DEFIANCE game and TV show - sink or swim?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Since I mentioned Terra Nova earlier, I thought it would be interesting to also mention that Discovery Science is playing a Terra Nova marathon July 7th.

As much as I don't mind this, I still remember when Discovery was about science, not fictional TV series. :icon_lol:

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Yep. :anim_59: Same with national Geographic, which now seems to be a tool for the far right wing political groups.


Well Known GateFan
Yep. :anim_59: Same with national Geographic, which now seems to be a tool for the far right wing political groups.

Not to be confused with Animal Planet which, for a time, ran ghost stories but now is focusing on Bigfoot nonsense. It's as bad as the History Channel running endless alien shows. :rolleye0014:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Not to be confused with Animal Planet which, for a time, ran ghost stories but now is focusing on Bigfoot nonsense. It's as bad as the History Channel running endless alien shows. :rolleye0014:

Science is dead for the mainstream. :( Nobody cares anymore.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Science is dead for the mainstream. :( Nobody cares anymore.

Discovery Science runs some very interesting shows at night, like Through the Wormhole hosted by Morgan Freeman. They explore the universe and a lot of theoretical science. I also like How the Universe Works. Last night they did a piece on how we may be able to create a parallel universe and move between them as a means of continued, possibly eternal, human survival before everything in our universe fizzles out in the distant future. Very interesting stuff.

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Well Known GateFan
Since I mentioned Terra Nova earlier, I thought it would be interesting to also mention that Discovery Science is playing a Terra Nova marathon July 7th.

As much as I don't mind this, I still remember when Discovery was about science, not fictional TV series. :icon_lol:

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It sometimes seems we move daily more and more towards an idiotacracy and away from, at least, a pedestrian interest in fact and science.


Well Known GateFan
Not to be confused with Animal Planet which, for a time, ran ghost stories but now is focusing on Bigfoot nonsense. It's as bad as the History Channel running endless alien shows. :rolleye0014:

Hey ,,, I am an alien . I like those shows . They keep me in stitches lol . You humans lol.


Earl Grey
I hope I am right in think that this show will die next season. Most people aren't going to play this game longer than a year one would presume. MMOs tend to hit a wall after 6-8 months but you have those rare ones like wow that have been in the business for a decade.

Discovery Science runs some very interesting shows at night, like Through the Wormhole hosted by Morgan Freeman. They explore the universe and a lot of theoretical science. I also like How the Universe Works. Last night they did a piece on how we may be able to create a parallel universe and move between them as a means of continued, possibly eternal, human survival before everything in our universe fizzles out in the distant future. Very interesting stuff.

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I know those shows but the problem is that, science and science fiction are just too nerdy for average population. Like OM1 said, no gives a damn about science fiction because it's no longer "cool" anymore. Here is what Orci had to say about sci-fi vs fantasy

According to Orci, science fiction has hit a “stumbling block.”

“Part of it I think you can see sci-fi has slightly hit a stumbling block in some of the summer stuff that we saw,” said Orci. “I think maybe it’s typical a little bit that you jump between [being] totally logical and something a little bit more whimsical.”

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I hope I am right in think that this show will die next season. Most people aren't going to play this game longer than a year one would presume. MMOs tend to hit a wall after 6-8 months but you have those rare ones like wow that have been in the business for a decade.

I know those shows but the problem is that, science and science fiction are just too nerdy for average population. Like OM1 said, no gives a damn about science fiction because it's no longer "cool" anymore. Here is what Orci had to say about sci-fi vs fantasy

I keep.hearing excuse after excuse from critics and the studios trying to explain away the poor performance of sci-fi. What all of these ass-clowns neglect to consider is the horrid shit actually being flung out and tagged as sci-fi. It's like they are all in deliberate denial of the fact that garbage and trash doesn't sell.

Star Trek has been turned into a mindless action franchise. Sci-fi on TV are thinly veiled soaps or cop shows. The movies that hit theaters this summer were absolute shit, pure and simple. The problem isn't the audience, it's the lack of good story telling, writing and staying true to the genre.

It is almost like Hollywood has forgotten how to make movies, like it's been taken over by high school dropouts and old farts with no imagination left who believe they can take any old soap or drama or action flick, throw in a space ship or time warp and ... presto!! ... you have a sci-fi flick.

Those people deserve being kicked in the crotch mercilessly and repeatedly with a steel toed construction boot until they get it or quit pretending they know the movie business.

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Earl Grey
I keep.hearing excuse after excuse from critics and the studios trying to explain away the poor performance of sci-fi. What all of these ass-clowns neglect to consider is the horrid shit actually being flung out and tagged as sci-fi. It's like they are all in deliberate denial of the fact that garbage and trash doesn't sell.

Star Trek has been turned into a mindless action franchise. Sci-fi on TV are thinly veiled soaps or cop shows. The movies that hit theaters this summer were absolute shit, pure and simple. The problem isn't the audience, it's the lack of good story telling, writing and staying true to the genre.

It is almost like Hollywood has forgotten how to make movies, like it's been taken over by high school dropouts and old farts with no imagination left who believe they can take any old soap or drama or action flick, throw in a space ship or time warp and ... presto!! ... you have a sci-fi flick.

Those people deserve being kicked in the crotch mercilessly and repeatedly with a steel toed construction boot until they get it or quit pretending they know the movie business.

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I think it is partly the audience to blame and the people who run the company that is at fault here. This show is a perfect example. Defiance is pure crap. I know it,you know it but see how many people have supported this show and the game? I'll give you another example. We all know that MTV/VH1 stinks but if you see how much rating Love Hip-hop Atlanta pulls, it's no wonder why it's still on air despite having no meaningful content.

This show rakes in 2-4 million viewers each week. Yeah, cringeworthy stuff :lol:

Remember, everything these days is about profits and maximising profit; with minimal risks. No one is willing to take a huge risk on a new concept because of it's uncertainty factor.

Sci-fi in the bigscreen is a different story. It's not hard-SciFi that we all adore and love but a diluted version off sci-fi. This is so that the general audience can understand what the hell is going on while also enjoying the movie. All the masses want to see is explosion and more explosions.Put in sex scene in it and that's a cherry on cake.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I think it is partly the audience to blame and the people who run the company that is at fault here. This show is a perfect example. Defiance is pure crap. I know it,you know it but see how many people have supported this show and the game? I'll give you another example. We all know that MTV/VH1 stinks but if you see how much rating Love Hip-hop Atlanta pulls, it's no wonder why it's still on air despite having no meaningful content.

This show rakes in 2-4 million viewers each week. Yeah, cringeworthy stuff :lol:

Remember, everything these days is about profits and maximising profit; with minimal risks. No one is willing to take a huge risk on a new concept because of it's uncertainty factor.

Sci-fi in the bigscreen is a different story. It's not hard-SciFi that we all adore and love but a diluted version off sci-fi. This is so that the general audience can understand what the hell is going on while also enjoying the movie. All the masses want to see is explosion and more explosions.Put in sex scene in it and that's a cherry on cake.

Why did Alien do so well and, if you watch it now, still rocks but Prometheus couldn't even blow a goat properly? Watch the two movies back to back and you'll have your answer. Hint: it has nothing to do with being 34 years apart or the different audiences.


Well Known GateFan
Why did Alien do so well and, if you watch it now, still rocks but Prometheus couldn't even blow a goat properly? Watch the two movies back to back and you'll have your answer. Hint: it has nothing to do with being 34 years apart or the different audiences.

With the Alien series of movies you can see it start to go off the rails with Aliens. Cameron turned what was an intelligent premise into a Rambo-esque action movie. And the rest of the Alien based movies are pure crap.


Well Known GateFan
He looks boring and so does his character, which means he should fit right in with this show.


Well Known GateFan
They have begun filming as of last week for season 2 . Saw a few extras having lunch on the front lawn in front of the office for defiance shooting location . The new building is also complete . It is grey with a bunch of satellite dishes on top with the usual silly aray of antennas pointing everywhere . It also has an emblem painted on a few sides . I don't have a zoom so I can't get any picks . Plus it is right beside the office building and lots of people around there .


Well Known GateFan
Would you join a cattle call for extras to get some inside pictures?

They probably confiscate cell phones, cameras and media devices as a matter of course. Don't want any big plot surprises being ruined now do we? ;)


They probably confiscate cell phones, cameras and media devices as a matter of course. Don't want any big plot surprises being ruined now do we? ;)

May need to invest in a Acme stealth camera, pictured below.

Big plot surprises? Oh pop the soap bubbles.