Enough with the freakin' "Hunger Games" hype

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Sorry Yoshi, I had never heard of that man. Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, George Lucas...............those are "big names". Kevin Smith is great but he is not a "big" name to me either. I have to agree you are stretching a point there.

Michael Bay sucks ass. The only thing he's good at is covering up bad stories with explosions and annoying slow motion effects. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "big name", I'd say Kevin Smith *is* a big name. He may not be anywhere close to the calibers of Spielberg or Cameron but you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't know Kevin Smith or of his works, some of which are cult classics.


Well Known GateFan
So...has anyone besides Yoshi seen it? Wondering if I should just go ahead and see it....was hoping to get a few more actual reviews from people here.
I think,
In my humble opinion,
without being too forward
Or Direct
You are Shit outta luck Brother. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Then it would have been Lord of the Flies, wouldn't want to be derivative of yet ANOTHER book would we............... :lol:

It would be so much more! Mindless cannibalism where contestants would have to devour the losers in each category they participate. Eating losers would be yet another challenge in The Hunger Games. Because they're children, the challenges should be relative to that, like potato sack races, bean bag toss, relay racing, etc. Ten participants, 5 winners receive the 5 losers at the finish line and eat them.


Well Known GateFan
Michael Bay sucks ass. The only thing he's good at is covering up bad stories with explosions and annoying slow motion effects. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "big name", I'd say Kevin Smith *is* a big name. He may not be anywhere close to the calibers of Spielberg or Cameron but you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't know Kevin Smith or of his works, some of which are cult classics.

OTOH, if Kevin Smith DID direct THG, you and Joe may just well have gotten you canabalistic rocks off................................
Them be some wicked arse munchies though :lol:


Well Known GateFan
It would be so much more! Mindless cannibalism where contestants would have to devour the losers in each category they participate. Eating losers would be yet another challenge in The Hunger Games. Because they're children, the challenges should be relative to that, like potato sack races, bean bag toss, relay racing, etc. Ten participants, 5 winners receive the 5 losers at the finish line and eat them.

Potato sack races???
Would that class as home delivery then?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
OTOH, if Kevin Smith DID direct THG, you and Joe may just well have gotten you canabalistic rocks off................................
Them be some wicked arse munchies though :lol:

They made Brad Wright eat the entire set of SGU. I would have paid $5 to sit through that video and savor his tears with every bite he took.


Well Known GateFan
I was wrong :(
Potato sack races would NOT be home delivery :(

They would be M.R.E.'s

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So...has anyone besides Yoshi seen it? Wondering if I should just go ahead and see it....was hoping to get a few more actual reviews from people here.

I have the movie, but I cant seem to make it through more than about 20 minutes of it before turning it off.


Well Known GateFan
I have the movie, but I cant seem to make it through more than about 20 minutes of it before turning it off.

I was the same way trying to read Twilight dude, by page 40 my gag reflex was ready to leap outta my throat and strangle my brain.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I was the same way trying to read Twilight dude, by page 40 my gag reflex was ready to leap outta my throat and strangle my brain.

Don't one of the pages in the first quarter of the book unfold into a vomit bag?


Well Known GateFan
I responded to your points. I even numbered them. I'd already addressed the advertising issue.

Devolving into the kind of personal attacks shown here is not productive and not what this site is about. Discuss the issue and the point, not the user; that is something that has been posted time and time again here.

Because Harry Potter didn't benefit from big names such as Chris Columbus being attached the film? Harry Potter got to where it was without any sort of attachment advertising of course. Every film builds buzz on attachments until its an established brand. That's the nature of the business. Sad but true.

The fact is that The Hunger Games didn't become the 4th highest earning non-sequel ever by using the success of Harry Potter and Twilight to it's advantage. To suggest so is ludicrious since it's a completely different type of story; fans of wizards and vampires are hardly likely to check out a film about a dystopian future. Hell if Twilight was that influential THG wouldn't be beating the last Twilight movie in terms of sales would it? And again you complain its being compared with Harry Potter without actually seeing the movie; I've seen it and I would compare it. It's got that similar crossover appeal and is quite frankly better than half the movies in that series.

Also Kings comments were on the book well before the movie, just as with Harry Potter so I'm not sure what your trying to suggest there. This was a film made on a popular book that released to a good advertising campaign in a good season which led to it being a huge success.

But look, this is a forum. Sometimes I'm here to debate, sometimes I'm here to agree. I'm sure most members here have had experience where I've totally rallied around their opinion in total support whilst also disagreeing on other issues. I'm not, as you suggest, here to be obtuse and argumentative. If I was I should be banned since that's deplorable and completely against the spirit of this entire site.

EDIT: p.s. at Gatefan1976 I hadn't read your response as I was typing my own out. Just noticed it addressed similar issues, even if the responses were not the same.

Without bothering to read much of what is no doubt another inane, juvenile and mindlessly defensive "argument" let me just reiterate what I said earlier -- Shut up Yoshi, just shut up.

One can only respond to you with "personal attacks" because your arguments are so nonsensical and are a reflection of your psyche, your inner world, your very personality. I can't imagine anyone wanting to associate with you socially because, based upon your posts here, you have to be the most annoying of dullards, a tiresome and tedious man-child who doesn't realize no one likes him. Ignorance is bliss and you, kid, are very blissful.

The COC forbids me from telling anyone to f@ck off here no matter how much of an annoying little turd they are so I'll just wish you a happy Easter weekend.



Well Known GateFan
So...has anyone besides Yoshi seen it? Wondering if I should just go ahead and see it....was hoping to get a few more actual reviews from people here.

Yes, it's fabulous!!!!!!!! It's like Harry Potter met Twilight and they had a baby!!!!!!! The Hunger Games changed my life!!!!! It was so viscerally moving that during the movie my breasts grew to a 34D cup and I began to menstruate, which just goes to show how powerful this movie is as I don't even have a vagina!!!!!!!!

The Hunger Games rocks!!!!!!!! It's better than Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars (the original version), Jaws, Close Encounters, Indiana Jones, Love Story and The Way We Were!!!!!!!! Just be sure to pack your purse with tampons before you go as you don't want to be caught unawares like I was. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Without bothering to read much of what is no doubt another inane, juvenile and mindlessly defensive "argument" let me just reiterate what I said earlier -- Shut up Yoshi, just shut up.

One can only respond to you with "personal attacks" because your arguments are so nonsensical and are a reflection of your psyche, your inner world, your very personality. I can't imagine anyone wanting to associate with you socially because, based upon your posts here, you have to be the most annoying of dullards, a tiresome and tedious man-child who doesn't realize no one likes him. Ignorance is bliss and you, kid, are very blissful.

The COC forbids me from telling anyone to $#@! off here no matter how much of an annoying little turd they are so I'll just wish you a happy Easter weekend.


My points were far from nonsensical, they addressed the same things you did. If you don't want to read them then that's fine but there is no need to start insulting me personally. To be honest I find it quite contradictory to be calling me juvenile when your posting things like that. If others want to come and back you up on such views then I'll happily leave these forums; I can't however imagine anyone will.