Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
A small part of me is happy when I see videos like this-and there are many on YT. It makes me believe that maybe in some small way the huge presence of American military and contractors as well as private business, and Europeans there as well, has contributed to this change in Saudi--finally!

But I am not so naive to believe that is the only reason.The huge numbers of Saudis returning to Saudi Arabia after living in western nations has had a huge effect as well. So too, the war footing Saudi has with Iran.

Iran has always allowed women to drive, and has always allowed women to work. They relaxed women's clothing restrictions a while back too. Saudi,as the pro western of the two places (which is wrong, they are politically, but culturally the more western lace is Iran) they needed to make changes

But, things won't be all ok until they stop doing public maiming and executions in "chip chop square". Or, until the women you see out jogging in this video can do so wearing nothing but a tube top and a thong--then the change will be real

still interesting to watch though



Well Known GateFan
dumb, but not surprising

i say dumb, because even though the original films were fantasy, the basis was on the historical facts of pirates, colonial trade and Caribbean situation of the 18th century

in that time, there would have been few if any female pirates or female women-of-color pirates

but whatever, none of that seems to matter at all anymore

i wonder, when they get around to re doing planet of the apes- cause DISNEY owns that too, will all the apes be female or trans? of course the bad humans will still be straight, white males :)


Well Known GateFan
the last 6 eps of the final season of SUPERNATURAL are on hold as well

after 14 seasons of 20 -23 eps each, they cant get the last 6 our because of covid 19

14-18 are in post production and the last ones have not finished filming

at this rate SUPERNATURAL may never end..which would be cool


Well Known GateFan
Scary who they give police badges and guns to

police take down restaurant worker dressed in SW's stormtrooper suit.. on May 4th

download (2).jpg
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Well Known GateFan
reality vs fiction.. the first US Space Force recruiting ad is out as of 7 May

meanwhile, China has had a dedicated military space force for years now

though, i dont know how well the camo pattern is going to work out :)


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
reality vs fiction.. the first US Space Force recruiting ad is out as of 7 May

meanwhile, China has had a dedicated military space force for years now

though, i dont know how well the camo pattern is going to work out :)

I am against this.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This guy built his own 4K projector from fairly basic parts. Pretty cool. Have seen other videos by him before by the way. His channel is pretty good.



Well Known GateFan
I am against this.
whether we want it or not,the fact is that several other nations have militarized space already. china has a very active program as does russia--for years

i just hope some part of the force does something useful, like develop some type of defense for asteroids and clearing up our space junk--- (i wonder how useful it would be to recycle old satellites for their rare earth metals?--especially if it was someone else's to start with)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
whether we want it or not,the fact is that several other nations have militarized space already. china has a very active program as does russia--for years

i just hope some part of the force does something useful, like develop some type of defense for asteroids and clearing up our space junk--- (i wonder how useful it would be to recycle old satellites for their rare earth metals?--especially if it was someone else's to start with)

We should have simply expanded NASA instead of creating yet another military branch to suck up a sizeable chunk of our GDP and create yet more layers of pompous military officers sitting in offices being paid to defend against alien invasions. Military personnel are not astronauts or scientists. Making it a division of the military removed oversight. The asteroid defense R/D and tracking space junk was already being done by NASA.

So, since we now have a Space Force and we have Space X with superior technology, how about we dismantle NASA permanently?


Well Known GateFan
how about we dismantle NASA permanently?

and 219 of the current and former astronaut force of nasa is either in or was in the military at the time of their NASA CAREER

both members of the SPACEX Dragon are military test pilots--1 active duty usaf, the other retired usmc

have you forgotten your I DREAM OF JEANNIE? :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

and 219 of the current and former astronaut force of nasa is either in or was in the military at the time of their NASA CAREER

both members of the SPACEX Dragon are military test pilots--1 active duty usaf, the other retired usmc

have you forgotten your I DREAM OF JEANNIE? :)
I have no problem with tis Space Force as long as NASA is dismantled. Since the establishment of NASA, it has been a de facto "space force", complete with a military mission as well as a scientific one. Every heavy-lift rocket developed by NASA was designed for military needs primarily and adapted for non-military use. The ICBM was designed by NASA. Now, we have Space X.