Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Welp, there goes the MCU. Natalie Portman? As Thor? She is too short, too skinny, and non-threatening. TERRIBLE choice. I am not reacting to Thor being a female, but they chose the wrong female.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I can picture her looking good in an Asgard costume and swinging a huge hammer. Probably gonna be fun.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I can picture her looking good in an Asgard costume and swinging a huge hammer. Probably gonna be fun.

Meh, she seems like the type who is always asking a guy to open a jar for her, or to kill the spider, or who complains about being cold. She is the one in action movies who trips while the group is running away from certain death, risking the lives of those who save her. You get the idea....:)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yup. I was going to say Portman doesn't look like she knows how to use a hammer but I didn't want to sound sexist so I'm not going to say it. :)

Well, I still believe there is a gigantic difference between men and women, and that gender definitely exists and cannot be chosen or changed and I am not afraid to say it. Those who see that as being sexist are people I do not care to be around for long periods of time. :shame: Having said that, Natalie Portman is what I would call a "girly girl", and that suits her just fine. She is soft and feminine. Why try and shoehorn into Thor? She would make an AWESOME Sif. I think they want continuity with the budding romance they were trying to cultivate in the earlier movies. I am just not feeling her as Thor.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No I'm with you on that Overmind One. Women like to feel empowered nowadays but I have three sisters and a couple of great loves in my past and all of them instinctively leaned on my at times for protection or practical stuff or whatever.

Women are women, and they are all beautiful and unique. But they can never be men, and they should not aspire to masculinity (in my opinion). I feel that men should not think of themselves as being "better" than women, just very different from them. To me, that is a GOOD thing. They are equally as influential on the future and the present as men are, just in a different way.

I enjoyed doing it for them. I never saw women as the weaker sex, my grandmother was one tough lady for instance, born in 1909 and a damn sight tougher than any of these third wave feminists, yet I do see women as being the fairer sex. The ones I know enjoyed being cared for anyway and I'm not speaking materially. My sister's are in managerial positions for instance. What I mean is that most women are instinctively drawn to the masculine energy in my experience and no amount of bra burning or woke Gillette adverts is going to change that.

I still enjoy doing things for women. But I no longer freely do them, because the #METOO thing is just too serious and potentially damaging.

Did you see the new Shaft film? That had a good gunfight in it that showed a millenial woman being softened by her man protecting her.

Third wave feminists are fighting millions of years of gender evolution. Good luck with that I say.

Haven't seen it yet!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Meh, she seems like the type who is always asking a guy to open a jar for her, or to kill the spider, or who complains about being cold. She is the one in action movies who trips while the group is running away from certain death, risking the lives of those who save her. You get the idea....:)
And receiving Thor's godlike powers will change that. They might even play off of this to increase the contrast.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Women are great Overmind One. My argument against equality of outcome is that women and men aren't two identical coins, they are two sides of the same coin, different yet compatible.

I don't think the #METOO movement is particularly prevalent in my country although I could just be out of touch.

I do a physically demanding job. I hear in America women are employed in my line of work to do the lighter jobs but women just don't work at my job here. So I spend all day with housewives depending on me to get the job done. There's a clear delineation of gender roles for me at work so I never experienced any of that SJW crap.

You didn't see shaft? At least I didn't really spoil it for you so. :)

My wakeup call came when I opened the door for a young lady, only to be told that "I could have done that for myself, but thanks anyway". It wasn't a hard slap, but I still took it as a slap in the face. I was raised in the 1960s, so opening doors, offering to help carry groceries, and coming to the aid of a woman in distress or being abused was and is still second nature. But not at work (for me). Too many millennial interns around right now.


Well Known GateFan
wow, snowfalke central has a new home


get this, the built in censorship program/filter whatever, censors the words Cushitic

cushitic refers to cushites who are those peoples who inhabit the horn of africa area

on further investigation i found the program also censors shiitake (take NOT THIS HAS 2 "I's" in it!!!) and other, non profane words that just happen to have the letters s,h,i,t in them?

this applies to other profanities as well

what kind of answers do i get from other ppl there when i asked (cause of course you just know i did) why?

"does it matter? why can't you just not use profanity?"

I didn't

"its not hard to find away around the filter"

why should i have to find a way around the filter when i am using perfectly acceptable, in-vernacular, non profane words?

and other quips taking aim at me personally for daring to question the GW PTB.

so, they want to be safe from being triggered by plain old banalities like "shit" yet they continue to proceed at ripping each others online throats out in such a nice and non profane (or words that might seem profane if you do magic filtering with your eyes and let out half the word) manner?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
wow, snowfalke central has a new home


get this, the built in censorship program/filter whatever, censors the words Cushitic

cushitic refers to cushites who are those peoples who inhabit the horn of africa area

on further investigation i found the program also censors shiitake (take NOT THIS HAS 2 "I's" in it!!!) and other, non profane words that just happen to have the letters s,h,i,t in them?

this applies to other profanities as well

what kind of answers do i get from other ppl there when i asked (cause of course you just know i did) why?

"does it matter? why can't you just not use profanity?"

I didn't

"its not hard to find away around the filter"

why should i have to find a way around the filter when i am using perfectly acceptable, in-vernacular, non profane words?

and other quips taking aim at me personally for daring to question the GW PTB.

so, they want to be safe from being triggered by plain old banalities like "shit" yet they continue to proceed at ripping each others online throats out in such a nice and non profane (or words that might seem profane if you do magic filtering with your eyes and let out half the word) manner?


LMAO! But GateWorld became a forum non grata for me as soon as they started censoring anti SGU posts. I stopped wasting time reading anything there or participating in anything over there.


Well Known GateFan
LMAO! But GateWorld became a forum non grata for me as soon as they started censoring anti SGU posts. I stopped wasting time reading anything there or participating in anything over there.

i might not be looking in the right places, buy i have yet to find an active stargate thread there at all

oh, and i mentioned how we have that profanity filter here. so that eliminates the need for censorship. so if you are so queezy that you can't handle shit, then you can turn it on so you are the one who doesn't see the 'bad words' instead of censoring everyone

seriously though, can't the filter GW has be fine tuned a bit? so it only censors actual profanity?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i might not be looking in the right places, buy i have yet to find an active stargate thread there at all

oh, and i mentioned how we have that profanity filter here. so that eliminates the need for censorship. so if you are so queezy that you can't handle shit, then you can turn it on so you are the one who doesn't see the 'bad words' instead of censoring everyone

seriously though, can't the filter GW has be fine tuned a bit? so it only censors actual profanity?

They are on vBulletin still. We are on Xenforo and this forum software is more advanced than theirs.


Well Known GateFan
They are on vBulletin still. We are on Xenforo and this forum software is more advanced than theirs.

thats what i figured but...

"witness is dodging the question your honor"

is being so general and shot gun approach-like the best vbulletin can do?


Well Known GateFan
and they told me that the type of selective profanity filter we have here does not exist :bashtechie:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
and they told me that the type of selective profanity filter we have here does not exist :bashtechie:

That is true...for vBulletin. I still own two licenses for vBulletin (from SGUS), but Xenforo is just better in every way. The developers dumped vBulletin and created Xenforo, so there is a blood relationship. Xenforo would have been the next generation of vBulletin but the company which bought vBulletin tried to sue the developers and lost. GateWorld could migrate if they wanted to, but that is a LOT of work. The migration from vBulletin to Xenforo for the SGUS database was almost a week worth of work.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i might not be looking in the right places, buy i have yet to find an active stargate thread there at all

oh, and i mentioned how we have that profanity filter here. so that eliminates the need for censorship. so if you are so queezy that you can't handle shit, then you can turn it on so you are the one who doesn't see the 'bad words' instead of censoring everyone

seriously though, can't the filter GW has be fine tuned a bit? so it only censors actual profanity?

Of all my favorite big scifi franchises, only Stargate appears to actually be dead. Without Stargate, Gateworld is dead unless they expand into something else. I did buy a new domain which is more generic than GateFans, but I don't know how others here would feel if I renamed this site. The new domain is FandomForums.com. I have not set anything up on it or even put a parking page, but my intention was to move this site to the new domain. I think I would have to put it up to a vote. Or, just open the new site without anything copied from here.