Star Trek: Picard

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Lore? :icon_rotflmao:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I called it way back on October 26, 2019...

Fans determine what makes or breaks a show, franchise, movie, or any commercial media product. Give them what they like and they buy it. Fail to do that, and you become irrelevant and lose money. Disney is learning that very expensive lesson as I write this with the failure of Galaxy's Edge in both Disney theme parks. The CW is learning quickly that a twisted, feminist woke version of Batman/Batwoman does not have an audience sufficient enough to maintain the reason for it to exist. Star Trek Discovery has even fewer viewers than the 1970's animated series did, and unless CBS All Access can afford to produce it without it performing, then it is going to fade away.

How about I make a prediction today that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will make less money than The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I base that on the negative fan response to the trailers, the disjointed and shallow Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy, and the overall apathy to it. All of this is because Disney took Star wars and changed it into something else that the fans don't want.

The Orville is the Star Trek show that Star Trek fans were looking for, but it isn't Star Trek, it's the Orville. It is as if the spirit of Star Trek transferred to The Orville and that show will be carrying the torch for Roddenberry's vision, even though Roddenberry never lived to see it. Discovery is a completely different thing from Star Trek, even though it is officially Star Trek. If the fans do not accept NuTrek as Star Trek, it won't be head canon no matter what they want it to be. And the fans will just ignore it. So, yeah, these dumb new Star Trek shows are canon unto themselves, but they are not part of the original canon ending with Nemesis. Let's see what they do with Picard, since they now have access to the original license. If it isn't a recognizable Picard, then the fans will not like the show. If it is good, the show will succeed. It's pretty straightforward.

It was an easy prediction to make because instead of just making a personal judgement based on my own personal feelings about it, I maintained a connection to the fanbase using Twitter, YouTube and independent blog posts (vs mainstream media shill pieces). That prediction is now the reality for The Rise of Skywalker which was even bested by Rogue One.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's also been renewed for a second season.

Again, a misdirection, The studios keep this as a standard spin. There is no such thing as a one-season contract. All shows get at least two seasons from day one. For recent proof, take a look at Batwoman which has failed in ratings, viewership, and critical acclaim. It also got a Season 2 announcement. Discovery got a Season 4 announcement too. Means nothing.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Yay! Only one more day before I can watch Star Trek: Picard on CBS All Access!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yay! Only one more day before I can watch Star Trek: Picard on CBS All Access!

I will be able to watch it too, thanks to Express VPN!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I have been refraining from talking about this show because as of the first episode I am disappointed. Not in the production, and not in the acting so much, it's the writing. They have introduced a character who just by her existence is a McGuffin. They once again have demonstrated a complete lack of study of the source material and they have made up "science-y" explanations which are nonsense, and an insult to the original material. This show is NOT anywhere remotely even in a dream connected to TNG or previous Star Trek. It is better than Discovery, but is still not Star my opinion. I will reserve ranting for when I have seen about three episodes.


Well Known GateFan
I have to disagree, this is 2020 and things are not going to be the old ST, just as TNG was far from TOS, but the canon is true for what we know of the past and the nature of Star Trek is totally there. The rest is so far into the future that it is completely possible.

I enjoyed the first episode far more than I thought I would. I am looking forward to more, and I think this should will tie in far more TNG alums and could bring alive the love of ST to the millennials as well as Gen X 'ers.

I believe most of the concerns will be answered in the episodes to come.

I have a theory that seems could be the base for the whole series:
I think the Romulans framed the synthetics for the whole explosion and hence why they now want to kill the daughters of Data.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This thread does not show up in the "recent threads" section.

Just started second watch of the first episode. Don't like the intro music too much. There's nothing wrong with the song itself, it's just that I would have liked something more along the lines of the TNG, DS9 or Voyager orchestral themes. Of course, the song is a link to Data, as he sung it in one of the TNG eps. I actually loved that in the TNG episode. But I'm guessing this is not the true opening theme, just the opening scene.

Fight scene. Gotta have that "strong woman" theme in there. Not done badly though, she looks pretty kick-ass.

Oh wait, there's the opening theme music. It's not at all like the scores of the three shows I just mentioned. In itself it's not too bad, but it's definitely not as "boombastic" as the older scores. Has a little flute part in the end playing a very tiny piece of the TNG score. There's something about them showing the face of Picard in the end of the intro, but I can't really put into words what it is.

Picard is living with some people who look like Vulcans. The first time I watched it, I guessed (correctly) that they'd be Romulans.

Picard said some French words. I don't believe I've ever heard him say anything in French in TNG. Not a judgement, just an observation.

TV interview. The first part of the plot is revealed. Some bad shit happened involving the "synthetics" and Picard revealed the reason for leaving Star Fleet. Stewart put down a very solid performance here.

The kick-ass girl shows up at Picard's vineyard. Based on the earlier scene and the interview just before, it becomes obvious that the girl is a synthetic. But very lifelike, a much more "advanced" model than Data was.

Number One is Picard's dog. Nice touch.

The golden gate bridge in San Francisco has a weird looking surface. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be. Looks like solar panels.

The plot thickens. A mysterious painting of the girl that showed up in Picard's vineyard has been stored in the archives for decades. Once painted by Data. The relation between the girl and Data has become even more obvious than it already was before. During earlier parts of the episode, I got the impression that they were using Data to introduce the new synthetic girl character (which obviously they were) but that we wouldn't actually see Data himself again, aside from in flashbacks, dreams and fantasies. Now however, a small ray of hope appears that we might see Data himself in "the flesh" again. He couldn't have created the girl before he perished in the movie. Then again, perhaps it was not Data who created the girl. We will have to wait and see how this develops over the season.

These Romulans living with Picard. They're making them look like they can be trusted. I have a feeling that later they might turn out to be spies or undercover agents or something like that. Twist! But maybe they're just good Romulans.

Borg cube! Full of Romulans.

Good acting by Picard. Good acting by the android girl. Overall a good episode setting up a promising story. Bring on the next episode!


What ship is this?
Staff member
It wasn't terrible overall - in fact it was watchable. Some of the plot points were weird (acid blood in Romulans, cloning an Android) and weirdly it has Data dead despite him being alive and a Captain in this exact timeline (per the Countdown comics). I would call it similar to some of the first season TNG episodes where some of the building blocks were good but there were real plot issues.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I have fixed the thread visibility and these posts will show up in the Recent Threads. I don't hate this show yet but I am still not liking it enough. It still is not Star Trek to me. I need to see more.


Well Known GateFan
they have made up "science-y" explanations which are nonsense,

have not watched the show, but your one sentence here---

i have posted in various places asking about the science of trek stuff, whether warp drive or 'beaming' or android and holgram tech

the frequent answer given is something that varies around-- "ST is a tv show and none of what is in it can ever be expected to be real science" "the stuff in trek defies the laws of physics"


What ship is this?
Staff member
I am going to differ from some here in that I have maintained (and there are threads in this forum about it) that a lot of Trek tech is more on the fantasy side. The Transporter is a prime example of this and so is the holodeck. I would also state that the Trek Warp drive is less scientifically plausible than the NuBSG Jump drive.

For Warp, the main reason the BSG jump drive is something I researched was its resemblance to the jump drives in earlier literary science fiction (Asimov, Cherryh's Alliance-Union stories, etc.). Like warp drive it has a theoretical basis that is better than pure fantasy (Jump is an extrapolation of superstring and M theories; Warp an extension of the Alcubierre drive theory). And both have a similar issue - how to induce the needed effect. We have no idea at all how to induce a warp bubble or even if it can be induced. Likewise, we have no idea of how to induce a sharp enough gravitational gradient to fold space without crushing the ship in the process; not to mention how even to induce such a gravity effect period.


Well Known GateFan
I am going to differ from some here in that I have maintained (and there are threads in this forum about it) that a lot of Trek tech is more on the fantasy side. The Transporter is a prime example of this and so is the holodeck. I would also state that the Trek Warp drive is less scientifically plausible than the NuBSG Jump drive.

For Warp, the main reason the BSG jump drive is something I researched was its resemblance to the jump drives in earlier literary science fiction (Asimov, Cherryh's Alliance-Union stories, etc.). Like warp drive it has a theoretical basis that is better than pure fantasy (Jump is an extrapolation of superstring and M theories; Warp an extension of the Alcubierre drive theory). And both have a similar issue - how to induce the needed effect. We have no idea at all how to induce a warp bubble or even if it can be induced. Likewise, we have no idea of how to induce a sharp enough gravitational gradient to fold space without crushing the ship in the process; not to mention how even to induce such a gravity effect period.


so what in picard is 'sciency' particularly in light of what you just typed here? i mean, isn't just about everything on the fringe or near fantasy as we do not have the practical science or engineering capabilities to put it into effect?

so, with that, what in PICARD, would you deem, is more sciency?


Well Known GateFan
I am going to differ from some here in that I have maintained (and there are threads in this forum about it) that a lot of Trek tech is more on the fantasy side. The Transporter is a prime example of this and so is the holodeck. I would also state that the Trek Warp drive is less scientifically plausible than the NuBSG Jump drive.

For Warp, the main reason the BSG jump drive is something I researched was its resemblance to the jump drives in earlier literary science fiction (Asimov, Cherryh's Alliance-Union stories, etc.). Like warp drive it has a theoretical basis that is better than pure fantasy (Jump is an extrapolation of superstring and M theories; Warp an extension of the Alcubierre drive theory). And both have a similar issue - how to induce the needed effect. We have no idea at all how to induce a warp bubble or even if it can be induced. Likewise, we have no idea of how to induce a sharp enough gravitational gradient to fold space without crushing the ship in the process; not to mention how even to induce such a gravity effect period.

ooh watch it! you just rated something from nuBSG more plausible then something from Trek!!

HERESY!!! :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
I think I stated upthread that the Romulan acid blood and the cloning of Data both left me cold. As far as things on Trek that tend to be more science fiction - the display tech, the communications tech and even phasers as a general concept are plausible extrapolations from things we know.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
have not watched the show, but your one sentence here---

i have posted in various places asking about the science of trek stuff, whether warp drive or 'beaming' or android and holgram tech

the frequent answer given is something that varies around-- "ST is a tv show and none of what is in it can ever be expected to be real science" "the stuff in trek defies the laws of physics"
Using a controlled matter/antimatter reaction to power coils which generates a region of warped space to travel faster than light may be out of our reach technologically, but the theory is scientifically sound. Creating an interactive robot is already here. An extrapolation of that would be a being like Data. But not being able to take some sort of "neuron" from it to "clone" a new android individual. That is like claiming somebody can take a random file from your computer and clone the whole system from it. This is what Picard has made the basis of the twin Dajh characters, and why her entire existence in the show becomes ridiculous. No mention of LAL at all either.


Well Known GateFan
Can anyone here explain to me how a clone with only a positronic brain and not robotic anatomy like Data had , has beyond super strength and can take out 12 men twice her size in mere seconds , jump 30 feet into the air , land without breaking a friggin leg , then somehow have a huge explosive device inside this human cloned body ?
Anyone , anyone ? She handles herself exactly like Alita Battle Angel but Alita has a Berzerker Body which is a specifically design fighting Cyborg body if you are not familiar with Alita storyline .
I also have trouble understanding Picard . He reminds me of the old man character from 2001 A Space Odyssey .
Got a good laugh from watching the stunt double run for him tho , that was hilarious .


What ship is this?
Staff member’re not supposed to notice this stuff. The writers think the audience is stupid...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member’re not supposed to notice this stuff. The writers think the audience is stupid...
Sadly, most of the audience for this show IS stupid. At least in terms of understanding how the tech works in Star Trek and the theoretical science it is based upon. Lets not even get into how the Romulan EMPIRE, made up of dozens of star systems, became a ragtag group of displaced refugees brought low enough to have to work as domestics on earth. It's ridiculous.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Can anyone here explain to me how a clone with only a positronic brain and not robotic anatomy like Data had , has beyond super strength and can take out 12 men twice her size in mere seconds , jump 30 feet into the air , land without breaking a friggin leg , then somehow have a huge explosive device inside this human cloned body ?
Anyone , anyone ? She handles herself exactly like Alita Battle Angel but Alita has a Berzerker Body which is a specifically design fighting Cyborg body if you are not familiar with Alita storyline .
I also have trouble understanding Picard . He reminds me of the old man character from 2001 A Space Odyssey .
Got a good laugh from watching the stunt double run for him tho , that was hilarious .

It's stupid, and only people who know little about Star Trek and how androids are supposed to work would think this Swill Trek is acceptable. You can't clone an android. You can't take a "positronic neuron" and turn it into a complete positronic brain containing Data's engrams. WTF?