Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
freaky, cool... deep purple in japan



Well Known GateFan
I personally hate working in a Corporate Environment. I never thought that the Corporate environment would be so evil. The Corporate board I was working in has given me panic attacks, anxiety and affected my judgement too.

what the hell is going on in australia (can of worms opened)?

to us outsiders, the place has always been painted as a place of equality and opportunity a place where euro socialism seems to be working

i am seeing it has all been a massive deception (?)


Well Known GateFan
what the hell is going on in australia (can of worms opened)?

to us outsiders, the place has always been painted as a place of equality and opportunity a place where euro socialism seems to be working

i am seeing it has all been a massive deception (?)

Not in that Department, a lot of favourtism, nepotism and a lot of back stabbing and bullying. Bullies and guys and girls with big muscles who look good get promoted within the company. It's a high stress and high pressure job and the job ages you really quickly. I have been put under a lot of pressure and it's made me reach to a point of numbness and cognitive catastrophe because the Department has this We Care crap policy and as you move to the Corporate side it completely changes.

I want to work in a peaceful environment, which is why I want to go into private but I am stuck at that place, and no one wants to hire me as an intern and I have no degree either.

I am trying to get into the State Government but it's proving to be difficult. I made the wrong decision by staying in that Corporate role and where in a meeting I saw pure evil at the utmost and it's completely destroyed my judgement to run away. My problem solving skills have hit a new low as well and I am having issues with solving maths problems as well. So, I am in the process or rewiring my brain at the moment. I have been bullied, I have been called Hitler and had the word Penis drawn on the back of my hoodie. I cannot even enjoy music like I used to in the past and frasier is not a funny show either which is darn shame because I consider Frasier to be the best sitcom ever.

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Well Known GateFan
we always hear about the initial negative side of this kind of thing, but we rarely hear of how the situations end up. this guy (i know him online through my oldest daughter,she was dating him and almost moved in with him into this house) in houston, filmed his landlady after she got him stuck in a lease, then showed her true colors

he and his 'club' brought attention to the situation and now the women has her place for sale

i don't want to make it a CPOG breaking situation, just a 'one off' cause its nice to see when these kind of ppl get what they need to get-what they deserve

Breaking Through is with Robert A. Kirkpatrick and Ramone Quentin.Like Page
August 7 ·
Racist Landlord Calls Black Tenant Ni**er, Hangs Racist Signs on Property; Car Club Community Stands Up for Tenant

After Robert Kirkpatrick's racist, bigoted landlord was recorded calling him the N-word repeatedly, he posted the video on social media and it immediately went viral. Kirkpatrick is well know and respected in the car club community and within hours over 100 members from various clubs mobilized to create an event titled 'Revving Out Racism' Breaking Through News Reporter Theodore Whitelow has more details in the following report

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member



Well Known GateFan
Good episode of Simpsons,which is rare "I expect some people expect some carpenter to be some fat guy with his butt crack showing" LOL
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Well Known GateFan
hmm.did no one learn from Gillette's mistake?

this is beyond words..i put those who have a 'belief' in this needing to happen right there with flat earth believers and the art of questioning the obvious

and Removing the venus symbol-a symbol of femininity. If a guy, who thinks he has become a woman-even one surgically altered, then why would sher feel not included by the symbol of the very thing sher now thinks they have become?

then, if the sher is over 50 and therefore is 'post menopausal' will sher then take medication for hot flashes and vaginal dryness..just to feel more included?

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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

You really needed to post the text that came with that! :) Here it is:

NEW YORK, NY—In an inspiring story from the world of professional cycling, a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.

In a local qualifying race for the World Road Cycling League, the motorcyclist crushed the previous 100-mile record of 3 hours, 13 minutes with his amazing new score of well under an hour.

Professional motorcycle racer Judd E. Banner, the brave trans-vehicle rider, was allowed to race after he told league organizers he's always felt like a bicyclist in a motorcyclist's body.

"Look, my ride has handlebars, two wheels, and a seat," he told reporters as he accepted a trophy for his incredible time trial. "Just because I've got a little extra hardware, such as an 1170-cc flat-twin engine with 110 horsepower, doesn't mean I have any kind of inherent advantage here."

Banner also said he painted the word "HUFFY" on the side of his bike, ensuring he has no advantage over the bikes that came out of the factory as bicycles.

Some critics say he needs to cut off his motor in order to make the competition fairer, but he quickly called these people bigots, and they were immediately banned from professional cycle racing.
