DEFIANCE game and TV show - sink or swim?


Well Known GateFan
That's not it at all. Its more like "its on Syfy so dont expect much". And there is far more reason for that assumption than expecting good science fiction like the SciFi Channel used to have, is there not? Im watching this show because we are critiquing it. It is not that good. Do I think that because it's on Syfy? No, I think that because it is true.
The first I can understand, but trust me dude, there are plenty of people who just go "it's syfy so not watching it"

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
The first I can understand, but trust me dude, there are plenty of people who just go "it's syfy so not watching it"

I don't know anyone (outside of the shits on Gateworld) who ever said they were going to stop watching Syfy. Still, for being a science fiction channel, Syfy does not appear to be able to handle ship-based science fiction unless they are rebooting an earlier show.


Well Known GateFan
I don't know anyone (outside of the shits on Gateworld) who ever said they were going to stop watching Syfy. Still, for being a science fiction channel, Syfy does not appear to be able to handle ship-based science fiction unless they are rebooting an earlier show.

Check out the syfy forums as well, or even some of the posts commenting on defiance on the news sites dude, it's out there.
As for Syfy, farscape did well, and it was not a reboot. The problem with this is more *no-one* can do a ship based scifi show at the moment apparently.


Well Known GateFan
Check out the syfy forums as well, or even some of the posts commenting on defiance on the news sites dude, it's out there.
As for Syfy, farscape did well, and it was not a reboot. The problem with this is more *no-one* can do a ship based scifi show at the moment apparently.

Dude, Farscape ended 10 years ago (2003). In those 10 years more than just the name changed when SciFi became SyFy. It was a whole shift in attitude from a corporate perspective. And as for "no one" being able to do a ship based scifi show, it only stands to reason that people would expect a network that ostensibly is scifi based to be able to bring that to us.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Dude, Farscape ended 10 years ago (2003). In those 10 years more than just the name changed when SciFi became SyFy. It was a whole shift in attitude from a corporate perspective. And as for "no one" being able to do a ship based scifi show, it only stands to reason that people would expect a network that ostensibly is scifi based to be able to bring that to us.

Does anyone else miss the old SciFi network?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Does anyone else miss the old SciFi network?


The old Sci Fi Network was faithful to it's name. The new one is too...but only if you think of it as being short for Syphilis. :anim_59: The only reason I used to have cable was for the SciFi Channel and Discovery, But most of the coolest documentaries are on Netflix and other sources now. I have even bought the BBC Planet Earth series on BluRay. Syfy is not a science fiction channel anymore. It is a commercial venture pushing mostly soap operas and dramas dressed up as science fiction, and that is why it's former audience either rejects the entire network or does not trust them to create real science fiction anymore.


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The old Sci Fi Network was faithful to it's name. The new one is too...but only if you think of it as being short for Syphilis. :anim_59: The only reason I used to have cable was for the SciFi Channel and Discovery, But most of the coolest documentaries are on Netflix and other sources now. I have even bought the BBC Planet Earth series on BluRay. Syfy is not a science fiction channel anymore. It is a commercial venture pushing mostly soap operas and dramas dressed up as science fiction, and that is why it's former audience either rejects the entire network or does not trust them to create real science fiction anymore.




Earl Grey
The old Sci Fi Network was faithful to it's name. The new one is too...but only if you think of it as being short for Syphilis. :anim_59: The only reason I used to have cable was for the SciFi Channel and Discovery, But most of the coolest documentaries are on Netflix and other sources now. I have even bought the BBC Planet Earth series on BluRay. Syfy is not a science fiction channel anymore. It is a commercial venture pushing mostly soap operas and dramas dressed up as science fiction, and that is why it's former audience either rejects the entire network or does not trust them to create real science fiction anymore.

View attachment 28176
lol,I love that pic.
Syfy is after quick and easy profits but other networks are just as guilty. They want to target the dumber audience because there is more of them. The only way sci-fi can be brought back to TV is to make it cool again.

See the amount of crap that comes out on US channels. I mean, there is a show about everything these days. Hell, here in Australia, there is a show called celebrity splash which is you guessed it, a show about celebrities taking a dive in a swimming pool. :rolleyes: :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
lol,I love that pic.
Syfy is after quick and easy profits but other networks are just as guilty. They want to target the dumber audience because there is more of them. The only way sci-fi can be brought back to TV is to make it cool again.

See the amount of crap that comes out on US channels. I mean, there is a show about everything these days. Hell, here in Australia, there is a show called celebrity splash which is you guessed it, a show about celebrities taking a dive in a swimming pool. :rolleyes: :facepalm:

That same show is on here in the US. I only know this because recently, while watching TV with a friend, we paused on a show that had former child actor Joey Lawrence talking into a mic. Although he was cute when he was younger he is now rather heinous looking. As he got older he lost his luscious long brown hair and foolishly tried to cover it up with some sort of weird "thing" on his head. It doesn't look like a toupee nor does it look like hair plugs -- it just looks fake. His face also looks gaunt and plastic.

You can imagine our surprise (after we finished ripping on the freakish monstrosity that is Joey Lawrence) when we discovered that we were watching a show about celebrity nobodies "diving" into a pool. Needless to say, the channel was quickly changed. Don't get me wrong, had there been a chance that we'd get to see one of these has-been/never-was nobodies plunge to their death from a diving board we would have stayed tuned-in. But that rarely happens so I think we made the right decision to change the channel.


*It wouldn't surprise me if SyFy began running this show. Hell, recently they were running episodes of Best Ink, which is a tattoo show. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
*Reads above comments*

Thank you for proving my point. :)
--- merged: May 5, 2013 at 6:04 PM ---
Dude, Farscape ended 10 years ago (2003). In those 10 years more than just the name changed when SciFi became SyFy. It was a whole shift in attitude from a corporate perspective. And as for "no one" being able to do a ship based scifi show, it only stands to reason that people would expect a network that ostensibly is scifi based to be able to bring that to us.

Spaceship based TV shows:
Spaceship based

Notice How long it's been since a real Spaceship based show has been on for more than 2 seasons Shaved?
No-one in the US is gonna spend the money to make space based scifi right now. It works in movies because people like *action movies*
It sucks, and YES you would expect Syfy to be able to make a decent space based show, I agree 100% but the interest simply isn't there in the demographics networks find desirable.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
lol,I love that pic.
Syfy is after quick and easy profits but other networks are just as guilty. They want to target the dumber audience because there is more of them. The only way sci-fi can be brought back to TV is to make it cool again.

See the amount of crap that comes out on US channels. I mean, there is a show about everything these days. Hell, here in Australia, there is a show called celebrity splash which is you guessed it, a show about celebrities taking a dive in a swimming pool. :rolleyes: :facepalm:

I got it from here:

The article that goes with it is great. :)


Given Syfy's track record with cancelling new series (Bionic Women, Dresden Files, Caprica, and most recently, Stargate Universe); I am finding it hard to justify watching any new series created by Syfy due to the high probability it will be cancelled before the series is given a proper chance to grow. Since the re-imaging of their company in 2009 (changing their name from Sci-fi to Syfy), the station has started a steady decline in terms of quality of content. I argue that Syfy has not produced one watchable, original series, since the revamping of their company.

The article was written before Alphas was released, which was a while back. Yet what he says in the article is spot on, and will most likely apply for the near future. Just think, Michael Hinman was PAID for that awful acronym, which now stands for shit-fi.


Well Known GateFan
I got it from here:

The article that goes with it is great. :)


The article was written before Alphas was released, which was a while back. Yet what he says in the article is spot on, and will most likely apply for the near future. Just think, Michael Hinman was PAID for that awful acronym, which now stands for shit-fi.

From the same article:

After the cancellation of Stargate Universe;(1) I vowed to never watch any show on Syfy again. This is a vow that I fully intend to keep for the time being. For my opinion on Syfy to change, they need to drastically (2) cut down on their Ghost Hunters and Wrestling content, produce unique original content, and give new series a fighting chance before axing the shows. If Syfy continues their (3) decline in quality of content, which is very likely, they will have to look into changing their slogan from "Imagine Greater" to "Imagine Failure" or "Imagine Disappointment".

1: There ya go the very attitude I was referring to, and not on GW!

2: Has this person LOOKED at the Syfy program guide? Wrestling is 2 hours a week out of 168 hours. Now, I know most of you go "2 hours is 2 too many", but really.....:GFbitchplease:. As for GH, they program in daily blocks FFS, I'd be more pissed off about that. If I wanna miss all the ghosty crap, I miss a day of watching Syfy......... OMFG!!!

3: Quality is subjective, even when we here all may agree "X is a steaming turd", not everyone else will agree, the initial origins of this site prove that.

Now, I'm not defending Syfy, their programming is about as exciting as a stale fart and it's structure is about as well designed as Italian Budgetary Report, but come on.:bored:


Well Known GateFan


Earl Grey
From the same article:

1: There ya go the very attitude I was referring to, and not on GW!

2: Has this person LOOKED at the Syfy program guide? Wrestling is 2 hours a week out of 168 hours. Now, I know most of you go "2 hours is 2 too many", but really.....:GFbitchplease:. As for GH, they program in daily blocks FFS, I'd be more pissed off about that. If I wanna miss all the ghosty crap, I miss a day of watching Syfy......... OMFG!!!

3: Quality is subjective, even when we here all may agree "X is a steaming turd", not everyone else will agree, the initial origins of this site prove that.

Now, I'm not defending Syfy, their programming is about as exciting as a stale fart and it's structure is about as well designed as Italian Budgetary Report, but come on.:bored:

Quality can be graded though and the way you can measure quality is through certain criteria. Just like how you grade the quality of certain goods, you can do the same thing with TV shows.

From the way I see it, I think a lot of those who "say" that they're going to cancel their subscription to syfy are bluffing. Granted probably a few have but one would bet that a few do continue on with the subscription for whatever reason that maybe.


Well Known GateFan
Quality can be graded though and the way you can measure quality is through certain criteria. Just like how you grade the quality of certain goods, you can do the same thing with TV shows.
Quite true, I should have said "what we like is subjective". For example, I think Michael Jackson was an extremely talented performer and artist, but I would not listen to most of his music by choice because it does not appeal to me. Omni and Bluce rave about S.O.A., but it does not appeal to me because the subject matter of the show does not interest me.

From the way I see it, I think a lot of those who "say" that they're going to cancel their subscription to syfy are bluffing. Granted probably a few have but one would bet that a few do continue on with the subscription for whatever reason that maybe.

IIRC, the way the cable packages are set up, unless you have very basic cable, you will end up with Syfy. Pretty much the only way to get rid of it is to cut the cord completely.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I got it from here:

The article that goes with it is great. :)


The article was written before Alphas was released, which was a while back. Yet what he says in the article is spot on, and will most likely apply for the near future. Just think, Michael Hinman was PAID for that awful acronym, which now stands for shit-fi.

Yeah, but look at the series he cites as examples. Bionic Women, Dresden Files, Caprica, and Stargate Universe. Not exactly cream of the crop. I'd have cancelled those myself if I were in charge at Syfylys. :icon_lol:
--- merged: May 6, 2013 at 9:08 AM ---
From the same article:

1: There ya go the very attitude I was referring to, and not on GW!

2: Has this person LOOKED at the Syfy program guide? Wrestling is 2 hours a week out of 168 hours. Now, I know most of you go "2 hours is 2 too many", but really.....:GFbitchplease:. As for GH, they program in daily blocks FFS, I'd be more pissed off about that. If I wanna miss all the ghosty crap, I miss a day of watching Syfy......... OMFG!!!

3: Quality is subjective, even when we here all may agree "X is a steaming turd", not everyone else will agree, the initial origins of this site prove that.

Now, I'm not defending Syfy, their programming is about as exciting as a stale fart and it's structure is about as well designed as Italian Budgetary Report, but come on.:bored:

Syfylys does a lot of back-to-back marathons of those stupid reality ghost shows. On the days they're not, the day is filled with those low budget ripoff productions from Asylum. The other pisser is that their stupid ghost shows take up prime time slots throughout the week, as if they're mega hits and a force to be reckoned with. Their reality shows will survive on small numbers because they're so cheap until the numbers really decline to a point where advertisers may pull their dollars.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Quite true, I should have said "what we like is subjective". For example, I think Michael Jackson was an extremely talented performer and artist, but I would not listen to most of his music by choice because it does not appeal to me. Omni and Bluce rave about S.O.A., but it does not appeal to me because the subject matter of the show does not interest me.

IIRC, the way the cable packages are set up, unless you have very basic cable, you will end up with Syfy. Pretty much the only way to get rid of it is to cut the cord completely.

I agree about all of if Syfy keeps doing the same thing over and over it makes no sense to look at their schedule anymore does it? If something good comes out of the Syfy toilet, Im sure it will make a blip on the scifi radar. Defiance aint it...

I also dont fine SoA appealing because of the subject matter, just like Dexter, Breaking Bad and anything with Hannibal Lechter in it.


Well Known GateFan
I ride a bike and a friend of mine said to watch SOA . He said I would like it cause it has bikes in it . WRONG !!! I could not get into it as I have no respect for bikers like that .They look like shit and they ride shit and they do bad shit and they treat women like shit . Nuff said :) :) :) Good actors in it though :) :) :) . Just not my cup of tea .

My neighbor and his wife have two HD's . They shake the crap out of my house and my head when they leave the neighborhood which seems to take 5 minutes before you don't hear them anymore . Me no like noisy bikes :( :( :( My bike sounds like a mosquito coming at you and by you and then leaves a wonderful smell of 2 stroke oil in the air that clears all the bugs out of the sky . Now that's a bike :) :) :)


Well Known GateFan
<--- Looks up.

All true folks, but I cannot deny that the writing and acting for S.O.A. is Good. If we are seriously going to critique something, we cannot allow ourselves the luxury of basing our opinions on what we do or don't "happen to like", can we?