Enough with the freakin' "Hunger Games" hype


My avatar speaks for itself.
Shut up Yoshi, just shut up. Seriously, you're not worthy of engaging in intellectual discourse. You can't even honestly respond to my points, you just blather some inane nonsense that has nothing to do with what I wrote and everything to do with the biased fantasy in your delusional head. I'm not sure how old you are chronologically but based on the stuff you post on a regular basis I'd peg you at about 14 years old. Children are annoying. You're annoying. Go away.
OMFG!!! i read that and i strted laughing hystericly and i cant F'n stop BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:

i LOVE you ape really i do!


Shut up Yoshi, just shut up. Seriously, you're not worthy of engaging in intellectual discourse. You can't even honestly respond to my points, you just blather some inane nonsense that has nothing to do with what I wrote and everything to do with the biased fantasy in your delusional head. I'm not sure how old you are chronologically but based on the stuff you post on a regular basis I'd peg you at about 14 years old. Children are annoying. You're annoying. Go away.

Now listen here you bodacious little pimp! Yoshi has just as much rights to have an opinion as you do and I for one respect his. If you don't stop pestering him I'll be forced to grab Omni by the ankles and chastise you with him.


Well Known GateFan
Now listen here you bodacious little pimp! Yoshi has just as much rights to have an opinion as you do and I for one respect his. If you don't stop pestering him I'll be forced to grab Omni by the ankles and chastise you with him.

I'm sorry, did someone say something?


My avatar speaks for itself.
Now listen here you bodacious little pimp! Yoshi has just as much rights to have an opinion as you do and I for one respect his. If you don't stop pestering him I'll be forced to grab Omni by the ankles and chastise you with him.
he does but so does ape and nowhere in the rules does it say you have to respect, agree or not challenge someone elses.. i support ape's right to say whatever he wants to whom ever he wants (as long as they are in accordance to the rules of this board)



oh also you try to grab me by the ankles and ill shiv you and make you suck my shclong ;)


he does but so does ape and nowhere in the rules does it say you have to respect, agree or not challenge someone elses.. i support ape's right to say whatever he wants to whom ever he wants (as long as they are in accordance to the rules of this board)



oh also you try to grab me by the ankles and ill shiv you and make you suck my shclong ;)

Ever seen The Shawshank Redemption?


Well Known GateFan
OMFG!!! i read that and i strted laughing hystericly and i cant F'n stop BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:

i LOVE you ape really i do!

I'm just tired of trying to discuss a topic with someone who is arrogantly obtuse. He argues for the sake or arguing, not because his stance is true or even related to the topic. Case in point, he actually tried to dismiss the originality of Harry Potter which is just painfully stupid to assert. Really, it's just dumb to claim such a thing. The premise of HP hadn't been popularized before. Notice I used the term "popularized". It may not be perfectly original (what story is?) but in terms of that genre (boy wizards) it was groundbreaking and viewed as being quite original over all. The reason Yoshi tried taking this tack was to avoid addressing my very valid point that neither HP nor Twilight had to climb the charts on the backs of other successful stories.

He also thinks that THG has broken out of its young adult literary audience and has been embraced by the adult market ala Harry Potter. Yeah, a few adults are reading it I'm sure but the cross over of HP to an adult audience is unprecedented. It was an anomaly. Sure the publishers want to catch lightening in a bottle again but that's unlikely. The fact that Stephen King has done a book jacket blurb for THG only proves my point that the story is now being pimped by the publisher. Contrast this to the fact that King made his comments about liking Rowlings books without being prodded to by a publishing company, in his book on writing and interviews. The fact that Yoshi doesn't understand this is quite telling (and what it tells is that he's living in Fantasy land). It also proves my point (again again again) that THG is being heavily pimped and is (unfairly) riding on the coat tails of other works of fiction. If the story was so freakin' good it could sell itself, which is what HP and Twilight managed to do. Marketing is one thing but egregiously claiming it's on par with HP is pathetic.

He also, stupidly -- and I mean stupidly -- argues that I shouldn't critique the movie when I haven't even seen it yet, which has nothing to do with the theme of this thread. This thread is about the egregious pimping (advertising) of this movie. That's what I was railing against. I should know since I started the thread to begin with. I've been commenting on the commercials and scenes that I've seen of the movie, which is my right to do. If he doesn't like it he can go eat a can of imported shit for all I care. Either that or he can start his own dumb ass thread all about how The Hunger Games is the greatest movie evah -- squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :roll:

There's more of course but I have no desire to waste time on this intellectual lug nut anymore. It's just a HUGE waste of my time. Like I said, he's a child and children are annoying (not unlike the Dutch in may respects ;) ).


My avatar speaks for itself.
I'm just tired of trying to discuss a topic with someone who is arrogantly obtuse. He argues for the sake or arguing, not because his stance is true or even related to the topic. Case in point, he actually tried to dismiss the originality of Harry Potter which is just painfully stupid to assert. Really, it's just dumb to claim such a thing. The premise of HP hadn't been popularized before. Notice I used the term "popularized". It may not be perfectly original (what story is?) but in terms of that genre (boy wizards) it was groundbreaking and viewed as being quite original over all. The reason Yoshi tried taking this tack was to avoid addressing my very valid point that neither HP nor Twilight had to climb the charts on the backs of other successful stories.

He also thinks that THG has broken out of its young adult literary audience and has been embraced by the adult market ala Harry Potter. Yeah, a few adults are reading it I'm sure but the cross over of HP to an adult audience is unprecedented. It was an anomaly. Sure the publishers want to catch lightening in a bottle again but that's unlikely. The fact that Stephen King has done a book jacket blurb for THG only proves my point that the story is now being pimped by the publisher. Contrast this to the fact that King made his comments about liking Rowlings books without being prodded to by a publishing company, in his book on writing and interviews. The fact that Yoshi doesn't understand this is quite telling (and what it tells is that he's living in Fantasy land). It also proves my point (again again again) that THG is being heavily pimped and is (unfairly) riding on the coat tails of other works of fiction. It the story was so freakin' good it could sell itself, which is what HP and Twilight managed to do. Marketing is one thing but egregiously claiming it's on par with HP is pathetic.

He also, stupidly -- and I mean stupidly -- argues that I shouldn't critique the movie when I haven't even seen it yet, which has nothing to do with the theme of this thread. This thread is about the egregious pimping (advertising) of this movie. That's what I was railing against. I should know since I started the thread to begin with. I've been commenting on the commercials and scenes that I've seen of the movie, which is my right to do. If he doesn't like it he can go eat a can of imported shit for all I care. Either that or he can start his own dumb ass thread all about how The Hunger Games is the greatest movie evah -- squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :roll:

There's more of course but I have no desire to waste time on this intellectual lug nut anymore. It's just a HUGE waste of my time. Like I said, he's a child and children are annoying (not unlike the Dutch in may respects ;) ).
i completly agree with you! i just found the dismissive-ness of the last words hillarious.. (i may have imagined it with a funny voice) so thanks for that laugh i need it ;)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Now if the Hunger Games had the contestants winning by actually devouring each other (to fit the title) then it would be taking a whole new tack in teen films....


I'm just tired of trying to discuss a topic with someone who is arrogantly obtuse. He argues for the sake or arguing, not because his stance is true or even related to the topic. Case in point, he actually tried to dismiss the originality of Harry Potter which is just painfully stupid to assert. Really, it's just dumb to claim such a thing. The premise of HP hadn't been popularized before. Notice I used the term "popularized". It may not be perfectly original (what story is?) but in terms of that genre (boy wizards) it was groundbreaking and viewed as being quite original over all. The reason Yoshi tried taking this tack was to avoid addressing my very valid point that neither HP nor Twilight had to climb the charts on the backs of other successful stories.

He also thinks that THG has broken out of its young adult literary audience and has been embraced by the adult market ala Harry Potter. Yeah, a few adults are reading it I'm sure but the cross over of HP to an adult audience is unprecedented. It was an anomaly. Sure the publishers want to catch lightening in a bottle again but that's unlikely. The fact that Stephen King has done a book jacket blurb for THG only proves my point that the story is now being pimped by the publisher. Contrast this to the fact that King made his comments about liking Rowlings books without being prodded to by a publishing company, in his book on writing and interviews. The fact that Yoshi doesn't understand this is quite telling (and what it tells is that he's living in Fantasy land). It also proves my point (again again again) that THG is being heavily pimped and is (unfairly) riding on the coat tails of other works of fiction. If the story was so freakin' good it could sell itself, which is what HP and Twilight managed to do. Marketing is one thing but egregiously claiming it's on par with HP is pathetic.

He also, stupidly -- and I mean stupidly -- argues that I shouldn't critique the movie when I haven't even seen it yet, which has nothing to do with the theme of this thread. This thread is about the egregious pimping (advertising) of this movie. That's what I was railing against. I should know since I started the thread to begin with. I've been commenting on the commercials and scenes that I've seen of the movie, which is my right to do. If he doesn't like it he can go eat a can of imported shit for all I care. Either that or he can start his own dumb ass thread all about how The Hunger Games is the greatest movie evah -- squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :roll:

There's more of course but I have no desire to waste time on this intellectual lug nut anymore. It's just a HUGE waste of my time. Like I said, he's a child and children are annoying (not unlike the Dutch in may respects ;) ).

All the best shit is imported so at least you didn't wish upon him your own. If he's lucky he might even find some good coffeebeans in it.


Well Known GateFan
All the best shit is imported so at least you didn't wish upon him your own. If he's lucky he might even find some good coffeebeans in it.

You are either a witty genius or a sick, sick individual. I'm not sure which.


Well Known GateFan
My assertion is only false if you misunderstand what I'm positing. HP wasn't "pimped" out -- it was properly advertised. There is a difference here. The book was wildly popular -- wildly popular before it became a movie. In fact, Rowling's tale of the boy wizard was so popular it garnered the attention of people like Steven Spielberg who knew it was a successful property even though nothing like it had existed before. Spielberg called doing the movie a "slam dunk" at the time even though it was completely new. This ubiquitous opinion was all based on the books, which sold themselves.
Then yes, we have a different view of pimping in this case.

Compare this to THG and you'll see that it is riding on HP's coat tails, and Twilight's, neither of which needed to be compared to any other movie or story as they were original. Even the advertising for THG is comparing the movie to both HP and Twilight, which is pandering (pimping) at a ridiculous level. THG isn't comparable to HP so that's just a stupid attempt to pander (pimp) to an audience. As for it's comparison to Twilight with the teen angst/romance style that is pandering (pimping) because they're making a direct comparison in an attempt to garner that particular audience. Twilight didn't need to compare itself, ad nauseum, to HP or any other movie because the books had created a big enough audience by word of mouth. The movie then sold itself via the same method. Sure there was advertising but one had to discover what the movie was about on their own, they didn't have comparisons shoved in their face with every commercial.
Have you read THG?
Have you read Twilight?
As for comparing it to HP, THG is a "wildly popular" book *produced by the same company that made HP huge in the US* Scholastic, with that in mind do you honestly think that a marketing machine would ignore that connection? As for Twilight, it's a supuernatural "Teen romance" novel and from what I understand there are several romantic threads within THG, so comparisons, weather by critics or the GP were bound to arise, so why NOT make the most of them?
Look, I'll agree, I'm sick of the advertising as well, but speaking from a "sales" position, NOT making these comparisons would have been bone-headed beyond belief.

Bottom line: If The Hunger Games is so original and such a great story it doesn't need to be egregiously compared, ad nauseum, to other successful movies, especially ones that it has nothing in common with such as Harry Potter. The two stories are completely different, their genres completely different, their two styles completely different. To compare the two is an obvious attempt to suck off the success of HP and that is pandering (pimping). Same with using Twilight to promote the movie. Pimping pimping pimping.
That is what marketing IS dude. We may not agree with it, or like it, but the function of marketing and advertisement is to pimp a product to make the most return on it.

As for my statement that THG is a kids story, well, that's what it is. The difference between THG and HP when it comes to being classified as a kids story is that HP was so well written, and actually matures in tone and style as the story progresses, that grown adults can enjoy the books on an adult level.
I cannot comment on the literary merits (or lack thereof) of a book I have not read.
Even your vaunted Stephen King, a very mature adult, thinks they are suitable for adults to read. THG though smacks of simply being in the "young adult" genre with no plans to go anywhere. Nuff sed.
You SEVERELY over-estimate my opinion of SK and his writing style :P
SK has written and always has written the modern equivalent of "penny dreadfuls". I *like* alot of SK because the horror genre is one that I personally enjoy, and while his writing style is not "OMFG it's da bomb", it (usually) is very easy to read.


Well Known GateFan
Shut up Yoshi, just shut up. Seriously, you're not worthy of engaging in intellectual discourse. You can't even honestly respond to my points, you just blather some inane nonsense that has nothing to do with what I wrote and everything to do with the biased fantasy in your delusional head. I'm not sure how old you are chronologically but based on the stuff you post on a regular basis I'd peg you at about 14 years old. Children are annoying. You're annoying. Go away.

I responded to your points. I even numbered them. I'd already addressed the advertising issue.

Devolving into the kind of personal attacks shown here is not productive and not what this site is about. Discuss the issue and the point, not the user; that is something that has been posted time and time again here.

I'm just tired of trying to discuss a topic with someone who is arrogantly obtuse. He argues for the sake or arguing, not because his stance is true or even related to the topic. Case in point, he actually tried to dismiss the originality of Harry Potter which is just painfully stupid to assert. Really, it's just dumb to claim such a thing. The premise of HP hadn't been popularized before. Notice I used the term "popularized". It may not be perfectly original (what story is?) but in terms of that genre (boy wizards) it was groundbreaking and viewed as being quite original over all. The reason Yoshi tried taking this tack was to avoid addressing my very valid point that neither HP nor Twilight had to climb the charts on the backs of other successful stories.

He also thinks that THG has broken out of its young adult literary audience and has been embraced by the adult market ala Harry Potter. Yeah, a few adults are reading it I'm sure but the cross over of HP to an adult audience is unprecedented. It was an anomaly. Sure the publishers want to catch lightening in a bottle again but that's unlikely. The fact that Stephen King has done a book jacket blurb for THG only proves my point that the story is now being pimped by the publisher. Contrast this to the fact that King made his comments about liking Rowlings books without being prodded to by a publishing company, in his book on writing and interviews. The fact that Yoshi doesn't understand this is quite telling (and what it tells is that he's living in Fantasy land). It also proves my point (again again again) that THG is being heavily pimped and is (unfairly) riding on the coat tails of other works of fiction. If the story was so freakin' good it could sell itself, which is what HP and Twilight managed to do. Marketing is one thing but egregiously claiming it's on par with HP is pathetic.

He also, stupidly -- and I mean stupidly -- argues that I shouldn't critique the movie when I haven't even seen it yet, which has nothing to do with the theme of this thread. This thread is about the egregious pimping (advertising) of this movie. That's what I was railing against. I should know since I started the thread to begin with. I've been commenting on the commercials and scenes that I've seen of the movie, which is my right to do. If he doesn't like it he can go eat a can of imported $#@! for all I care. Either that or he can start his own dumb ass thread all about how The Hunger Games is the greatest movie evah -- squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :roll:

There's more of course but I have no desire to waste time on this intellectual lug nut anymore. It's just a HUGE waste of my time. Like I said, he's a child and children are annoying (not unlike the Dutch in may respects ;) ).

Because Harry Potter didn't benefit from big names such as Chris Columbus being attached the film? Harry Potter got to where it was without any sort of attachment advertising of course. Every film builds buzz on attachments until its an established brand. That's the nature of the business. Sad but true.

The fact is that The Hunger Games didn't become the 4th highest earning non-sequel ever by using the success of Harry Potter and Twilight to it's advantage. To suggest so is ludicrious since it's a completely different type of story; fans of wizards and vampires are hardly likely to check out a film about a dystopian future. Hell if Twilight was that influential THG wouldn't be beating the last Twilight movie in terms of sales would it? And again you complain its being compared with Harry Potter without actually seeing the movie; I've seen it and I would compare it. It's got that similar crossover appeal and is quite frankly better than half the movies in that series.

Also Kings comments were on the book well before the movie, just as with Harry Potter so I'm not sure what your trying to suggest there. This was a film made on a popular book that released to a good advertising campaign in a good season which led to it being a huge success.

But look, this is a forum. Sometimes I'm here to debate, sometimes I'm here to agree. I'm sure most members here have had experience where I've totally rallied around their opinion in total support whilst also disagreeing on other issues. I'm not, as you suggest, here to be obtuse and argumentative. If I was I should be banned since that's deplorable and completely against the spirit of this entire site.

EDIT: p.s. at Gatefan1976 I hadn't read your response as I was typing my own out. Just noticed it addressed similar issues, even if the responses were not the same.


Sinister Swede
Because Harry Potter didn't benefit from big names such as Chris Columbus being attached the film? Harry Potter got to where it was without any sort of attachment advertising of course. Every film builds buzz on attachments until its an established brand. That's the nature of the business. Sad but true.

I'm sorry, but Chris Columbus a 'big name'??? What the hell are you smoking, and can I please have some!? I mean seriously, the only films of note on his resumé prior to Harry Potter is The Goonies, Home Alone and Mrs. Doubtfire, and that sure as hell doesn't make someone a 'big name'.


Well Known GateFan
I'm sorry, but Chris Columbus a 'big name'??? What the hell are you smoking, and can I please have some. I mean seriously, the only films of note on his resumé prior to Harry Potter is The Goonies, Home Alone and Mrs. Doubtfire, and that sure as hell doesn't make someone a 'big name'.

Yeh but back in 2001 he still had some known films under his belt that audiences could relate to. Sure they weren't good but Michael Bay does well off crap films as well. It's all about putting a name that can bring the tagline "From the director that brought you...". If you look at his resume today, he's got most of his roles just by doing 'known' films rather than good ones. That in itself allowed him to make the occasional good one e.g. The Help.

I'll give you that perhaps I should have said known rather than big though. I was writing a rather large response and didn't consider that as well I should have. Either way Harry Potter built itself up by associating itself with other brands and names, just like every franchise has to do. That was the point I wanted to make.


Sorry Yoshi, I had never heard of that man. Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, George Lucas...............those are "big names". Kevin Smith is great but he is not a "big" name to me either. I have to agree you are stretching a point there.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I find Dutch people a little less annoying than children, but it is a close call. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Now if the Hunger Games had the contestants winning by actually devouring each other (to fit the title) then it would be taking a whole new tack in teen films....

I second that!


Well Known GateFan
So...has anyone besides Yoshi seen it? Wondering if I should just go ahead and see it....was hoping to get a few more actual reviews from people here.