Random Banter


GateFans Member


Well Known GateFan

what we used to do back in the 70's in school. kids would fight over who would get sent to the office to pick up the teachers 'ditto sheets'. they smelled like grapes :)

mimeograph i believe it was called


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


He used the term "nigga", not "nigger" (with a hard "er"). Plus he is black. Imagine that, a black man harassed out of his job for using a word derived from another word which IN HIS LIFETIME has been used to harm the black American for centuries, reported to HR by a white female. How very woke it has become to become offended "on my behalf". :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan

He used the term "nigga", not "nigger" (with a hard "er"). Plus he is black. Imagine that, a black man harassed out of his job for using a word derived from another word which IN HIS LIFETIME has been used to harm the black American for centuries, reported to HR by a white female. How very woke it has become to become offended "on my behalf". :facepalm:

well, i am offended that your'e offended

hey.at least they didn't call him a 'racist'

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
well, i am offended that your'e offended

hey.at least they didn't call him a 'racist'

SJWs call Ben Shapiro a white supremacist and a NAZI and he is Jewish and wears a yarmulke most of the time. :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
SJWs call Ben Shapiro a white supremacist and a NAZI and he is Jewish and wears a yarmulke most of the time. :facepalm:

well, he's being a racist by showing off his yarmulke, and people of color are being racist (and selfish too) for showing off their color

there, i had a "millennial moment"