Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
about time!! https://www.theguardian.com/science...h-mission-clean-up-space-debris-launch-elsa-d

The removal of space debris is the key to space sustainability, which will ensure that new satellites can be operated without the risk of colliding with old ones. The European Space Agency estimates 3,600 working satellites are in orbit, and more than 28,000 pieces of debris are being tracked by the US Space Surveillance Network. In the next decade, more than 10,000 satellites are scheduled to launch, mostly from satellite internet providers such as SpaceX or OneWeb. For this demonstration, Elsa-d will take a smaller spacecraft with it to act as a piece of space debris. It will perform a number of rendezvous and capture scenarios before burning up.


Well Known GateFan
WELL!!!! FINALLY after 50 yrs, i have a firm medical diagnosis for many of my more recent health issues (almost all of them in fact) and, why since childhood, people have always thought ne "weird, low key, boring, boring hobbies, etc" like how sports- playing or watching, never got me excited or interested

also always thought the other guys who "I GOT TO FIND ME A GIRL TONIGHT! GOT TO GET ME SOME Pu337!" were the abnormal ones! turns out, it was me who was abnormal

Endocrinologist evaluated my issues, did labs, labs suggested a pituary issue , got an MRI of the brain, shows i have Empty Sella Syndrome

a leaky top of spinal cord where spinal fluid leaks in the pituary gland's space and flattens it,, making the pit gland not able to perform its functions as the bodies master and controlling gland

It is very comforting to finally have some clarity--AND it makes me truly "special".. studies suggest only 1 to 3% of the world's population has it. My Mom always said I was "rare" :) :)


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i am only going to say this once and will not say more unless someone presses me on it

and it is NOT about victim blaming/shaming but about the truth and the false narrative the left is building to add to their agenda of-- I dont quite know what yet

they are trying to say the atlanta massage spa shooter is a liar because "the business were legit and therefore= no sex there =so his saying his motive was about sex is a lie" IS THE LIE

either that, or the media and the mayor of atlanta are very naive

a 18 minute search online yesterday took me to several sites for sex--sex guides with 'reviews' and recommendations.. sex menus, the body types of the women, prices ,etc..that and several of them are located next to strip clubs and that the yare open till 2 am or so all say SEX FOR SALE

now i have no issue with that, in fact, i think it should be legal and regulated and safe, like in europe

and, there is a very real chance, being what the places were, that the women in them..dead now.. were trafficked here and working against their will.. that prospect is about 50-50 there ARE many asian and other women who voluntarily work in these places, but many do not..

they are pushing a lie for what? to try and show that anti asian violence is also happening in other places OTHER than California and NYC?

again.. i will not respond unless you push.. i just wanted to share a truth with all of you who i have known now for what 11 yrs?

lies of this scale should not be tolerated by anyone

That's the thing..."Asian-hate" is not a thing here in California or anywhere from what I see FOR MYSELF with my own eyes. It is nowhere near anything ever experienced by Blacks and Latinos and even Muslims. And when we are talking about Asians, only the Indians/Pakistani/Southeast Asians are discriminated against (the darker ones). East Asians are treated basically as white people in American society. Why is the left trying to make "Asian hate" a thing? Did a cop shoot one of them unarmed, or knee-lynch them in broad daylight? Are they being randomly stopped for driving nice cars?


Well Known GateFan
That's the thing..."Asian-hate" is not a thing here in California or anywhere from what I see FOR MYSELF with my own eyes. It is nowhere near anything ever experienced by Blacks and Latinos and even Muslims. And when we are talking about Asians, only the Indians/Pakistani/Southeast Asians are discriminated against (the darker ones). East Asians are treated basically as white people in American society. Why is the left trying to make "Asian hate" a thing? Did a cop shoot one of them unarmed, or knee-lynch them in broad daylight? Are they being randomly stopped for driving nice cars?
this is NOT what i wanted.. but, since you insist :)

and I AM NOT disputing what you say, just going with what has been reported from news agencies out there i n Cali

as i think i stated in the first post.. me and a lot of other guys who are married to koreans ->> keep the focus on that because it is what i personally know and it is the ethnicity of the majority of the women who work in these places <--- are very passionate about this ATL shootings

NOT because we are against prostitution, actually many of us are like me and say legalize and regulate it..make it safe

and it is NOT about victim blaming like the mayor of atl tried to say

IT IS HOW THE STORY is being packaged and "addressed" to meet a narrative that the media and liberal politicians need a focus for

that focus being a WHITE...MALE.. "REDNECK"/MAGA HAT WEARING type of guy

that is why they are trying to insist the guys motive is about asian hate and not what he said it was- sex addiction and his trying to destroy his temptations= the women

and, who knows, maybe he couldn't perform sexually in front of them? maybe he was mad because he spent so much money? maybe all of the above?

SO ppl like the Atlanta mayor and VP Harris and the MSM is trying to force a motive of hate..

it was clear in one of the press releases the Mayor gave:
"these businesses were not on our radar....they were licensed and legit. day spa places"

therefore-- "there must not have been any illegal sex for money transactions going on in there"

ergo-- "Since they are legit places and no sex is going on. the killer MUST BE LYING ABOUT HIS MOTIVE"


we (me and others who know) know what these places are.. some may have trafficked sex slaves..some may have 'free lancers'.. others may be staffed by women who willingly take out personal loans from the spa owners and then work it off by having sex with clients. and, they nearly never pay off the debt because the owners charge them for every bit of body oil, soap, condom and laundry detergent they use

so, the more the have sex the more they owe!

THIS is a system..no matter the ethnicity of the women.. that is an extension of the criminal systems that still exist in south korea, vietnam, thailand,cambodia the phillipines and japan today

We know about these from being in korea and being married to koreans and therefore, adjunct to the culture

and it would funny if not so tragic that the very same types of ppl, and in some instance THE same ppl talking about how this attack was hate and that sex did not happen in these places, also about 20 yrs ago and earlier, either produced news specials on the sex for money bars outside of US military bases in asia or were politicians on committees doing investigations on them!!

TRUST ME there is far more sex and far more extreme acts of sex going on in these 'SPAS'- the ones attacked- then there ever was in those bars!!

people doubted me, so i went online and searched for sex review sites and it didn't take long found a free one

i wont post the exact link but spell it out usa sex guide dot nl

and a pay one rubmaps dot ch

its also funny WHY would review sites covering 'legitimate businesses' have domains in the netherlands and switzerland? hmmm!

at both sites i found explicit reports for all three of these spas

and the one where the white woman was killed.. reportedly having a nice relaxing couples massage? YOUNGS SPA,, per several reviews "4 hands massage" "couples massage" are all code for group sex. guys were on there posting how the brought their wives or girlfriends there to have sex with a provider(s) or watch their Wife or Gf have sex with a provider

and YOUNGS SPA has reviews on non asian prostitutes working there.. mexicans,, white women from russia and ukraine..asian hate? the yjust were not working that day.. (this is the one free lancer place where the women there most likely were working off loans from the owner)

and CNN the other day did location shots in front of the GOLD SPA. interviewing some nice young asian women placing flowers.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF A HUGE SIGN SAYING "OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY"! what legit 'day spa' is opened 24hrs a day?

none.. 24hrs open and things like 'table shower' are also code for customers to know it is a brothel

so again NOT about shaming the victims... shit should be legalized.... media and liberal looking for a WHITE SCAPEGOAT BECASUE THE YWILL NOT SPEAK OUT AGINST THE ACTUA LANTI ASIAN HATE ATTACKS MAINLY TAKING PART IN DEMOCRAT run cities and states

much of which is being committed by african americans

here are some links.. there are many more on the anti asian hate crimes.. HERE in fly over state maga land,, no one has ever give nmy wife shit,, the chinese rest's are opened and our town even has a asian immigrant for Mayor

what the libs want so badly to be happening "out here" just is not happening

States with high Asian American populations report the most incidents. CA (43.8%); NY (13.0%); WA (4.1%); and IL (2.8%) have the highest rates https://secureservercdn.net/104.238...re_-Bay-Area-Elderly-Incidents-2.9.2021-1.pdf

View: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/11/975592502/asian-americans-experience-far-more-hate-incidents-than-numbers-indicate


Well Known GateFan
an amazing video from a few weeks back of the former camp stanley korea, a us army base up till 2 yrs ago

i spent a total of 3 yrs on this base- 2 yrs once and another 1 a few yrs later. its where i met my wife and we got married at the Camp's chapel

this place saw a lot of history-- the last base to house non US UN troops after the armistice- a french infantry battalion lived here until 1959-- its where marilyn monroe stayed whenever she visited US troops in Korea.... it was the first US base north of Seoul to have female US soldiers assigned to it... its where all visiting celebrities' would be 'based' out of while visiting troops north of Seoul

now its all rotting.. its been turned over to the Rep of Korea govt for their use.. everything except for a tunnel in the mountain above for ammo storage and a small part of the airfield for emergency use as a forward re fuel and re arming point for US helos

the place started as a mud helo pad ; its where the medevac helos for the MASH unit (yes that one of TV fame) based over the mtn in uijongbu parked. tent city and Quonset huts all the way to what you see here-- modern barracks and facilities

last i heard, the koreans are planning on turning it into a family resort and recreation center-- it is adjacent to a korean national park (the huge mtn behind the base)

your tax dollars at rot (NOTE the screen says unavailable but if you click on the small print to the screen right, it works-goes to the video

View: https://www.facebook.com/cornelius.johnson.391/videos/4105281329504835
@Overmind One why doesn't it 'link' from the vid box but only form the miniscule URL to the side?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
this is NOT what i wanted.. but, since you insist :)

and I AM NOT disputing what you say, just going with what has been reported from news agencies out there i n Cali

as i think i stated in the first post.. me and a lot of other guys who are married to koreans ->> keep the focus on that because it is what i personally know and it is the ethnicity of the majority of the women who work in these places <--- are very passionate about this ATL shootings

NOT because we are against prostitution, actually many of us are like me and say legalize and regulate it..make it safe

and it is NOT about victim blaming like the mayor of atl tried to say

IT IS HOW THE STORY is being packaged and "addressed" to meet a narrative that the media and liberal politicians need a focus for

that focus being a WHITE...MALE.. "REDNECK"/MAGA HAT WEARING type of guy

that is why they are trying to insist the guys motive is about asian hate and not what he said it was- sex addiction and his trying to destroy his temptations= the women

and, who knows, maybe he couldn't perform sexually in front of them? maybe he was mad because he spent so much money? maybe all of the above?

SO ppl like the Atlanta mayor and VP Harris and the MSM is trying to force a motive of hate..

it was clear in one of the press releases the Mayor gave:
"these businesses were not on our radar....they were licensed and legit. day spa places"

therefore-- "there must not have been any illegal sex for money transactions going on in there"

ergo-- "Since they are legit places and no sex is going on. the killer MUST BE LYING ABOUT HIS MOTIVE"


we (me and others who know) know what these places are.. some may have trafficked sex slaves..some may have 'free lancers'.. others may be staffed by women who willingly take out personal loans from the spa owners and then work it off by having sex with clients. and, they nearly never pay off the debt because the owners charge them for every bit of body oil, soap, condom and laundry detergent they use

so, the more the have sex the more they owe!

THIS is a system..no matter the ethnicity of the women.. that is an extension of the criminal systems that still exist in south korea, vietnam, thailand,cambodia the phillipines and japan today

We know about these from being in korea and being married to koreans and therefore, adjunct to the culture

and it would funny if not so tragic that the very same types of ppl, and in some instance THE same ppl talking about how this attack was hate and that sex did not happen in these places, also about 20 yrs ago and earlier, either produced news specials on the sex for money bars outside of US military bases in asia or were politicians on committees doing investigations on them!!

TRUST ME there is far more sex and far more extreme acts of sex going on in these 'SPAS'- the ones attacked- then there ever was in those bars!!

people doubted me, so i went online and searched for sex review sites and it didn't take long found a free one

i wont post the exact link but spell it out usa sex guide dot nl

and a pay one rubmaps dot ch

its also funny WHY would review sites covering 'legitimate businesses' have domains in the netherlands and switzerland? hmmm!

at both sites i found explicit reports for all three of these spas

and the one where the white woman was killed.. reportedly having a nice relaxing couples massage? YOUNGS SPA,, per several reviews "4 hands massage" "couples massage" are all code for group sex. guys were on there posting how the brought their wives or girlfriends there to have sex with a provider(s) or watch their Wife or Gf have sex with a provider

and YOUNGS SPA has reviews on non asian prostitutes working there.. mexicans,, white women from russia and ukraine..asian hate? the yjust were not working that day.. (this is the one free lancer place where the women there most likely were working off loans from the owner)

and CNN the other day did location shots in front of the GOLD SPA. interviewing some nice young asian women placing flowers.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF A HUGE SIGN SAYING "OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY"! what legit 'day spa' is opened 24hrs a day?

none.. 24hrs open and things like 'table shower' are also code for customers to know it is a brothel

so again NOT about shaming the victims... shit should be legalized.... media and liberal looking for a WHITE SCAPEGOAT BECASUE THE YWILL NOT SPEAK OUT AGINST THE ACTUA LANTI ASIAN HATE ATTACKS MAINLY TAKING PART IN DEMOCRAT run cities and states

much of which is being committed by african americans

here are some links.. there are many more on the anti asian hate crimes.. HERE in fly over state maga land,, no one has ever give nmy wife shit,, the chinese rest's are opened and our town even has a asian immigrant for Mayor

what the libs want so badly to be happening "out here" just is not happening

View: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/11/975592502/asian-americans-experience-far-more-hate-incidents-than-numbers-indicate
Thanks for this, but what I am saying is that the image the media is painting for "Asian hate" appears to be some sort of mindfuck. In LA, Asians are business owners, wives and husbands, and considered the "model minority". They live in predominately white or Asian areas, and people are just not attacking or hating on them in any way. And I live here in the real-life California. My question is WHY are they trying to make "Asian hate" happen? I see it as a deflection. What are they deflecting attention from?


Well Known GateFan
Thanks for this, but what I am saying is that the image the media is painting for "Asian hate" appears to be some sort of mindfuck. In LA, Asians are business owners, wives and husbands, and considered the "model minority". They live in predominately white or Asian areas, and people are just not attacking or hating on them in any way. And I live here in the real-life California. My question is WHY are they trying to make "Asian hate" happen? I see it as a deflection. What are they deflecting attention from?
Oh on this i agree with you..... deflecting form? take your pick?

Bidens order--on day 1-- to send US forces back into syria, weeks after trump ordered them out. the are there protecting a us oil firm in developing the syrian kurd held oilfields

--biden strongly considering ramping back up in a-stan?

--biden's order on domestic oil and gas production?

--the utter failure at the border?

--deflecting form the truth on the origins of covid,,which has btw, no bearing on the status of asian americans or any asians in america


and, i could show you post after post of liberal californians i know on FB who are making a massive deal out of this asian hate --they insist it is real, but also insist it is not in cali

however, a "think tank" of liberal academics out of san fran, shows that in the last year, 44% of all reported anti asian 'hate crimes' have happened in Cali-- when i show them that its either no response or "its just one study".. yeah, well you only showed me one study as well fuck nut :)

but liberals no better than all of us.. especially californian ones

))which, on this issue alone, i really wish your presence was there, even under a fake acct... no one can tear into these type of people like you can

the quickest way they try to get atme is the typical lib bs of "any white guy who married a asian is OBVIOUSLY racist" (forgetting that one of their FB friends there is married to an asian as well)


Well Known GateFan
The confluence of Technological and Psychological Obsolescence in a master stroke of marketing?


entirely random occurrence that happens...every day?

in my typical over the top accusatory mode of charging big corporations with mind F'g all of us in the name of greater profit- I present this--

i have like a 6 year old smart phone that i use a verizon month to month plan on..no contracts, no data, no texting.. ph never leaves the car

a few yrs ago, i got a msg from verizon telling me that although my phone could handle 4g it may be "spotty" and i should consider getting a new phone

well, its worked fine until about a year ago, I noticed in a oh so irritating way, that when I get to about 3/4 mile of walmart-- which has a verizon agent in it AS WELL as a verizon company store straight across the road from the walmart driveway (see map)--- the coverage becomes very bad

now, i have "5 (or 6 or whatever) bars" but as soon as i dial my voicemail or try to make a call.. it goes to zero bars

anywhere else, even out in the boonies, my phone works.. i find it very strange that it does this when i am right where i could purchase a new phone frustrated over how my current ph is working

now, don't ask me how they would be doing this-- all i know is that things can be downgraded -as in the ay Apple admitted to downgrading ppls phones a few yrs ago through an updt to "allow your ph to operate better" yet it actually caused ppl to go and get a new ph

what i do know, that if they are doing it--like dialing down the accessibility to the cell tower within a certain radius of 2 places where one could purchase a new verizon phone and plan--is highly, highly clever as hell

using a combo of planned,tech obsolescence together with using psychological obsolescence is possible and has happened many times over history (like how GM and dUPONT convinced car buyers in the earl y20's that their cars --painted with dupont's new line of paints, were somehow actually better than ford)

make me see my ph is somehow "old" by limiting my use of it, but then only making that limit effective within site of two places where i can get a new one

oh, and on this map, at the right side (East end) of 'linwood ave" there is a VERIZON CELL TOWER.. 3 blocks away! as well as another about 2 miles to the west


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
The confluence of Technological and Psychological Obsolescence in a master stroke of marketing?


entirely random occurrence that happens...every day?

in my typical over the top accusatory mode of charging big corporations with mind F'g all of us in the name of greater profit- I present this--

i have like a 6 year old smart phone that i use a verizon month to month plan on..no contracts, no data, no texting.. ph never leaves the car

a few yrs ago, i got a msg from verizon telling me that although my phone could handle 4g it may be "spotty" and i should consider getting a new phone

well, its worked fine until about a year ago, I noticed in a oh so irritating way, that when I get to about 3/4 mile of walmart-- which has a verizon agent in it AS WELL as a verizon company store straight across the road from the walmart driveway (see map)--- the coverage becomes very bad

now, i have "5 (or 6 or whatever) bars" but as soon as i dial my voicemail or try to make a call.. it goes to zero bars

anywhere else, even out in the boonies, my phone works.. i find it very strange that it does this when i am right where i could purchase a new phone frustrated over how my current ph is working

now, don't ask me how they would be doing this-- all i know is that things can be downgraded -as in the ay Apple admitted to downgrading ppls phones a few yrs ago through an updt to "allow your ph to operate better" yet it actually caused ppl to go and get a new ph

what i do know, that if they are doing it--like dialing down the accessibility to the cell tower within a certain radius of 2 places where one could purchase a new verizon phone and plan--is highly, highly clever as hell

using a combo of planned,tech obsolescence together with using psychological obsolescence is possible and has happened many times over history (like how GM and dUPONT convinced car buyers in the earl y20's that their cars --painted with dupont's new line of paints, were somehow actually better than ford)

make me see my ph is somehow "old" by limiting my use of it, but then only making that limit effective within site of two places where i can get a new one

oh, and on this map, at the right side (East end) of 'linwood ave" there is a VERIZON CELL TOWER.. 3 blocks away! as well as another about 2 miles to the west

Stick a SIM card in the phone from a different provider, assuming the phone is not locked into Verizon. If so, you could have the lock removed of course. In any case, it might help to test your assumption that Verizon is behind this odd situation. Unless they can somehow still see the IMEI or another identifying marker even if you use a SIM from a different provider.

Also, I felt rather triggered by your shortening of the word "phone" into "ph". It really doesn't enable you to write your message faster yet it makes it harder to read.


What ship is this?
Staff member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
When's the last time @Overmind One posted a topic around here?
I am gonna be a lot more active as summer approaches! Sorry, I have been so busy and my life has changed so much. Not so much my lifestyle as my paradigm within it. I really appreciate the fact that we have all come back to this place on and off for so many years! Over a decade already. WOW.


What ship is this?
Staff member
If you notice I have been getting a bit more active as I am starting to get on top of the new gig I started last September. I even did a preliminary review of Kong vs Godzilla.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If you notice I have been getting a bit more active as I am starting to get on top of the new gig I started last September. I even did a preliminary review of Kong vs Godzilla.
That was awesome by the way, I am promoting it to a feature.


Well Known GateFan
Stick a SIM card in the phone from a different provider, assuming the phone is not locked into Verizon. If so, you could have the lock removed of course. In any case, it might help to test your assumption that Verizon is behind this odd situation. Unless they can somehow still see the IMEI or another identifying marker even if you use a SIM from a different provider
thanks!! once i get this translated, I shall take action!

Also, I felt rather triggered by your shortening of the word "phone" into "ph". It really doesn't enable you to write your message faster yet it makes it harder to read.
well... "my fingers my choice" bucko!! :)

guess you should just be glad we don't spell phone with an "f" instead" of "ph"... could be a lot harder to figure out with one letter :)