Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
ridiculous requirements for a job that pays minimum wage.

they can suck a fatty is what they can do!

IDK about AUS, but here, a lot of companies will post job ads that they have no intention of ever filling (hence the ridiculousness)

they do it to 'improve the company's position' by making it look as if they are growing; encouraging investors,etc

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
here is a woman's take on it

That is Mecharandom42, and I have been subbed to her channel for more than a year and I watch her videos. She is part of The Fandom Menace YouTube group which includes:

Bounding Into Comics
Geeks and Gamers
Midnight's Edge


Well Known GateFan

this guy would take roles in some of the most awful movies ever made

like C quality stuff

you know he did it for the money, but something about him and his presence on screen in them--like he really tired to act his best everytime, made you believe he also did it for the love of his job

and, was he ever in the headlines for any kind of scandal or other "i am a celeb" BS? IDT he was

seemed like a good guy


Well Known GateFan
RESIDENT EVIL just came up in a trivia game

made me wonder; has the original run of movies been completed? was there any kind of resolution/ "happy" ending?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
this near religion of monarchyism, needs to end (a long time ago)

british royals ,the wealthiest people on social welfare around

"don't stroke their dog", "don't say hello"

how about "hey dirtbag- yeah you carrot top-get a job and get off of the Benefit"?

making it worse, the wife is just some trumped up starlet from america.


Get this...she grew up in my neighborhood in Southern California!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I remember some talk here about transgender people in sports a while back. Can't find it though. Perhaps it was somewhere in this thread even. In any case, I just came across the following on twitter, so I thought I'd post it here for y'all to feast on.

I'm just loving all the comments on it pointing out the obvious fallacy. O, and here's my reply while I'm at it.



Well Known GateFan
There is a ultimate line that cannot be mediated on this fight between those that fight for woman's rights, and those that say there is no difference in men and women and it all comes down to "who they identify themselves as". There is no gray area here, pick a side or shut up and let them fight it out. I fall into the latter.

I stay out of this crap on both sides, but at some point this will cause a chasm between the SJW of the world which might help to point out the ridiculousness of some of this stuff these days.


The Belle of the Ball
this near religion of monarchyism, needs to end (a long time ago)

british royals ,the wealthiest people on social welfare around

"don't stroke their dog", "don't say hello"

how about "hey dirtbag- yeah you carrot top-get a job and get off of the Benefit"?

making it worse, the wife is just some trumped up starlet from america.


Never heard of her before Harry ...never watched the show! :P


The Belle of the Ball
There is a ultimate line that cannot be mediated on this fight between those that fight for woman's rights, and those that say there is no difference in men and women and it all comes down to "who they identify themselves as". There is no gray area here, pick a side or shut up and let them fight it out. I fall into the latter.

I stay out of this crap on both sides, but at some point this will cause a chasm between the SJW of the world which might help to point out the ridiculousness of some of this stuff these days.

Transgenderism is destroying women's sports! Notice it's not the women who go for men's sports. It's the failed men who decide they want to compete in women's sports. :P Just sayin

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Never heard of her before Harry ...never watched the show! :P

She did not even grow up in the best part of my neighborhood! She was in the "okay" part. I no longer live there (but my sister does), but I find that amusing. :)