Star Trek: Picard


What ship is this?
Staff member
Quetesh, I know you know the canon.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Let's not start getting after each other. OM has a strongly held opinion on the NuTrek which is his right. I largely agree with it in that most of NuTrek is of poor quality. I think everyone here (including OM) knows canon well.

My position is that based on what has been shown so far it is pretty clear Picard is being made on the Secret Hideout / Bad Robot LICENSE. However based on the story so far it could still be in the regular canon and not the Kelvin-verse.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I guess I will just restrict my discussion about this show to social media. I am not going to compromise on what Star Trek should be just because Alex Kurtzman wants to change it into something else.



Well Known GateFan
I agree that it is possible that Romulus went nova in the Prime timeline. Now if they refer to the destruction of Vulcan then we would definitely be in Kelvin land.

in the movie where we saw Spock come trough the wormhole ,etc, he was coming from the universe of the prime timeline, yes?

i would still like to know how no one in the galaxy knew that Romulus' star was going to go nova?


Well Known GateFan
clearly see from the portrayal of the characters they are supposed to be is completely different than it should be. Data, Hugh, Seven, Riker...all are different
and why wouldn't they be different? isn't it set about 30 yrs in the future from last we saw them?


Well Known GateFan
Picard are actually connected to original canon, and Picard is not connected to TNG despite the appearance of Patrick Stewart as "Picard

Picard is connected to TNG because those who own it say it is



Well Known GateFan
Also Overmind One, suppose Great Britain had been destroyed in the mid 1700s? No need for the American Revolution, the Irish War Of Independence and on and on. The British Empire would have lost its power base and collapsed.

Romulus was the seat of the Romulan Senate thus it was the power base for the whole Romulan Empire. Remember Empires are made up of subjugated peoples, the Romulan Empire, if it was indeed an Empire as stated in canon, was more likely to be made up of many different subjugated races as well as Romulan colonies. This is indicated in canon by the Romulans treatment of the Remans. The way your talking about the Romulan Empire implies that it was made up of simply craploads of Romulans. That defies common sense because Empires need subjugated races to rule. Its more likely that on the destruction of Romulus that part of the galaxy was celebrating much like the end of the special edition Return Of The Jedi than leaping to its masters protection.

While this is all supposition its implied by the words Romulan Star EMPIRE. It makes perfect sense to me that the Federation, with its humanist ideals, would be the one to offer Romulus assistance rather than the subjugated masses of the Romulan Empire.
the romulan star empire was highly centralized, seems they had no fall back positions from which to administer the empire

where in the federation, probably any planet could have subbed for FED hq is necessary


Well Known GateFan
This is my last point on this thread, as I find it insulting to be told I don't know canon. ST has always been my favorite show and I have watched them all once every couple of years.

Happy Posting All, Bye.
anyone can know the canon of any show or movie series

just google it! plenty of sites out there that are canon libraries same is true for SW's-any show


Well Known GateFan
I guess I will just restrict my discussion about this show to social media. I am not going to compromise on what Star Trek should be just because Alex Kurtzman wants to change it into something else.

funny, you post a video from NERDROTIC the guy who cant wait to be negative on a show he has been told and has been telling everyone to hate\

yet, has he even done any honest criticism of one of his favorite shows, on a season that defi deserves some 'loving' criticism? a show whose TPTB's have in the past shown to be responsive to fans? and so his views may actually have impact where they will have no impact on Trek?

that is EXPANSE season 4

until NERDROTIC does do this --criticism of expanse s4, for me his nonsense on any show will just be even more meaningless--a true critic would speak out on what he loves as well as what he despises

OM, you are falling so deep into a tech pit of despair, joining up with a mob of 'we hate everything' YT'rs or are one sided and shallow. why turn away from discussion to sign on with hate?


Well Known GateFan
Really much of what you write about new Trek could be applied to the older shows. "I don't like that Uhura sometimes wore gold in early TOS." "The Cardassians uniforms were all wrong after TNG The Wounded." "There was no explanation for why The Borg looked different beginning with First Contact" Etc...
this has all been brought up before, he has no explanations


Well Known GateFan
what piece of onscreen objective evidence exists in PICARD that puts it undoubtedly into the same category of the JJ nutrek garbage?

or what exists to put into the same--whatever it turns out to be- as STD?

i have only seen one ep and some clips on YT, for me, everything i see on screen in PICARD objectively tells me it is rooted in the realm of DS9/VOYAGER/TNG/TOS

are your feelings on this solely just that? subjective feelings?

if not then please put up the scene here where you made the decision that "yep, there is is, there is the one thing(on screen) that puts this intothe JJ verse"

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Picard is connected to TNG because those who own it say it is


That is idiotic, sorry. Today, I am going to buy a bag of oranges and call them apples, so they will be apples PERIOD. I bought a table from my neighbor, but I m now calling it a chair, so it's a chair, PERIOD. Idiotic.

This sort of nonsense is why I am not participating here. I want to be closer to the fandom that has standards for things. The Fandom Menace wants better Star Wars more like the original. Star Trek fans who do not like NuTrek hate it because it is dumbed down and no longer science fiction or Star Trek. Besides me, it seems you want to go ahead and accept the inferior product and you are okay with it. I have higher standards.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Yup YJ02. Destroying Earth would not destroy the Federation because the Federation is made up of free planets. Destroying Romulus is simply an extreme example of the flaws inherent in the subjugation by Empires that we saw in the real world early twentieth century. Mutual co-operation is much more effective than mere conquering in the long term.
Destroying Romulus would not destroy the Romulan Star Empire any more than nuking New York and California would destroy the United States. The writers of this show lack any sort of scientific knowledge and they are unfamiliar with the lore.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
and where is that? do tell, seems you do not want any of us there :(

Twitter. The thing is, most of your views on NuTrek (and not just yours, also the others here who are okay with NuTrek) are opposed to the fandom at large. I can clearly see that. Here, I am in a minority of one. On Twitter, your group would be #wearestarfleet which is the small group who think Discovery and Picard are just as much Star Trek as the other Trek shows, or believe as you do that if you buy something, you can just identify it any way you want (like transgender people do). #TheFandomMenace and the greater Star Trek fandom reject all of that and want Star Trek done on the original license which is now whole again. On Twitter, you would be my enemy. :concern:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I don't really understand your reasoning Overmind One. I'm not going to compromise on my opinion on NuTrek either ( although I am open to the possibility that Picard might wrap its season up with the kind of elements I miss from Star Trek ). I find NuTrek shallow. We are in agreement on many points but as my brother says "I don't think about Trek as much as you. I just like watching it." That's the thing. Everyone gets different things from Trek. TBH I'm not even really sure what you get from it. Most of what I read from you is about your dislike of the new shows. What did you get from older Trek?

Really much of what you write about new Trek could be applied to the older shows. "I don't like that Uhura sometimes wore gold in early TOS." "The Cardassians uniforms were all wrong after TNG The Wounded." "There was no explanation for why The Borg looked different beginning with First Contact" Etc...

Sure...I don't like the new Klingon designs in STD and I get more of a kick seeing the Constitution Class in In A Mirror Darkly than in NuTrek but they are simply my preferences. My main gripes with NuTrek are story and character not what's canon and what isn't.

I've just never got the sense from your posts about what the premise, storylines and characters mean to you. What's missing from NuTrek beyond design elements and such for you?

What's missing?

Gene Roddenberry's vision:

  • Exploration
  • Science
  • Optimism
  • Diplomacy
  • Meritocracy (this is big, because Picard has people being killed for money, assasins for hire, bounty hunters, all made possible because they put money in the show)
  • Ensemble teamwork

What is ruining the NuTrek shows

  • This show is in the Kelvin universe where Romulus and Vulcan are destroyed.
  • Exposition to the point of being boring.
  • Interpersonal character drama
  • Disregard of canon
  • Dystopian background of conniving Starfleet, evil villains, implausible confrontations resolved by equally implausible action-filled fights
  • Profanity and horror
  • Social justice agenda and politics
  • Unfamiliar and incongruous aesthetics vs the previous Star Trek, even though it is supposed to be 30 years in the future.
I would not be in IT today if it weren't for Star Trek. I would never have studied physics or been interested as much as I am about Astronomy if it werent for Star Trek. Even some of my personal values have been inspired by Star Trek. This NuTrek shit is not Star Trek, and I will continue to fight for the return of "cerebral" Star Trek much like I did between TOS and the first convention, then the first movie and the push for The Next Generation. I was involved in those fan movements in real life.

I will NOT compromise or fuzzy up what Star Trek is and what it isn't, and NOTHING Abrams or Kurtzman has created is Star Trek. It is literally alternate Trek on an alternate license in an alternate reality. That is LITERALLY true in actual reality.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
what piece of onscreen objective evidence exists in PICARD that puts it undoubtedly into the same category of the JJ nutrek garbage?

or what exists to put into the same--whatever it turns out to be- as STD?

i have only seen one ep and some clips on YT, for me, everything i see on screen in PICARD objectively tells me it is rooted in the realm of DS9/VOYAGER/TNG/TOS

are your feelings on this solely just that? subjective feelings?

if not then please put up the scene here where you made the decision that "yep, there is is, there is the one thing(on screen) that puts this intothe JJ verse"

I don't even need to post the scene: The supernova of the Romulan star puts it in the Kelvin universe because that is the ONLY timeline it has occurred in.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Twitter. The thing is, most of your views on NuTrek (and not just yours, also the others here who are okay with NuTrek) are opposed to the fandom at large. I can clearly see that. Here, I am in a minority of one. On Twitter, your group would be #wearestarfleet which is the small group who think Discovery and Picard are just as much Star Trek as the other Trek shows, or believe as you do that if you buy something, you can just identify it any way you want (like transgender people do). #TheFandomMenace and the greater Star Trek fandom reject all of that and want Star Trek done on the original license which is now whole again. On Twitter, you would be my enemy. :concern:
You just insulted me. Again! And you put me in a box. If there's one thing I despise, it's being put in a box, as if I'm something which can be simplified into a single thing. I'm far too complex for that. And you're generalizing by stating that anyone who likes NuTrek (as you call it) is opposed to the larger part of the fandom.#Clueless. You have no way of determining that. You don't even have a way of determining whom the fandom consists of. The largest part of the Star Trek fan base probably comes from countries where they speak languages which most of us don't speak. China, India, Indonesia, just to name a few examples. How many people live in Asia and like Star Trek do you reckon? Do you monitor all their online activity in their native languages on their local online platforms? What about Latin America? What about Russia? What about dozens of European countries? What about people who don't even have an online presence but do like Star Trek?


What ship is this?
Staff member
OM? I am a member of The Fandom Menace. Remember I have been supporting Nerdrotic since Gary started it.

I dislike NuTrek and do not think Discovery is Star Trek in any way - it is an abomination. All I said was that it is possible for Romulus to have been destroyed in the prime universe from a story perspective. And it is possible - no retcon is needed as the event is future to any stories from pre NuTrek.