Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
Wait...that is a young Patrick Stewart!

he seems to have had various hair styles in the past. only a point as we are so used to seeing him bald

him in I,Claudius



The Belle of the Ball
yep they only turn orange /red after it's cooked so is it half-baked?


Well Known GateFan
'pre crime' life imitation of art?

a plan that has recently gained steam from event but has been in consideration by pvt companies for awhile

study and plan to use already for sale tech (smart phones, smart watches and home systems like amazon echo) to monitor those dx'd with a mental illness

question is, if this went into effect, just what would be a 'mental illness'?

and, if you were in the category, would you allow yourself to be monitored in such a way?

i see where it could be beneficial in maybe distraction ppl from self harm or harming others, but it is quite 'Orwellian' though, isn't?

project SAFEHOME - stands for Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
SimCity 2000! :D

I still love that game! But my favorite is still SimCity 4 because of all the add-ins available. The Artesian Water mod, the Fusion Reactor mod, and building mods allow you to forget about the water maintenance and power. I believe the GIF is showing one of the disasters. :)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I still love that game! But my favorite is still SimCity 4 because of all the add-ins available. The Artesian Water mod, the Fusion Reactor mod, and building mods allow you to forget about the water maintenance and power. I believe the GIF is showing one of the disasters. :)
I like SimCity 4, but I also hate it. Every now and then I get the urge to play it, but then soon after I remember what annoys me so much about it and I stop playing again. It's such a missed opportunity. I'm not sure right now exactly what it is, but I think it was the region editor that pissed me off so much.