Star Trek: Picard


What ship is this?
Staff member
Don't forget that they are violating their own canon - per the Countdown comic Data is alive (his memory engrams emerged in the body of B4 and B4 became Data) and a Starfleet Captain.


Well Known GateFan
Lets not even get into how the Romulan EMPIRE, made up of dozens of star systems,

have they explained just how the Romulan Sun went supernova without the romulans knowing well before hand?

i mean, even we can measure a stars status right? if it is going to go supernova or dwarf or whatever years in advance, yes?

so how is it that an advanced civilization like the romulans didn't know this about their own sun..even using our current tech, they should have had a few years to start evacuating

and yeah, the only "empires/federations" that we have seen fleshed out over time has been the Federation

its obvious that both the klingons, the romulans , andorians, dominion ALL have subject/ contingent peoples and systems

we never see them though... but it should also be basic that the Romulans would have some fallback alternate planet to call their new homeworld among their empire.. you know, like the Alpha site in SG-1?

domestic servants on earth? maybe if they were members of the 'Spock faction' / vulcan reunification group we saw in TNG. they could have been exposed and cast out...but everyone? nah

it sounds sad, this show could have been good if they had followed more closely to the Borg issue and Romulan experimentation.. and the state of the empire after Shinzon..oh well, more squandering of potential (?)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
are all the eps dropped or are they putting them out weekly?

Weekly. Episode 2 is out. Sorry about spoilers! I will be mindful next time. :)


Objects may be closer than they appear
I haven't bothered with this show yet. Let me know if it is any good... :icon_razz:

But the fact that we can't seem to let go of TNG really says that we never adequately replaced it with a better Star Trek show. Just saying...


What ship is this?
Staff member
It's.....okay. Nothing to write home about but compared to Star Trek Discovery it is Citizen Kane.


Objects may be closer than they appear
It's.....okay. Nothing to write home about but compared to Star Trek Discovery it is Citizen Kane.

How would you compare it to The Orville?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Second episode was rather slow and uneventful. The serialization is strong in this one.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I haven't bothered with this show yet. Let me know if it is any good... :icon_razz:

But the fact that we can't seem to let go of TNG really says that we never adequately replaced it with a better Star Trek show. Just saying...
If you are a Star Trek fan who is into the logic and science fiction aspect of the show, then you might not be able to make it through a single episode.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
How would you compare it to The Orville?

It's more over-arcing than The Orville because of the references they are making to try and tie it to the 2009 reboot canon and also the original TNG canon, and it is a serialized show so it does not really compare. It is a drama first and foremost. The Orville is episodic and still science fiction, even with the comedy.


Well Known GateFan
saw the first ep fpr free on put it up

i have nothing to say really...

the domestic romulan servants and the sketchy memory stuff... i am getting reminded of that TNG episode where Riker captured and put into a romulan simulation..

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Episode 3 was pretty good compared to episode 2. Various plots made progress. Things are getting started.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
By the way, I don't think the "acid blood" is meant to be seen as such. Seems more like a cyanide capsule with a violent twist. Something the special secret agents of the Romulan super secret service use.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Couple things that bug me. There's some kind of floating thing in the sky in Okinawa. That feels more like a Star Wars thing to me. Star Trek has been defiled with vaping. I hate vaping. Part of the theme music sounds like they're in the Shire and some Hobbits are about to come around the corner. The space ship they're using also has a Star Wars feel to it.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I have a good feeling about the new captain.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I wonder if that thing is a Borg Rubiks Cube.:icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
I don't mind this despite picard sounding really old. Not too sure about using Blue Skies but nice detail on the Earl Grey