Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yesterday I was in front of my house having a smoke. Two neighborhood girls were nearby, very young, possibly 2 or 3 years old, I dunno. Suddenly one of them runs past me with both hands in the air screaming "I love you mommyyyy". About 20 feet down she stops, realizing it's not her mommy. It was actually my wife on her way home. The kid got quiet, turned around and slowly walked back to the other girl with a rather confused look on her face. The whole event put a big smile on my face. It's the little things in life.

Yes, most definitely! I love seeing little snippets of life randomly happening around me. Those little girls were probably adorable! I love kids, and I sometimes regret not having any. Without those little things, life becomes sterile and boring. I also admit that when I have smoked a bit of bud, I tend to notice those little things much more and am fascinated by them. There is a whole universe of things happening around us. Ants busy dismantling that bit of candy somebody spit out, taking the bits back to tiny little holes leading into the ground where ant galleries full of other ants and eggs are waiting. People circling the block for parking spaces, that familiar squirrel using the power line to go from one tree to another, and suddenly, a small flock of green parrots!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Saw Mission Impossible Fallout last night. I thought it was pretty decent for the largest part. But what the heck is up with the last half hour to 40 minutes of the movie?? That was some weak as shit there at the end, while the start and middle part of it were quite alright.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I will ALWAYS return a lost wallet if there is ID in it, and any money in it will be there when the owner gets it back. I don't get people who are okay with being thieves or dishonest because they could (if they wanted to) get away with it. And to be honest, my wallet was lost maybe twice in the last 10 years, and it was returned to me intact with my money and cards in it.
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Well Known GateFan
so, few the last few months I have been cheating on all of you..don't worry I wore protection :)

i was at, and sometimes still check some threads there, at gateworld

one thing i just have to say and then i SHALL SPEAK NO MORE OF IT

(and in no way am i trying to convince or argue for the return to things as they once were here)

it is about hypocrisy

man is it brimming with some people who used to be here and purportedly left here because of "all the politics"

yeah,, bullshit on THEM I say!!


ok--they have a 'political discussion' thread there
guess who at least 3 of the constant participants in it are?

3 people who, when members here, constantly complained about all the politics in the threads, especially american politics

two of them are Australians, other members there are Canadians and mainly just non american, and what political topic is their favorite? american politics!!

so, i , here and now, am declaring that when they were here, they made their "politics complaint" for the sole purpose of disruption to this site. a kind of "let's see if we can get the topic banned at gf's" kind of thing


Well Known GateFan
this is right up the road from us about 45 minutes

i went across it as a kid. there used to be a passenger rail line that went on about a 90 mile round trip through the area.

the footage they show of trains going across are mostly the tourist passenger trains

it was part of a line that brought coal mined just south of where i am, north up to Buffalo's steel mills (this is the real reason for its building. plenty of other rail lines and routes in the area BUT they were controlled by the steel mill monopolies of Pittsburgh and the Ohio valley. buffalo's mills were competition.) the real industry in the area where this is at is oil, not coal as the clip implies. Bradford is one of the first oil producing areas in america.
now its down--tornado-- and a portion on each end still stands and is either a national or state park

and, its pronounced "kin-zoo" not "kin zu a"

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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
so, few the last few months I have been cheating on all of you..don't worry I wore protection :)

i was at, and sometimes still check some threads there, at gateworld

one thing i just have to say and then i SHALL SPEAK NO MORE OF IT

(and in no way am i trying to convince or argue for the return to things as they once were here)

it is about hypocrisy

man is it brimming with some people who used to be here and purportedly left here because of "all the politics"

yeah,, bullshit on THEM I say!!


ok--they have a 'political discussion' thread there
guess who at least 3 of the constant participants in it are?

3 people who, when members here, constantly complained about all the politics in the threads, especially american politics

two of them are Australians, other members there are Canadians and mainly just non american, and what political topic is their favorite? american politics!!

so, i , here and now, am declaring that when they were here, they made their "politics complaint" for the sole purpose of disruption to this site. a kind of "let's see if we can get the topic banned at gf's" kind of thing

Allowing a politics thread to "slip by" here, is not the same as saying "Hey, politics discussions are OK!". Politics ruins the flow of primary discussion, and becomes primary itself because of it's polarizing effects. I have seen it, and I have experienced it as a webmaster of several sites other than this one. So, who are they? (PM me!).


Well Known GateFan
Allowing a politics thread to "slip by" here, is not the same as saying "Hey, politics discussions are OK!". Politics ruins the flow of primary discussion, and becomes primary itself because of it's polarizing effects. I have seen it, and I have experienced it as a webmaster of several sites other than this one. So, who are they? (PM me!).

it is so much diff then this though

i feel that you--us, were all duped (snookered, had, played, conned) into believing that "they"were offended. when in truth it is clear that "they" were up to something else

like saying "take politics from GF's or we will leave". so you did, and they left anyhow

clearly evident from their voracious appetite for politics at GW

even other threads there, they pollute with politics when there is no reason to.

and this is actual politics, not some fringe, tangential, "maybe its politics" type of thing, just straight up policy and electioneering type stuff

instead of saying who..cause i dont want to get into some spear-chucking event with me as the head spear catcher, I would just go there as a lurker and look at the thread.

at least 3 people there, maybe more, are the same user names as they were here. others, i recognize the tone and style but they have diff user names from here.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
it is so much diff then this though

i feel that you--us, were all duped (snookered, had, played, conned) into believing that "they"were offended. when in truth it is clear that "they" were up to something else

like saying "take politics from GF's or we will leave". so you did, and they left anyhow

clearly evident from their voracious appetite for politics at GW

even other threads there, they pollute with politics when there is no reason to.

and this is actual politics, not some fringe, tangential, "maybe its politics" type of thing, just straight up policy and electioneering type stuff

instead of saying who..cause i dont want to get into some spear-chucking event with me as the head spear catcher, I would just go there as a lurker and look at the thread.

at least 3 people there, maybe more, are the same user names as they were here. others, i recognize the tone and style but they have diff user names from here.

I have an account there. Can you give me a link to an example?


Well Known GateFan
I have an account there. Can you give me a link to an example?

but i dont want to get pulled into any "he said, they said, you did" inter galactic flame war


i do like some aspects of GW. there are fans there of certain shows (100, dark, travelers, gotham, glitch ,etc, as well as LOTR's topics) that i can get little to no love for here..so sometimes a guy just has to step out for some 'strange' :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

but i dont want to get pulled into any "he said, they said, you did" inter galactic flame war


i do like some aspects of GW. there are fans there of certain shows (100, dark, travelers, gotham, glitch ,etc, as well as LOTR's topics) that i can get little to no love for here..so sometimes a guy just has to step out for some 'strange' :)

Well, GF76 is who he is. :) He was never banned from here, and I do recognize Annoyed. But the Chaka guy was never here unless he had a different handle. That thread is not really going anywhere, and looks like a standard Right vs Left circular argument that neither will win. This tiny group was being polarized by politics.