The Walking Drama season 3


Well Known GateFan
They had a similar explanation for the zombies in Resident Evil. I think it was in the Apocalypse sequel where the corporate scientists stated that the zombies could survive for about 20 years.



Well Known GateFan
From the comic...



What ship is this?
Staff member
It looks more like she was hit by a shotgun blast while carrying the baby - note the swaddling around the baby.


Well Known GateFan
It looks more like she was hit by a shotgun blast while carrying the baby - note the swaddling around the baby.

Right. I think it had something to do with a take over of the prison. FWIW I don't care how they handled Lori, I just wanted her gone! :sinner:


Well Known GateFan
Okay, saw tonight's episode, Sunday Nov 11th, 2012 (don't know episode title and don't much care). I actually liked the scene with Glenn getting all emotional about the loss of his "family". It made sense and to be honest it wasn't Lori drama so it was okay. The part with Daryl becoming a breast-feeding mother was kind of hard to swallow though.

As for Rick's story tonight can you say "yawn"? How anyone could give a shit that he's going crazy and went looking for Lori's body is beyond me. I admit to being horribly devastated when it turned out that a zombie ate Lori's body, bones and all, and Rick had to cut her out of the zombie's distended belly. I was all --


Just kidding! I actually laughed like a mother fucker! :smiley-laughing024:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Okay, saw tonight's episode, Sunday Nov 11th, 2012 (don't know episode title and don't much care). I actually liked the scene with Glenn getting all emotional about the loss of his "family". It made sense and to be honest it wasn't Lori drama so it was okay. The part with Daryl becoming a breast-feeding mother was kind of hard to swallow though.

As for Rick's story tonight can you say "yawn"? How anyone could give a shit that he's going crazy and went looking for Lori's body is beyond me. I admit to being horribly devastated when it turned out that a zombie ate Lori's body, bones and all, and Rick had to cut her out of the zombie's distended belly. I was all --

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Just kidding! I actually laughed like a mother fucker! :smiley-laughing024:

I was so tuned out at some point I completely missed that
the zombie sitting on the floor with the big belly was full of Lori.


Well Known GateFan
I was so tuned out at some point I completely missed that
the zombie sitting on the floor with the big belly was full of Lori.

Yeah I was a bit tuned out too but from what I saw I believe Rick found the bullet that Karl used to off Lori. Then he followed a trail of blood to the zombie with the full belly. And I think there was some of Lori's hair sticking out of its mouth. So this means that zombies eat dead bodies and/or Lori wasn't fully dead when she got eaten or it wasn't Lori at all that the zombie ate, etc. Who knows with this show. All I know is that I really want that horrible character gone from the show forever.

The good thing is in the comic book once Lori is really gone for good Rick goes crazy and starts carrying a phone around with him and imagines he's talking to Lori on it. As you saw the phone was ringing at the end of the show so it looks like they got to the point where Lori is really dead and Rick has gone crazy. It doesn't perfectly match the comic by any means but if it truly, truly signifies that Lori is gone for good then I'm a happy camper. :smile-new:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah I was a bit tuned out too but from what I saw I believe Rick found the bullet that Karl used to off Lori. Then he followed a trail of blood to the zombie with the full belly. And I think there was some of Lori's hair sticking out of its mouth. So this means that zombies eat dead bodies and/or Lori wasn't fully dead when she got eaten or it wasn't Lori at all that the zombie ate, etc. Who knows with this show. All I know is that I really want that horrible character gone from the show forever.

The good thing is in the comic book once Lori is really gone for good Rick goes crazy and starts carrying a phone around with him and imagines he's talking to Lori on it. As you saw the phone was ringing at the end of the show so it looks like they got to the point where Lori is really dead and Rick has gone crazy. It doesn't perfectly match the comic by any means but if it truly, truly signifies that Lori is gone for good then I'm a happy camper. :smile-new:

Im with you on this...I really did not care how they did it, as long as she was GONE from the show. OMG, I havent been able to watch much of this season because of the angst she created for me last season. I did not even want to SEE the ho. But tonight I will watch the episode with her dying and especially the zombie with the full belly. :)

" And I think there was some of Lori's hair sticking out of its mouth."



What ship is this?
Staff member
What a dumb show!

This time we get Rick going all "apocalypse now" over Lori? And the governor is a weirdo?

Like I said earlier by this time the show should be shifting to the "find survivors and rebuild" mode. To still have them fighting zombies nearly 2 years after the plague is ridiculous. It's also why the "Romero" idea falls apart in a series - the zeds would decompose and people would be getting on with rebuilding.


Well Known GateFan
What a dumb show!

This time we get Rick going all "apocalypse now" over Lori? And the governor is a weirdo?

Like I said earlier by this time the show should be shifting to the "find survivors and rebuild" mode. To still have them fighting zombies nearly 2 years after the plague is ridiculous. It's also why the "Romero" idea falls apart in a series - the zeds would decompose and people would be getting on with rebuilding.

Agreed. Even with the quickening pace in Season 3 it's still a dumb show (which explains much of its charm). The inconsistencies in logic and reality are beyond laughable. It's fascinating that grown adults (plural) actually write such nonsense and are successful at it. In a way I respect their ability to get away with such an obvious sham. It's so bad it's good.

As for Rick going all crazy mental over Lori, that is just laughably unbelievable. Besides, the viewers don't care. His grief is not worthy of sympathy. And the governor is an obvious freak and is stupid also. If Andrea, at her age, can't spot a creep then too bad for her. She deserves to get eaten by zombies.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
What a dumb show!

This time we get Rick going all "apocalypse now" over Lori? And the governor is a weirdo?

Like I said earlier by this time the show should be shifting to the "find survivors and rebuild" mode. To still have them fighting zombies nearly 2 years after the plague is ridiculous. It's also why the "Romero" idea falls apart in a series - the zeds would decompose and people would be getting on with rebuilding.

That brings us back to the blowing of the CDC up thing. :facepalm: WHY did they even make an episode showing that? And arent there other facilities run by the military which perform the same functions as the CDC? YES, there are. They have labs, quarantine facilities, etc. Im sick of these hillbillies and their adventure. I wanna see some science and logic now. Why isn't a scientist in this group? No doubt he or she would find this lot dullwitted and not worth hanging around. Besides that, the comic book series tells us much of how this will go. Why is the comic book and the game SO MUCH better than this stupid dumb show?


What ship is this?
Staff member
The problem is even the comic is dumb. They also completely ignore the reality that places like Cheyenne Mountain et al would not have been overrun by the zeds. Also that ships at sea would be unaffected and the military would quickly clear out the zeds from areas with natural boundaries like islands. For example Parris Island comes ready to use complete with a large contingent of heavily armed Marines.

I think it also boils down to a base flaw in the George Romero Zombie Apocalypse concept of human beings. It takes the fact that some people react poorly to crises and projects it onto everyone. Hence in his world the military does not react logically to the problem and neither do civilians. Like I said, by now the zeds should be mostly gone and people would actually be finding other survivors and starting to rebuild civilization. Ironically the book that started this all, Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, ends on exactly this note.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Joel you are forgetting that in this universe EVERYONE is infected ie if you die with your brain intact youll turn into a Z regardles if inside a maountain on a sub or ship 1 death is all it'd take in order to spread infection on these isolated ares you have listed.

and the main thing about all zombie stories is that everone is so shocked by it that they have no time to react to it before almost everything is infected, imo you have WAY to much faith in humanity's ability and individuals to act rationally and logically in a crisis situation going from my own personal experience they DONT instead they turn into a retarded stampeeding herd with a combined IQ level of 7, sure some people have the abilty to overcome this but i have to stress the "some" as these are VERY few in number.


Well Known GateFan
Don't understand why the female characters are written the way they are:

Blonde chick - latches onto every alpha male psychopath that comes her way: shane, governator
Black sword chick - has trouble speaking and should just leave behind idiot blonde chick, was doing perfectly fine without her
Lori - everything


My avatar speaks for itself.
Don't understand why the female characters are written the way they are:

Blonde chick - latches onto every alpha male psychopath that comes her way: shane, governator
Black sword chick - has trouble speaking and should just leave behind idiot blonde chick, was doing perfectly fine without her
Lori - everything
this kinda BS is WHY i hate this turd of a tv show ie the overall fakeness and unbelievable characters and the forced drama ontop of this not the basic premise Joel seems to take issue with as i can suspend my disbelief there and buy into it even tho i peronally dont believe in "undead" walking around..


Well Known GateFan


What ship is this?
Staff member
Joel you are forgetting that in this universe EVERYONE is infected ie if you die with your brain intact youll turn into a Z regardles if inside a maountain on a sub or ship 1 death is all it'd take in order to spread infection on these isolated ares you have listed.

and the main thing about all zombie stories is that everone is so shocked by it that they have no time to react to it before almost everything is infected, imo you have WAY to much faith in humanity's ability and individuals to act rationally and logically in a crisis situation going from my own personal experience they DONT instead they turn into a retarded stampeeding herd with a combined IQ level of 7, sure some people have the abilty to overcome this but i have to stress the "some" as these are VERY few in number.

Actually the way it is presented it is everyone in Rick's group that are infected. It is not stated that all living humans are. It happened in the CDC when the mad scientist was experimenting on them.

Even if all living people are infected carriers, again once the first person died without a bite and came back the authorities would know to "double tap" all people who die.

Here is an interesting study in group psychology in a crisis:

It actually debunks a lot of the "Romero Apocalypse" behavior patterns.


Well Known GateFan
Actually the way it is presented it is everyone in Rick's group that are infected. It is not stated that all living humans are. It happened in the CDC when the mad scientist was experimenting on them.

Even if all living people are infected carriers, again once the first person died without a bite and came back the authorities would know to "double tap" all people who die.

Here is an interesting study in group psychology in a crisis:

It actually debunks a lot of the "Romero Apocalypse" behavior patterns.

I am pretty sure that everyone is infected--at least that solves the issue of how it all got started-in part. They could always feed into public mania (real world) and say that everyone is infected who got some kind of new vaccine (it would be ironic if they suggested it was the "gardasil" vaccine:wink-new:)

I still want to know, given that just about everything else in the show is "real world" minus the 'dead' why do they not call the walkers zombies? given the fact that just about everyone has heard of the term, why leave it out? Is it some kind of copyright thing?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Actually the way it is presented it is everyone in Rick's group that are infected. It is not stated that all living humans are. It happened in the CDC when the mad scientist was experimenting on them.

Even if all living people are infected carriers, again once the first person died without a bite and came back the authorities would know to "double tap" all people who die.

Here is an interesting study in group psychology in a crisis:

It actually debunks a lot of the "Romero Apocalypse" behavior patterns.

If you recall, the first time they concluded everyone must be infected was when they found those two zombie security guards and couldn't find any scratches or bite marks on them.