Jim of WVa
Well Known GateFan
Jim are you going to join us over at Fandom Forums?
Probably not.
Jim are you going to join us over at Fandom Forums?
Probably not.
so remember how some of us outside of Australia had a hard time believing that the new internet/wireless/cell security law was as bad or draconian as a certain someone here was making it out to be?
well, here is evidence that it is indeed that draconian-- Australia following in china's footsteps
There shouldn't be a law against organizing protests.
They should organize a protest against that law.I completely agree 100%. But since there is one, it has to be obeyed until the people can get it nullified.
It isn't clear what happened here. What was in the Facebook post, what EXACTLY happened? The video does not make it clear.
I had to go to an article to get the details:
So, Australia has a law against organizing protests against the lockdowns there, and this woman was organizing one on Facebook. She broke the law, she got arrested. Consequences.
Having beliefs and principles is one thing, but being an activist is another. Once you put your beliefs and principles in motion in the real world, then whatever reactions can happen will come into play.
they cant,,even without covid issues, the govt can easily call that "terrorism". under their new laws, the police have broad authority to define what they see or hear on cell calls or on the net as terror or supporting terror or disrupting the public peaceThey should organize a protest against that law.
How come?
Or there's a hole in the handle which you can put another screwdriver through for leverage.all those designs so many ppl today dont get why things were made the way they are.. beside making screwdrivers easier to handle, newer ones-vs the wooden handled- were designed for this
ho hum...not even going to look for the thread
toast it, roast it get a fork and done
looking forward to the episode where the guys in white body armor show up and shut them down (i hope) and force them back into civility
((except for ftwd, the "Rick" movies, and that show there going to have an amazon prime))
strangely enough though, i do have some expectations-a glimmer of hope-- that the new TWD show on amazon- the world beyond -may be interesting
why? well, in the trailer at least, it looks as if it MAY be made a bit differently.. showing the crisis from a diff perspective and among a organized large group of ppl..a government,a functioning society
starts oct 4th on amazon
Has anyone else heard about the referendum to repeal California's anti-affirmative action laws for college admittance?