Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
now i suspect many ppl become veterinarians because they love animals, taking care of animals was their hobby. so here is yet one more example of why you should NEVER make your hobby your job

when you make your hobby your job, then you have no refuge or escape to go to in times of stress and being over worked. many end up hating their job and therefore their hobby, leaving them with drugs, alcohol, gambling or other harmful things to find diversion and stress relief

only wealthy ppl and high school guidance counselors (who are never held to any result driven standard), can afford to say things like "follow your bliss" or 'find what you love and make it your job' because they were never in such a tough situation

to bad these vets didn't find another job to move into before it was too late


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
now i suspect many ppl become veterinarians because they love animals, taking care of animals was their hobby. so here is yet one more example of why you should NEVER make your hobby your job

when you make your hobby your job, then you have no refuge or escape to go to in times of stress and being over worked. many end up hating their job and therefore their hobby, leaving them with drugs, alcohol, gambling or other harmful things to find diversion and stress relief

only wealthy ppl and high school guidance counselors (who are never held to any result driven standard), can afford to say things like "follow your bliss" or 'find what you love and make it your job' because they were never in such a tough situation

to bad these vets didn't find another job to move into before it was too late


This is a great comment, but I would widen it to say that you should not make your FAVORITE hobby your job. I have several hobbies, but computers and networking became my job after expanding my training and interest in enterprise networking. But my favorite hobby is still music. It is so precious to me that I play it only for myself. Not pre-recorded music, but music I play with my own fingers on my piano.


Well Known GateFan
FAVORITE hobby your job

yes, thats the intent

maybe make your 2nd or 3rd hobby your job.. you get it, you know what i mean. :)

you may (or not) be surprised at just how many ppl gave me dumbfounded looks when i said this kind of thing in college classes

again (yes a sigh from the audience- 'here he goes again") when i was a recruiter, under the original method we were taught, we were taught to have the person tell us a few of their favorite things they would like to do as a job (civilian or military) or goals (savings, car, marriage, college).

we would have them tell us what was their main goal then we built our 'pitch' on the second or third one. we never promised to deliver the first, that was unrealistic for a prospect to believe, it is what they expected a recruiter to say..anyhow......


Well Known GateFan
not posting this for the football reference but rather for the 'just what the F^CK is going on here?' reference

i really do not mind cross dressers so long as they are tasteful, this is just stupid as hell.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
not posting this for the football reference but rather for the 'just what the F^CK is going on here?' reference

i really do not mind cross dressers so long as they are tasteful, this is just stupid as hell.


Its MA'AM!


Well Known GateFan

so he finally backed down from the whole hobbit thing and acknowledges that this show is set in the 2nd age. he would have to so that he could make this video.

but then he says 'go watch men of the west's videos on the istari, my go to source on tolkien'. no!! tolkien is the go to source for tolkien! read a book for once!

this video, is just another form of attacking the female agenda-which i agree with. he dressed it in the topic of lotr's to get a edge on his competition. and, honestly, if he titled a video something that said "stop the female takeover" YT probably would have taken down the video

and i doubt that the show will be 'centered on the elves'. there is just not much elven stuff in the 2nd age -, nearly all of the source materiel is on Numenor and the interaction of Numenor with middle earth and all of those who live there -which would be men and elves--even men of color.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Is there any evidence that this fellow is even a Republican?

No, there isn't any evidence. But so what if he was a Republican? Jeremy at Geeks and Gamers is not only a Republican, he is also a Trump supporter. They didn't go after him, so why Doomcock?


Well Known GateFan
seems to me that 'they' are trying to soft peddle the 'social credit score' thing to the rest of us (like china's official one)

why would anyone willingly participate in a such a thing?
