Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
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What ship is this?
Staff member
Duffelblog is a military joke site.


Well Known GateFan
oh this is rich...

now, at a certain 'elsewhere', i am being accused of being on a mission of 'troll and destroy (or something)' at the behest of my master, overmind one :vala-new011:

just because a certain deranged person cant beat my arguments, SO i must be on a mission of doom :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
oh this is rich...

now, at a certain 'elsewhere', i am being accused of being on a mission of 'troll and destroy (or something)' at the behest of my master, overmind one :vala-new011:

just because a certain deranged person cant beat my arguments, SO i must be on a mission of doom :)

I have my curiosity - where is this place?


Well Known GateFan
in PA it is NOT illegal to pet a service dog

but, protections to be able to bring a service dog anywhere you like is limited to those persons who have an apparent disability (wheelchair, blind, deaf, missing limb). PA law has a large gray area on emotional spt animals, which many ppl get for their anxiety, depression or ptsd

so, today, in Walmart with my 4yr old. a beagle, with a service dog vest on it belonging to a woman making her way through the store quite well, approached my 4yr old and initiated contact with her.

it is the natural instinct of a dog, like a beagle to be inquisitive, it is the natural reaction of child to be friendly with a dog, especially a small one, who approaches.

so- If you do not want my 4yr old child to touch your service dog (and your disability is not apparent) then YOU should train your dog to not approach anyone and initiate contact.

random rant complete! :)


Well Known GateFan
random mood lifter....

this is one of those songs that has a way of making you feel better if your'e down. :( (like after some attn seeking ass hat with a 'service dog' scolds your 4yr old child)

even if you hate jefferson airplane/starship, this song is excellent. and that electric hollow body guitar!



What ship is this?
Staff member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

F*ck that vegan! If she doesn't like it, then she can move the fkk out, bitch. I have had two run ins with vegans already. Not like that, but one of them started trying to lecture me on how I was eating "rotting flesh" from "murdered" animals. A complete stranger! I had a very loud and abrasive negative reaction and told her to get the fkk out of my face. The second one was in the market where I buy my meat (a Ralphs). I had a package of steaks, and this vegan (presumably) looked at them and said "That is so gross, you are eating that crap". I looked at her bunch of veggies and told her that I couldn't care less what she likes and to mind her own business. Not as brash as the first one, but still an arrogant vegan. I say vegans should be able to eat what they want, but they do not have the right to lecture me or pass judgement on normal omnivores.


Well Known GateFan
F*ck that vegan! If she doesn't like it, then she can move the fkk out, bitch. I have had two run ins with vegans already. Not like that, but one of them started trying to lecture me on how I was eating "rotting flesh" from "murdered" animals. A complete stranger! I had a very loud and abrasive negative reaction and told her to get the fkk out of my face. The second one was in the market where I buy my meat (a Ralphs). I had a package of steaks, and this vegan (presumably) looked at them and said "That is so gross, you are eating that crap". I looked at her bunch of veggies and told her that I couldn't care less what she likes and to mind her own business. Not as brash as the first one, but still an arrogant vegan. I say vegans should be able to eat what they want, but they do not have the right to lecture me or pass judgement on normal omnivores.

i admire their dedication and their honesty-if they are not cheating. but yeah, piss off, especially ppl like the one in this vid