Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
Who makes sure that the meat being served is not discarded dog meat or disease free? There is a whole web of checks and balances to make sure the food supply available for purchase is inspected and regulated.

who makes sure that items bought at a yard sale are safe and within regulation? if someone gets injured by a defective tool they bought at a yard sale, who pays the lawsuit?

hows it go? caveat emptor? should always be in effect for these face to face (producer to consumer) transactions

should never be in these types of transactions, "let the government check it for me"

govt inspections and licenses are needed for third party (or more ) transactions. but when you are looking the cook, grower, seller in the eyeballs...no, no govt interference
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Well Known GateFan
I find the 'sue them' culture hilarious. Cops sueing for PTSD from catching criminals and such. Grow a pair of balls will you you opportunistic materialistic ********.

Shit or get off the pot that's what I say. Now if it was a life changing event like the loss of a limb or something I'd say yeah, compensate them. But an upset tummy?! That's life. Get over it.

yes Jim!

they should not whine over the circumstances of the job they selected and volunteered for

police, ems, fire, even garbage men, you wanted that job and the life and culture it would put you in, so live it and deal with the consequences.

except if they become disabled or killed in the line of duty

this is what i am saying with these food trucks and yard sales and roadside stands.

they should not need a license or govt inspections IF they are selling what they made/cooked/previously owned

the sellers are the guarantee and the buyer is the inspector of sorts. the buyer is 'volunteering' to purchase these items based on an application of common sense

if you are too dumb to see that some food may not be right, or an old chainsaw at a yard sale is not safe to use, then it is your fault and yours alone for buying those items

look at gas station/convenience store egg salad sandwiches for example.

the store has a license to sell them and they presumably were made under guidelines dictated by the govt. but look at how many people still get sick from them.

just because said store has a license to sell food and that food went through production based on govt rules DOES NOT make it any better/safer then the guy with the food truck i posted about

if you think that egg salad sandwich is safer then the pulled pork you are buying straight from the guy making it, then you got issues

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
who makes sure that items bought at a yard sale are safe and within regulation? if someone gets injured by a defective tool they bought at a yard sale, who pays the lawsuit?

hows it go? caveat emptor? should always be in effect for these face to face (producer to consumer) transactions

should never be in these types of transactions, "let the government check it for me"

govt inspections and licenses are needed for third party (or more ) transactions. but when you are looking the cook, grower, seller in the eyeballs...no, no govt interference

Food is different than yard sale items. Food, medicines, treatments involving physical interaction between the vendor and the customer, all of that needs to be regulated.


Well Known GateFan
Food is different than yard sale items. Food, medicines, treatments involving physical interaction between the vendor and the customer, all of that needs to be regulated.


just let it go, or we would have to get into reasons why, and thats non permiso senor :)


Well Known GateFan
we talked about this before, i dont remembered in what thread. it was where i was advocating for re invigorating easter us agriculture.

not to the detriment of other areas but to add to the overall product availability

this would never happen here (well, probably about a 5% chance) we have a plethora of fresh surface and ground water (and the great lakes) and we get a lot of rain.

no we cant grow year round, but we could definitely add to the market

corn growers in the East are already seeing bids on their crop this year rising due tothis midwest thing



Well Known GateFan
thoughts on classical music composed and performed by an AI algorithm?

i think some things should be reserved for humans only

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
thoughts on classical music composed and performed by an AI algorithm?

i think some things should be reserved for humans only
If when listening to it you can't tell whether it was composed by an AI or a human, why would it matter?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If when listening to it you can't tell whether it was composed by an AI or a human, why would it matter?

Ah, but you can tell. :) A.I. does not understand the nuances of things like how crescendos and arpeggios and solos are used to create "tension" in a composition. It's the equivalent to Spock's eyebrow raise in original Star Trek, or adding seasonings to food. A.I. will never be able to use musical seasonings like that to give music that special feel. But it can easily trick fans of classical music who are into Wagner and Schoenberg who have written atonal pieces which might easily have been composed by a cat walking across a keyboard or an infant banging on the piano. They were the anarchists of music IMO:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
well the nhow did you see the pic of the smoker in the pick up? that was a pic from FB


Good point...I see the picture clearly. I don't have Facebook, but I have not specifically blocked anything. I noticed that some of the tweets from Twitter don't show up for me as well. Maybe it's just me?


Well Known GateFan
If when listening to it you can't tell whether it was composed by an AI or a human, why would it matter?

leave the subjective realm to humans

let ai do the banal and objective stuff like complex math and science and dangerous things, like mining asteroids or going into volcanoes


Well Known GateFan
Ah, but you can tell. :) A.I. does not understand the nuances of things like how crescendos and arpeggios and solos are used to create "tension" in a composition. It's the equivalent to Spock's eyebrow raise in original Star Trek, or adding seasonings to food. A.I. will never be able to use musical seasonings like that to give music that special feel. But it can easily trick fans of classical music who are into Wagner and Schoenberg who have written atonal pieces which might easily have been composed by a cat walking across a keyboard or an infant banging on the piano. They were the anarchists of music IMO:


I asked this as I read about it in the book i am reading now (posted in 'what books have you been reading' thread) HOME DEUS

in it, the author brings up several examples of what AI and specifically written algorithms can accomplish

like what David Cope did with his EMI program and Bach. Including challenges from professional musicians and there counter attempts. Trained musicians and musicologists could not tell the difference and assigned the AI composition to human composition:

<< imo, govts and these 'smart guys' need to craft specific regulations, guidelines and limits to what AI will eventually be able to do and what AI should never be allowed to do >>


one sample here. i guess the guy and his AI sells albums through amazon and the like


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Ah, but you can tell. :) A.I. does not understand the nuances of things like how crescendos and arpeggios and solos are used to create "tension" in a composition. It's the equivalent to Spock's eyebrow raise in original Star Trek, or adding seasonings to food. A.I. will never be able to use musical seasonings like that to give music that special feel.

You underestimate AI. Already plenty of cases are emerging where AI is able to do things unexpectedly and the developers of the AI and researchers don't have a clue how or why. This is because AI take massive amounts of data which would be inaccessible to a human being and are able to find patterns which humans can't perceive. I have no doubt that this would also apply to classical music, if the appropriate data is fed to the machine learning algorithm.


Well Known GateFan
AI and researchers don't have a clue how or why. This is because AI take massive amounts of data which would be inaccessible to a human being and are able to find patterns which humans can't perceive

why AI needs to be strictly regulated