DEFIANCE game and TV show - sink or swim?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Dude, Me and the Missus and 3 kids live on less, STFU!!! :D :lol:

I guess you are only Mallozzi Rich.................. :P

:rotflmao::smiley-laughing024::happy0007: Yep, so when do I get food like this (actual food Mallozzi ate made by his girlfriend Akemi)? :SmileyLaughingTears:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
When you go wife shopping? I dunno.............. :lol:

(seriously though, that is cute, even if it makes me wanna puke)

Dude, after a couple of months getting breakfast and lunch that smiles at me, I would make my first stabs of my fork right in the eyes of the creatures. :icon_lol: I mean...


Really? Im sure my bites would be accompanied with a short, muted grunt. :icon10:
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 9:53 PM ---
This episode was just wrong is so many ways....I cant seem to stay seated in front of the TV more than 5 minuts at a time, so I need to watch it over again. This time I will have some help from Mary Jane. ;):popcorn:


Well Known GateFan
Dude, after a couple of months getting breakfast and lunch that smiles at me, I would make my first stabs of my fork right in the eyes of the creatures. :icon_lol: I mean...

View attachment 28187

Really? Im sure my bites would be accompanied with a short, muted grunt. :icon10:
All true, I DID say it made me wanna puke, but someone going to that degree to make you happy is.......... nice :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
All true, I DID say it made me wanna puke, but someone going to that degree to make you happy is.......... nice :)

Fully agree. Also noting that Mallozzi has not married her. Many advantages to that arrangement. :)

Im on round two of this episode, because missed most of it the first time due to walking away from the screen. Im "prepared" this time though. :)


Well Known GateFan
This episode was just wrong is so many ways....I cant seem to stay seated in front of the TV more than 5 minutes at a time, so I need to watch it over again. This time I will have some help from Mary Jane. ;):popcorn:

I didn't mention it earlier but I kept changing the channel during this episode. I just didn't care about what was happening on screen. It's as simple as that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I didn't mention it earlier but I kept changing the channel during this episode. I just didn't care about what was happening on screen. It's as simple as that.

I cant just watch it through! It has so many "COME ON!" moments in it, I just cant take it all in. :shame: Now, the actor who used to play Will on Sanctuary is in Defiance as a lowly Adreno crook? :facepalm:. Obviously, I have paused the thing. Back to it...
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 10:29 PM ---
I didn't mention it earlier but I kept changing the channel during this episode. I just didn't care about what was happening on screen. It's as simple as that.

This episode is so hard to watch...its just that bad. The idea that they are trading for arms and using money and little kids are demanding snitch money in alleyways.....this future does not deserve to exist. It actually makes the game seem worse than it already is because now you know what is represented by what. Back to it...


Well Known GateFan
I cant just watch it through! It has so many "COME ON!" moments in it, I just cant take it all in. :shame: Now, the actor who used to play Will on Sanctuary is in Defiance as a lowly Adreno crook? :facepalm:. Obviously, I have paused the thing. Back to it...
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 10:29 PM ---

This episode is so hard to watch...its just that bad. The idea that they are trading for arms and using money and little kids are demanding snitch money in alleyways.....this future does not deserve to exist. It actually makes the game seem worse than it already is because now you know what is represented by what. Back to it...

That says it all right there. We can't be the only ones having this response to the show. Seriously, the only way I see this show getting a second season is if it's already guaranteed via the contract terms. As it is the ratings are dropping each week. It may not be a huge drop each week, but it is a noticeable trend.


Well Known GateFan
The show simply is "unexciting", it's not hopeless, it has some good character bits, but it is entirely forgettable.


Well Known GateFan
The show simply is "unexciting", it's not hopeless, it has some good character bits, but it is entirely forgettable.

And that's its Achilles heel. It's not engaging enough to be memorable. Grant Bowler is well cast but he's not given anything to sink his teeth into. We don't know much about his character and we don't really see any emotional connections with others including with his pseudo daughter. Their camaraderie seems to be something they allude to but never really show much of. It's hard to get a sense of a familial relationship with those two.

And Jaime Murray, amazing actress that she is, manages to make her character shine but everyone who surrounds her is just so blah. It's like her talents are being wasted. :(

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That says it all right there. We can't be the only ones having this response to the show. Seriously, the only way I see this show getting a second season is if it's already guaranteed via the contract terms. As it is the ratings are dropping each week. It may not be a huge drop each week, but it is a noticeable trend.

I would be willing to bet money that it gets a second season...they will spin it as a 'renewal", but I believe it was in the contract from the gate. I just finished watching it all the way through. This writing is piss poor and just forgets completely the 21st century world we live in today. They have cars from the 1970s, and manage to have early 20th century furniture and lamps...:facepalm:. The characters are no better than what was in the westerns of the 1960s. Shallow and predictable. And the use of money in Defiance is the plot vehicle for these stories. What is giving this money value? What is being mined in that mine?

Its really bad right now. I dont see how they can fix it...this show so reminds me of the fatal flaws of SGU!
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 11:05 PM ---
The show simply is "unexciting", it's not hopeless, it has some good character bits, but it is entirely forgettable.

What is forgettable? :P
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 11:09 PM ---
And that's its Achilles heel. It's not engaging enough to be memorable. Grant Bowler is well cast but he's not given anything to sink his teeth into. We don't know much about his character and we don't really see any emotional connections with others including with his pseudo daughter. Their camaraderie seems to be something they allude to but never really show much of. It's hard to get a sense of a familial relationship with those two.

And Jaime Murray, amazing actress that she is, manages to make her character shine but everyone who surrounds her is just so blah. It's like her talents are being wasted. :(

They just threw him in there. Im getting a distinct "OMG I wish I was Firefly" feel from the way this show is set up, but the writing is too dumb and there are too many characters and they are all dumb. Too much stupid stuff going on in the background too. If there is a shield across the mine entrance, then there is power to light up the place and they are wearing head torches. The alien wife of Datak is supposed to be weaving something with things on her fingers, but she just taps away at it weaving nothing. :facepalm:. The music choices, the look of the sets...its just wrong.


Well Known GateFan
I would be willing to bet money that it gets a second season...they will spin it as a 'renewal", but I believe it was in the contract from the gate. I just finished watching it all the way through. This writing is piss poor and just forgets completely the 21st century world we live in today. They have cars from the 1970s, and manage to have early 20th century furniture and lamps...:facepalm:. The characters are no better than what was in the westerns of the 1960s. Shallow and predictable. And the use of money in Defiance is the plot vehicle for these stories. What is giving this money value? What is being mined in that mine?

Its really bad right now. I dont see how they can fix it...this show so reminds me of the fatal flaws of SGU!
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 11:05 PM ---

What is forgettable? :P
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 11:09 PM ---

They just threw him in there. Im getting a distinct "OMG I wish I was Firefly" feel from the way this show is set up, but the writing is too dumb and there are too many characters and they are all dumb. Too much stupid stuff going on in the background too. If there is a shield across the mine entrance, then there is power to light up the place and they are wearing head torches. The alien wife of Datak is supposed to be weaving something with things on her fingers, but she just taps away at it weaving nothing. :facepalm:. The music choices, the look of the sets...its just wrong.

I was dying to get a glimpse of what she was "finger weaving", lol! You couldn't even weave a lousy potholder that way. :anim_59:


What ship is this?
Staff member
I still think a lot of why things feel off in the show is that a show about a future like this - set in our world but with a lot of VERY different parts in it - badly needed additional exposition right out of the gate. Really the show almost needed two pilots. The first pilot should have started with the arrival of the aliens and laid out how the show world came into being, as well as giving us origin stories on some of the main characters. Then have the pilot they showed and go from there. That would have given us a background to put what we are seeing up against.

Unfortunately they did not do that, but instead we get things happening that with no background make no sense to us. One such example is what Overmind noted - the use of money (or what they are calling "scrip"). Now on its face it is not unfeasible that people are using something like banknotes issued from areas more civilized and backed by something hard - say like gold based currency. In fact they even referred briefly in the pilot to some sort of provisional government that Defiance has been approached to join with. The problem however is that the show so far has implied that Defiance is an island of civilization in a sea of chaos. Again, it is still possible that Defiance is simply on the frontier between the uncivilized world and more organized areas - but we have not been told anything on this at all.

By the way, I do agree that this show is a Firefly wannabe. The problem is they don't grasp what Whedon did in his premiere (which the network stupidly chose to show out of sequence). The opening with the Battle of Serenity Valley was brilliant - it both gave the viewer valuable background context for the world of the show and a window into why Mal and Zoe are who they are. IMHO Defiance needed the same.


Well Known GateFan
What is forgettable? :P

About what?..............

TBH, I actually find a lot of "you guys" nitpicks to be silly, because they are either unimportant to the story being told, or they have actually been answered in the show such as what they are mining, which is Gulanite but no one picked up on it because it is just delivered so badly or only mentioned once in passing, and THAT is the real problem, it's just so...........meh.


Well Known GateFan
About what?..............

TBH, I actually find a lot of "you guys" nitpicks to be silly, because they are either unimportant to the story being told, or they have actually been answered in the show such as what they are mining, which is Gulanite but no one picked up on it because it is just delivered so badly or only mentioned once in passing, and THAT is the real problem, it's just so...........meh.

It would be nitpicking only if they had explained the premise better. After all, how can we be nitpicking when that world is so vague that there are no "nits" to pick yet?

Granted, a fictional world this complex doesn't have to be fully explained from the start, but the basic building blocks of that world do need to be detailed and fleshed out, otherwise the story becomes a cartoon.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
You know, you guys just don't like Syfylys shows. You all have something against venereal diseases making something of themselves. At least they tried, ok? I like this show because I've fallen asleep every time, about 10 minutes in, trying to watch it and slept like a baby right through the night. As long as it's on the air, I know I will wake up Tuesday mornings refreshed and well rested.


Well Known GateFan
You know, you guys just don't like Syfylys shows. You all have something against venereal diseases making something of themselves. At least they tried, ok? I like this show because I've fallen asleep every time, about 10 minutes in, trying to watch it and slept like a baby right through the night. As long as it's on the air, I know I will wake up Tuesday mornings refreshed and well rested.

Hater! :daniel01:


Well Known GateFan
We need to break this topic into a forum and then discuss episodes like we did with SGU. Most of us here seem to be watching it (for whatever twisted reason). I just turned on Episode 4 on ASyfy Rewind and I was already yelling outloud "COME ON!" :facepalm:. They are really cruising around in a 1970s convertible, and nobody really is tripping on it. And then they get busted and in the trunk is MONEY and contraband? Some vision of the future, eh? JUST LOL!

I had to pause the show because the trunk scene (which is only about 5 minutes into the episode) almost made me throw the remote at the screen. I miss my ex gf's beanie babies. :(

my question is-how did that car make it to this time? and in very good condition as well? and "we" are still making gasoline? i thought "Everything" was changed/destroyed from war/terraforming?

oh well....
--- merged: May 8, 2013 at 8:10 AM ---
Dude, Me and the Missus and 3 kids live on less, STFU!!! :D :lol:

I guess you are only Mallozzi Rich.................. :P

hey give him a break-remember he lives in socal where the living aint cheap


Well Known GateFan
my question is-how did that car make it to this time? and in very good condition as well? and "we" are still making gasoline? i thought "Everything" was changed/destroyed from war/terraforming?

oh well....

I can believe that at least one car (if not more) were spared during the terra-forming. If the St. Louis arch survived then surely some cars could have also. So that doesn't bother me much. (What does bother me is the alien's aping of human behavior -- that just doesn't make sense.)

As for the gasoline aspect, there are kits to convert gasoline engines to diesel (this included motorcycles) and you can make diesel out of many things. Hell, Nazi Germany made it out of coal believe it or not). So having a fuel source isn't that hard to believe.

There would be an issue with parts and maintenance in the long run, but it is entirely possible to have a working car 30 years in the future despite not having an auto industry.

Plus the car would have to stay within the city of Defiance as it's assumed there would be no roads easily traversed by a car in the outside world. And from the looks of the city itself there really isn't many places a car could go, so it wouldn't be getting a lot of wear and tear.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just a hater. :moody: