Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
Any time a show or movie takes place in a scenario where there is a high school or a college involved, it is going to be simpleminded and aimed at youngsters and young adults. I won't say I know anything about this show, but that trailer screams Teen High School Drama to me. Hopefully it won't be, but damn they have milked that Walking Dead cow!
i hear ya and agree

a few exceptions where shows start out with that "angle" that have turned out to be excellent, one of them even beyond expectations

THE 100 -- last season now... we have all types of homage to Stargate too btw-- gate travel with 7 symbols.. ascension



I really want to be surprised and impressed by TWD -- not goign to happen in the original show.. could happen in FTWD maybe this new show

i want to see what has been missing-- the rest of the nation.. other groups who are not abnormal in their functioning.. some semblance of civilization that is secure... no more walkers that are down to skeletal remains. .and AN ANSWER TO HOW IT ALL HAPPENED


Well Known GateFan
Only asking from the tech angle ONLY!! no names, no labels,, just asking the tech of it

as my group admin, i post 'starter topics' to get discussions going, so i need a little background so i can get it "right"

what i am asking you all-- my techy friends-- is, would it be possible to move all voting to an online only format?

we have unique ISP's right? with that and any other add on security, why couldn't we have online and secure voting?


What ship is this?
Staff member
Theoretically you could, so long as you also have a way to uniquely ID each person voting (to ensure no one votes twice).

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Are any of you fans of tabletop games? There's a kickstarter going for a Stargate SG-1 tabletop RPG.



Well Known GateFan
RETCONNING for equality :)



Well Known GateFan
i dont see a thread for MR ROBOT. anyone here watch it? thoughts?

its on PRIME and i thought i would give it a go.. on s1 now

are the things we see done by hackers in the show, actually possible or is just a fictionalized version of possible?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
i dont see a thread for MR ROBOT. anyone here watch it? thoughts?

its on PRIME and i thought i would give it a go.. on s1 now

are the things we see done by hackers in the show, actually possible or is just a fictionalized version of possible?
I watched the first season (or two) years ago. It's still on my list to get back to (and start over) and I can't really remember what things the hackers were doing in the show.


Well Known GateFan
Oh, my, the things that happen when I go out for donuts.

there are so many things i COULD start threads on.. like the new sw's live action series and 'cartoon' series coming to streaming

or the new BSG movie and the new BSG reboot (or maybe its a sequel?)

alas-- everyone is far afield all a twitter and a tweeting


Well Known GateFan
But when his old nemesis LeVar Burton commits to the awards show, Spiner decides to jump back into Hollywood. As he makes the rounds and re-enters in the industry, he finds himself embroiled in the old feud that plagued him during the height of his fame -- and it's still bitter enough to possibly derail his re-entry into Hollywood.



What ship is this?
Staff member
My God, it’s full of stars!


Well Known GateFan
TWD world beyond (again, i dont think its worth my time to start a thread for it)

i am not watching it, but i catch a ep review here and there on YT

What I don't get with these writers-- and never have in general with TWD "creativity"-- is their utter lack of understanding of human behavior

ex- i gues in ep1 of thiss how, we see this community in Nebraska- with schools, a college, infrastructure, etc- be visited by a rep from their allies- the CRM- aka the Helicopter ppl. it is a diplomatic trip i guess? supposedly a top scientist from this small community is on loan to the crm to help find a cure for the virus

by end of ep, it is shown that the crm brought in more people and killed every member of this community

in reality in a post apocalyptic setting- this would not happen. even the most psychopathic of rulers would know that they would need all the people they can get to work for them, to slave for them, to protect and feed them. they wouldn't just kill everyone- it is against human nature.

for whatever reason- maybe to show just how twisted he is- the writers got this right with Negan. He killed a few ppl as a display- to show who is in charge. but eve nin his lines we hear him talk about the need to bring more ppl into their community

i dont get the attraction of the shows fans on this point alone either. yeah, i'l watch the "ending of endings" to see how the whole saga plays out with whatever show they use for it, but other than that, the whole thing is a mess. i may watch FTWD ONLY because it has great actors in it and,so far, its story line has,somehow, made more sense