Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
Every day I regard a certain segment of the population worse and worse:

I generally avoid this crap, but I now have to hear about it across the pond in my work, which had no issues at all before this shit because of how bad it is in US. Leave me the frak out of it! I am getting sick of it.

Some Americans make me so glad I don't live there right now. This crap has been going on for decades, and the only reason why it is so bad in USA over most other countries is because people in charge, the politicians, make money and hold power when the public is in this unsettled place. i have been saying this now for, gulp, 20 years.

I am going to also say loud and proud, I have several friends, 2 of them best friends, for over 20 years, that put their lives on the line everyday for decades, but I guess THAT does not matter. I don't even think about this stuff till someone throws it in my face, and now I am considered racist for saying that. Bullshit. I hope those that want the police defunded are robbed when they are!!! I hope they lose all their crap and then have noone to thank but themselves. Don't worry though, if you defund the cops, the gangs will rule many neighborhoods instead. I hope they enjoy that.

Another thing that requires a bit of common sense that is pissing me off...Equality is the opposite of Diversity....somebody should look that up. I believe in Equality not Diversity. I have also been saying this for 20 years.

If you want me to celebrate you, then why can't I celebrate myself? No? OOO, this offends me and now I think perhaps I am so upset that it might be okay to loot a store and steal a Playstation and some Nikes to make my point? What the frak, how can anyone not be furious at this crap and level of hypocrisy? These businesses are hanging by a thread in a global Panademic, but do the people that lose their jobs because of this matter?

It is all bullshit too, babies are not born racist....everyone needs to stop teaching them it and I mean ALL sides, including Hollywood, teachers, and parents. If Americans REALLY want to get rid of racism, they need to watch Frozen and let it go, then start fresh with a new generation and stop teaching kids about racism. You are not stopping it by teaching it, this has been proven by the last 30 years of non progress. Try dropping it, and letting babies grow up without celebrating anything but Equality, then society can get to a place of true equality. This will mean that some politicians will lose their jobs, but hey if something should not matter, than that is the best option.

Jumps off Soapbox... but WILL NOT apologize for supporting the Police.
There are assholes in all fields, and those small number of assholes should be dealt with, not the whole of the men and women in Blue that protect us everyday.

I dare anyone that disagrees to go to their worst neighborhood where they live, and try not to wish their was a copy nearby.
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Well Known GateFan
been re-watching Wayward Pines again. a great show

glad it only got 2 seasons, anything more and it would have lost what it was


Well Known GateFan
if you liked old detective shows like COLUMBO or MANNIX,etc.. good mysteries, then there is a show that nearly hits the spot for the same

a show from New Zealand and airs on ACORNtv, THE BROKENWOOD MYSTERIES

great mysteries and great characters. i thought it was a little goofy too-kind of silly here and there, but i read online that since it is a NZ show, you kind of get that in every show made there



Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Wow, has it been half a year since I posted on this thread? How could that be?

No wait, it says "jun" not "jan", my bad.


Well Known GateFan
not looking for a discussion here, just wanted to share with those I know here-----i guess i must of hit a nerve with this one... i was just typing what i felt and how i feel about this sh^t going on---- why do all decent causes get hijacked by assholes?

i think the most shares i ever had before was like 10, and that was a pic of my koi pond


Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
not looking for a discussion here, just wanted to share with those I know here-----i guess i must of hit a nerve with this one... i was just typing what i felt and how i feel about this sh^t going on---- why do all decent causes get hijacked by assholes?

i think the most shares i ever had before was like 10, and that was a pic of my koi pond

View attachment 35555

You have a koi pond?


Well Known GateFan
i have a cousin, her and her husband,, HARD CORE LEFTIES, applied for emigration to the EU back in 2017. they are actual true to their word ppl "we will leave the US if trump wins"

they are finding it quite difficult.. they both have college degrees, no kids, substantial bank accounts and no criminal records

it seems last month, they finally got their answers-- he can go she can't!

why? her Body Mass Index!!.. she was told she is too "robust" to be emigre to the EU

i find this hysterical.... they thought that the EU was so free and open minded and no way near as hard to get into as the US

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
i have a cousin, her and her husband,, HARD CORE LEFTIES, applied for emigration to the EU back in 2017. they are actual true to their word ppl "we will leave the US if trump wins"

they are finding it quite difficult.. they both have college degrees, no kids, substantial bank accounts and no criminal records

it seems last month, they finally got their answers-- he can go she can't!

why? her Body Mass Index!!.. she was told she is too "robust" to be emigre to the EU

i find this hysterical.... they thought that the EU was so free and open minded and no way near as hard to get into as the US

Ehm... what???


Well Known GateFan
Ehm... what???

thats what she said.. she very pissed off now as well

they were applying for denmark and over the last few years have done "paper" physicals with their DR' s here. paid fees to apply and file paperwork.. had to get documents to show they could provide for themselves.. gotten their college degrees copied and notarized... show proof of active employment for last 5 years

i tried looking online for health req's and all i can find is matrices for all the nations in the EU with very general info. all it said was "medical examination" but no specifics..but hey, for a nation that forces new parents to pick a name for their newborn from a pre approved list.. this isnt hard to believe

point is.. those are ALL things her and ppl like her criticize the US for doing o immigrants and she finds she must do it for over there.. but being told she is fat finally set her off

i dont talk to her anymore, she is going berzerk over trump as if he has done something personal to her.. we are all keeping our distance i cant imagine what she will do if trump wins again


Well Known GateFan
so remember how some of us outside of Australia had a hard time believing that the new internet/wireless/cell security law was as bad or draconian as a certain someone here was making it out to be?

well, here is evidence that it is indeed that draconian-- Australia following in china's footsteps


Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
I know what the word bisexual means. I have heard of the word pansexual. Since the prefix pan means all, does that mean that pansexuals are less choosy than bisexuals? Does the word pansexual mean that someone is willing to have sex with sheep?