them. Bullets aren't going to last forever, and there are no manufacturing engineers around to make more cause of the selective 'virus'.

I honestly wonder how things would be different if the survivors were a bunch of engineers and applied people along with some military that haven't gone psycho.
Bro, you missed when Rick found the zombie that ate Lori sitting on the floor with a full belly barely able to move. It looked pregnant. :icon_lol:

That part was pretty funny to me cause they made it seem like there was a horde outside the door when they suddenly decide they have to kill her. But only one goes through, just lol.


Well Known GateFan
Science really doesn't rate very high on the writer's list of necessary points for the construction of a believable premise when it comes to this show. Case in point, it's been a good year or so since the SHTF yet these rotting corpses not only walk around easily but they also spurt copious amounts of blood when they're bashed in the head. Think about it, not only would their flesh be so atrophied and decayed after a year that they couldn't walk but their blood would be non-existent. At best a few of them would have some thick, gelatinous goo that barely trickled out, but that's it. They don't ingest water and there aren't enough fresh bodies laying around for them to hydrate themselves so they have to be dessicated leather bags of dried beef at best. There wouldn't be any blood spurts when you caved in their heads. At best there would be a soft crunch, like hitting a hard-shell taco with some wilted lettuce in it (don't ask me how I know).

The more I think about it the more this show sucks. I hope the writers get ass cancer -- and that's not just the tequila talking I assure you! :sour:


Well Known GateFan
this is the kind of stuff that writers want people to look past--forget about all of our comments on glass cockpit screens or huge planes of glass on the Destiny's 'viewing deck'-the majority of viewers would not even BEGIN to sense anything wrong with those items. And if you were to explain it to them, they would probably just give a 'grunt'--you know, the kind people give when they want you to think they got what you said but they really didn't? yeah that grunt.

the american public is full of 'grunts', they would not even consider the basics of rotting flesh on the zombie. they just want that "wow" factor --that's why we get the reality crap we do.

now that your on it, if they have a hunger, then one should assume they are somehow processing what they eat, so are they taking a dump anywhere? Where else would this be stored if not "shipped out?"

like i said in the resident evil thread...i know the show sucks, but i have two things going against me
1-i can't stop once i start--i've always finished reading every book i started-even the one's that sucked "Russia House" comes to mind. i am a "commitment monger."

2-Like some said; the show has that addictive quality where you just want to come back and see what happens next. for me, its what stupid thing will happen next-like no matter the twisted motivations of the governor, what was the point in killing those National Guard guys? He had healthy military trained dudes that would have greatly multiplied his force level and had their own weapons and ammo-not to mention any other military skills or civilian skills they may of had. I mean what is his rationale for sparing one armed redneck dude who has very few redeeming/worthy qualities in 'normal' times, he is just an all around burden in these times. Why bring in an Andrea that he would have to train (he didn't know she could handle a weapon when they took her) and feed for little return--other then the obv sex gratifications.

Just dumb..but the needle is stuck in my arm and i cant get it out:crying-028: