The Walking Drama season 3


Objects may be closer than they appear
I only saw the first two episodes of season 3, and I really liked it when they bashed the zombies in the head and blood spurted out. But somehow that did not compel me to watch any more of this particular series.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Science really doesn't rate very high on the writer's list of necessary points for the construction of a believable premise when it comes to this show. Case in point, it's been a good year or so since the SHTF yet these rotting corpses not only walk around easily but they also spurt copious amounts of blood when they're bashed in the head. Think about it, not only would their flesh be so atrophied and decayed after a year that they couldn't walk but their blood would be non-existent. At best a few of them would have some thick, gelatinous goo that barely trickled out, but that's it. They don't ingest water and there aren't enough fresh bodies laying around for them to hydrate themselves so they have to be dessicated leather bags of dried beef at best. There wouldn't be any blood spurts when you caved in their heads. At best there would be a soft crunch, like hitting a hard-shell taco with some wilted lettuce in it (don't ask me how I know).

The more I think about it the more this show sucks. I hope the writers get ass cancer -- and that's not just the tequila talking I assure you! :sour:

How much longer are you planning to keep those dead bodies in your basement? Have I taught you nothing?


Well Known GateFan
How much longer are you planning to keep those dead bodies in your basement? Have I taught you nothing?

Unlike you I don't have a wife so I gotta make do with what's on hand. ;)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually in a warm climate (Georgia) and with no embalming the walkers would be nothing but piles of decomposed tissue by now. It's a huge problem with ANY of the "Romero" concepts.


Well Known GateFan
they should just go with a disease that reduces brain function to basic levels, not death
have the "z's" crazy addicted to some super synthetic drug that is like 100 times more addictive then meth under control of a 'puppet master' (kind of like Verizon customers and their devices)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
they should just go with a disease that reduces brain function to basic levels, not death

28 Days Later.

have the "z's" crazy addicted to some super synthetic drug that is like 100 times more addictive then meth under control of a 'puppet master' (kind of like Verizon customers and their devices)

Meh, too cliche.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Too late to do that.

As to Verizon customers, we are rightly happy with our network. Our customer service reps may come from Venus but the network is far and away the largest and most robust.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Unlike you I don't have a wife so I gotta make do with what's on hand. ;)

- bath tub
- hydrochloric acid
- bathroom with an open window
- stocked up fridge & some good movies to pass the time

There's your weekend. The exercise will not only "clean out" your basement but it will leave your tub spit-shine clean.


Well Known GateFan
- bath tub
- hydrochloric acid
- bathroom with an open window
- stocked up fridge & some good movies to pass the time

There's your weekend. The exercise will not only "clean out" your basement but it will leave your tub spit-shine clean.

Oh that's right, you're la Familia. :winking0052:


Well Known GateFan
That's Spanish. Italians are la Famiglia. :icon_lol:

:anim_59: I originally had the "g" but dropped it because it didn't look right. But either way, if the cement shoes fit, wear 'em. ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
:anim_59: I originally had the "g" but dropped it because it didn't look right. But either way, if the cement shoes fit, wear 'em. ;)


The "g" before "li" is silent but it modifies the pronunciation slightly so it sounds a little like "famiya" whereas "familia" is pronounced phonetically.


- bath tub
- hydrochloric acid
- bathroom with an open window
- stocked up fridge & some good movies to pass the time

There's your weekend. The exercise will not only "clean out" your basement but it will leave your tub spit-shine clean.

Didn't Breaking Bad teach you nothing? Never in the Bath Tub.:anim_40:


Well Known GateFan
So tonight's ep with Glenn being 'tortured' just reminded me of all the times that's been done before...

Token II was getting some good shots, yet he seems to be the emerging "conscious" of the ironic it takes a felon to bring morality to them.

I particularly thought it was a genius approach to advertising-perhaps a tact never before tried. When the scary walkers were ripping apart "crazy shack dudes" guts, the camera zooms to guts-then, KFC big bucket commercial! YUM!!!


What ship is this?
Staff member
Dopey, dopey, dopey.

The Governor acts like he's going to rape Maggie then just stops....both the rape attempt and him stopping are out of character for him. Glenn gets to act tough and the stage is set for war between the town and prison. The whole thing is stupid and illogical - in other words the norm for the show.


Well Known GateFan
The opening interrogation and torture scene with Merle and Glenn was yawn inducing. As youngin said, we've seen this before ad nauseum. To call it boring would be a kindness.

The scene with Glenn fighting the zed was quite good though. I'm surprised that I actually liked it as I can be a cynical bastard but I have to admit that, objectively, it was a good scene and it left me respecting Glenn a bit more. Tough cookie.

The things that bugged me:

Um, so, they go from totally distrusting Michone (and she, them) to instantly becoming the Avengers 2.0. :daniel_new004:

And WTF is with "crazy cabin dude"? Are we seriously to believe that he (whether crazy or not) is going to say "I'm calling the cops on you!" after living in a zombie-filled world for over a year? Are we also to believe that he keeps his door unlocked even though the woods surrounding his house are filled with zeds? Seriously? I actually laughed when they tossed crazy dude's body to the zeds (and if you watched closely the zombie actors were just rubbing their hands around the "guts", bad acting indeed). Truthfully it was a horribly written scene, just horrible. The writer who came up with that one should be fed to zombies.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Um, so, they go from totally distrusting Michone (and she, them) to instantly becoming the Avengers 2.0. :daniel_new004:

And this surprises you Shaved? Remember this is the show where Rick goes in a single episode from calm and in control to channeling Marlon Brando's Apocalypse now character back to calm again. Having characters change on a dime for no reason is the norm.


Well Known GateFan
And this surprises you Shaved? Remember this is the show where Rick goes in a single episode from calm and in control to channeling Marlon Brando's Apocalypse now character back to calm again. Having characters change on a dime for no reason is the norm.

I know, I know. I also rolled my eyes when Rick thanked Daryl for taking care of his baby while he was temporarily insane. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
See anything wrong with this screencap from TWD?
