Enough with the freakin' "Hunger Games" hype


Well Known GateFan
Then yes, we have a different view of pimping in this case.

Have you read THG?
Have you read Twilight?
As for comparing it to HP, THG is a "wildly popular" book *produced by the same company that made HP huge in the US* Scholastic, with that in mind do you honestly think that a marketing machine would ignore that connection? As for Twilight, it's a supuernatural "Teen romance" novel and from what I understand there are several romantic threads within THG, so comparisons, weather by critics or the GP were bound to arise, so why NOT make the most of them?
Look, I'll agree, I'm sick of the advertising as well, but speaking from a "sales" position, NOT making these comparisons would have been bone-headed beyond belief.

That is what marketing IS dude. We may not agree with it, or like it, but the function of marketing and advertisement is to pimp a product to make the most return on it.

I cannot comment on the literary merits (or lack thereof) of a book I have not read.

You SEVERELY over-estimate my opinion of SK and his writing style :P
SK has written and always has written the modern equivalent of "penny dreadfuls". I *like* alot of SK because the horror genre is one that I personally enjoy, and while his writing style is not "OMFG it's da bomb", it (usually) is very easy to read.

You know GF, once again I notice we really aren't disagreeing much here. My whole point is that the advertising (marketing) for this movie is egregiously over the top. I maintain that it reaches the level of an insult to anyone with half a brain. I realize there's a fine line in determining when advertising becomes over the top, but in this case it's pretty clear.

For all I know THG could be a good story but the ridiculous marketing I find to be a huge turn off. I actually find it negative. And I find it desperate. The comparisons to Harry Potter are insulting because HP was a phenomena and it's beyond arrogant to claim that a relatively unknown property is on that same level. And THG was unknown before the advertising assault began, let's be real. Sure the book sold but it wasn't on par with the success of HP as a book.

By summer I predict THG will be forgotten about. Compare this to HP which had an endless, rolling momentum between movies and books. Sure THG will have a sequel, but the series of movies won't be on par with what HP did as a series. Twilight maybe, but only time will tell -- and we're talking about Twilight, a tween story which is stuck within its genre unlike HP that appealed to people of all ages and demographics.

Oh yeah, f@ck The Hunger Games! ;)


My avatar speaks for itself.
Yes, it's fabulous!!!!!!!! It's like Harry Potter met Twilight and they had a baby!!!!!!! The Hunger Games changed my life!!!!! It was so viscerally moving that during the movie my breasts grew to a 34D cup and I began to menstruate, which just goes to show how powerful this movie is as I don't even have a vagina!!!!!!!!

The Hunger Games rocks!!!!!!!! It's better than Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars (the original version), Jaws, Close Encounters, Indiana Jones, Love Story and The Way We Were!!!!!!!! Just be sure to pack your purse with tampons before you go as you don't want to be caught unawares like I was. ;)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:
stop it you're killing me :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:



You know GF, once again I notice we really aren't disagreeing much here. My whole point is that the advertising (marketing) for this movie is egregiously over the top. I maintain that it reaches the level of an insult to anyone with half a brain. I realize there's a fine line in determining when advertising becomes over the top, but in this case it's pretty clear.

For all I know THG could be a good story but the ridiculous marketing I find to be a huge turn off. I actually find it negative. And I find it desperate. The comparisons to Harry Potter are insulting because HP was a phenomena and it's beyond arrogant to claim that a relatively unknown property is on that same level. And THG was unknown before the advertising assault began, let's be real. Sure the book sold but it wasn't on par with the success of HP as a book.

By summer I predict THG will be forgotten about. Compare this to HP which had an endless, rolling momentum between movies and books. Sure THG will have a sequel, but the series of movies won't be on par with what HP did as a series. Twilight maybe, but only time will tell -- and we're talking about Twilight, a tween story which is stuck within its genre unlike HP that appealed to people of all ages and demographics.

Oh yeah, f@ck The Hunger Games! ;)

I haven't seen ANY commercial for The Hunger Games whatsoever. Except ofcourse the incessant proliferation you are forcing upon me. You can tell us you don't like it as much as you want but smart people like myself know that you are lying and that you are simply attempting to put up a smoke screen with your misleading comments. I love Yoshi and so do you. And judging from the trailer, The Hunger Games seems quite interesting to me and I know you love it too. I bet you have posters of it above your bed so you can look at it while you're doing the nasty things you usually do there.


Well Known GateFan
I haven't seen ANY commercial for The Hunger Games whatsoever. Except ofcourse the incessant proliferation you are forcing upon me. You can tell us you don't like it as much as you want but smart people like myself know that you are lying and that you are simply attempting to put up a smoke screen with your misleading comments. I love Yoshi and so do you. And judging from the trailer, The Hunger Games seems quite interesting to me and I know you love it too. I bet you have posters of it above your bed so you can look at it while you're doing the nasty things you usually do there.

#1. You're Dutch therefore the only advertising you're subjected to on TV is for cat food and tulip bulbs.

#2. I don't love anyone here. I only said that to you that one time so you'd stop pestering me and would hold still until I finished.

#3. The only posters above my bed are of you, although I'm debating blowing up OMNI's new avatar and putting that one up also. Perhaps I'll just move some candles and the altar to make room for it though.


#1. You're Dutch therefore the only advertising you're subjected to on TV is for cat food and tulip bulbs.

#2. I don't love anyone here. I only said that to you that one time so you'd stop pestering me and would hold still until I finished.

#3. The only posters above my bed are of you, although I'm debating blowing up OMNI's new avatar and putting that one up also. Perhaps I'll just move some candles and the altar to make room for it though.



My avatar speaks for itself.
#1. You're Dutch therefore the only advertising you're subjected to on TV is for cat food and tulip bulbs.

#2. I don't love anyone here. I only said that to you that one time so you'd stop pestering me and would hold still until I finished.

#3. The only posters above my bed are of you, although I'm debating blowing up OMNI's new avatar and putting that one up also. Perhaps I'll just move some candles and the altar to make room for it though.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yes, it's fabulous!!!!!!!! It's like Harry Potter met Twilight and they had a baby!!!!!!! The Hunger Games changed my life!!!!! It was so viscerally moving that during the movie my breasts grew to a 34D cup and I began to menstruate, which just goes to show how powerful this movie is as I don't even have a vagina!!!!!!!!

The Hunger Games rocks!!!!!!!! It's better than Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars (the original version), Jaws, Close Encounters, Indiana Jones, Love Story and The Way We Were!!!!!!!! Just be sure to pack your purse with tampons before you go as you don't want to be caught unawares like I was. ;)



Sinister Swede
My points were far from nonsensical, they addressed the same things you did. If you don't want to read them then that's fine but there is no need to start insulting me personally. To be honest I find it quite contradictory to be calling me juvenile when your posting things like that. If others want to come and back you up on such views then I'll happily leave these forums; I can't however imagine anyone will.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
#1. You're Dutch therefore the only advertising you're subjected to on TV is for cat food and tulip bulbs.

#2. I don't love anyone here. I only said that to you that one time so you'd stop pestering me and would hold still until I finished.

#3. The only posters above my bed are of you, although I'm debating blowing up OMNI's new avatar and putting that one up also. Perhaps I'll just move some candles and the altar to make room for it though.



Well Known GateFan
My points were far from nonsensical, they addressed the same things you did. If you don't want to read them then that's fine but there is no need to start insulting me personally. To be honest I find it quite contradictory to be calling me juvenile when your posting things like that. If others want to come and back you up on such views then I'll happily leave these forums; I can't however imagine anyone will.

I never said you should leave these forums, I simply said for you to shut up (drama queen much :roll:). You're doing that pointless circular argument thing that you loved to do back when SGU was on the air. It's a mental flaw you have and is quite annoying to witness in action. I was trying to get you to stop it because it's pointless and a waste of time and has nothing to do with properly arguing a counter point. You are being argumentative for the sake of arguing, not because you have a legitimate point to make. That's annoying. (And numbering your "points" isn't an argument, kid, it's just numbering your points. It doesn't make them automatically correct.)

Here's the deal, you lack discernment (we've established this long ago) and now it's evident you lack introspection and self-awareness. If you had these traits you'd figure out that you can be an obtuse annoyance and general buzz kill. In a way I'm doing my best to help you out here. You really should be more appreciative of my efforts. They're coming from a place of kindness, not hatred, but I guess I can't expect someone who lacks discernment to know that. ;)


I never said you should leave these forums, I simply said for you to shut up (drama queen much :roll:). You're doing that pointless circular argument thing that you loved to do back when SGU was on the air. It's a mental flaw you have and is quite annoying to witness in action. I was trying to get you to stop it because it's pointless and a waste of time and has nothing to do with properly arguing a counter point. You are being argumentative for the sake of arguing, not because you have a legitimate point to make. That's annoying. (And numbering your "points" isn't an argument, kid, it's just numbering your points. It doesn't make them automatically correct.)

Here's the deal, you lack discernment (we've established this long ago) and now it's evident you lack introspection and self-awareness. If you had these traits you'd figure out that you can be an obtuse annoyance and general buzz kill. In a way I'm doing my best to help you out here. You really should be more appreciative of my efforts. They're coming from a place of kindness, not hatred, but I guess I can't expect someone who lacks discernment to know that. ;)

Just because you're using more words than other people doesn't bestow validity upon your arguments. And repeating the same argument multiple times doesn't make it any more true either, though it is a nice psych trick. ;)


What ship is this?
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Just because you're using more words than other people doesn't bestow validity upon your arguments. And repeating the same argument multiple times doesn't make it any more true either, though it is a nice psych trick. ;)

Does anyone else hear that annoying buzzing sound in this thread???


Well Known GateFan



What ship is this?
Staff member



My avatar speaks for itself.
no just you! but you constantly complaining and waving your fingers like flanders flaunting your all so superior morality is hardly surprising just annoying.


bzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz



What ship is this?
Staff member
no just you! but you constantly complaining and waving your fingers like flanders flaunting your all so superior morality is hardly surprising just annoying.

Well, since I didn't say a thing that even implied a moral stand here, or complained, or wagged an internet "finger" your statement here makes no sense. It was simply a casual observation about the thread in general. Shaved understood what I was getting at which is why I agreed with his reply.