Random Banter

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
why is youtube demonetizing any video that mentions coronavirus or covid 19 in the title or in the video itself?
I don't know, but I heard about something like that.

Best guess, they don't want anyone to try to profit by making sensationalized videos about it.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
What is the appropriate verb for when trash moves down your street propelled by wind? It's not exactly flying, because it doesn't propel itself and it's just along for the ride. It's not floating, except in some cases when there's been a lot of rain. Sometimes it's rolling, for example a tin can, but this mostly doesn't apply as a whole. It's not really hopping or hovering either. I'm looking for a word which describes the movement, but takes into account that it doesn't move on it's own accord. Perhaps it could encompass the randomness of it as well. Sometimes there's nothing, sometimes there's a lot. You never know what will come or when it will come. And the word should not be too general, such as "moving" or "coming". Please help me complete this sentence.

I'm sick and tired of this trash that's always ............ down our street!

Native English speakers, baffle me with your insights!


Well Known GateFan
What is the appropriate verb for when trash moves down your street propelled by wind? It's not exactly flying, because it doesn't propel itself and it's just along for the ride. It's not floating, except in some cases when there's been a lot of rain. Sometimes it's rolling, for example a tin can, but this mostly doesn't apply as a whole. It's not really hopping or hovering either. I'm looking for a word which describes the movement, but takes into account that it doesn't move on it's own accord. Perhaps it could encompass the randomness of it as well. Sometimes there's nothing, sometimes there's a lot. You never know what will come or when it will come. And the word should not be too general, such as "moving" or "coming". Please help me complete this sentence.

I'm sick and tired of this trash that's always ............ down our street!

Native English speakers, baffle me with your insights!


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
New Marvel superheroes are upon us! Their names, Snowflake and Safespace. Apparently they are both black and at least one of them is non-binary. Progress stops for nothing!


Well Known GateFan
so with theaters closed in so many places, amazon (and probably others) is offering first run movies (like stuff that would be just released in theaters now) for $19 on prime

around here, thats more then the theaters cost, but probably cheaper then in some areas.

you think the american (or any other areas) movie theater business is going to go under after this virus is done?

with innovations like this -albeit reactive ones-and stuff like so many ppl working from home, a lot is going to change

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I'm surprised movie theaters have lasted this long.


GateFans Member

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
What is this supposed to depict? People who want to travel to other worlds but can't due to lockdown?


Well Known GateFan
What is this supposed to depict? People who want to travel to other worlds but can't due to lockdown?

perhaps representative of the fans? always perked at the talk of something new (gate opened) but dejected when nothing comes through?


Well Known GateFan
anyone else noticing lagging internet speeds? i have read online where some isp's are doing something with bandwith to accommodate the increase in net usage due to school closures and so many ppl doing so much more streaming

could it also be made worse by techs not going to work due to being sick or staying home for fear? can a COMCAST (or any company) tech access the companies main servers (or whatever device it is) from home to do checks or fix issues?

could it be a combo of both things?

my comcast speed tester says i am getting 109 mbps and i pay for 100

but.. netflix, amazon and yt are noticeably slower on both my laptop and my roku tv... even the picture quality on netflix seems a bit degraded

does this make any sense from my neolithic tech perspective? :)



Well Known GateFan
Bullies - i hate them so much. It has caused me anxiety attacks and not only that my mental health has taken for the worse as well.


Well Known GateFan
Bullies - i hate them so much. It has caused me anxiety attacks and not only that my mental health has taken for the worse as well.

well stay well and try to focus on what you like instead of what you dislike

after all of this covid stuff, with isolation and unemployment, every country is going to be exploding in the number of mental health cases.. diagnosable ones that is-ones that meet dsm critieria


Well Known GateFan
anyone else noticing lagging internet speeds? i have read online where some isp's are doing something with bandwith to accommodate the increase in net usage due to school closures and so many ppl doing so much more streaming

could it also be made worse by techs not going to work due to being sick or staying home for fear? can a COMCAST (or any company) tech access the companies main servers (or whatever device it is) from home to do checks or fix issues?

could it be a combo of both things?

my comcast speed tester says i am getting 109 mbps and i pay for 100

but.. netflix, amazon and yt are noticeably slower on both my laptop and my roku tv... even the picture quality on netflix seems a bit degraded

does this make any sense from my neolithic tech perspective? :)


no thoughts on this? i notice it is far worse at night. no one else is experiencing this? amazon and hulu seem to be maintaining but netflix and yt are DEFI slower..somehow,someway


Well Known GateFan
well...this is now, today at 4:20 pm, 17 april

what is that weather condition called where the warm air near the ground is so 'shallow' a layer that its not deep enough to warm the falling precipitation and melt it to rain?

happening now.. its 43f outside, as soon as the snow stops, it melts, then snows again

only saw this once before in northern NY at Ft Drum


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
well...this is now, today at 4:20 pm, 17 april

what is that weather condition called where the warm air near the ground is so 'shallow' a layer that its not deep enough to warm the falling precipitation and melt it to rain?

happening now.. its 43f outside, as soon as the snow stops, it melts, then snows again

only saw this once before in northern NY at Ft Drum

View attachment 35521
@Quetesh will be sooo jealous!


Well Known GateFan
well...who a'thunk it! The longitudes of Kingston ON,Kingston PA and Kingston Jamaica are all within 1 degree of longitude of the other!

Of course, this would probably only be of even the slightest interest to old surveyors like myself! :)

and, don't even ask me how I went down this rabbit hole, because I don't remember..weather map maybe?