Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
I tell you that depression is caused by changes in people's facial structure but no one wants to believe me.

if you are talking about someone born with a non ordinary face that others may consider un-attractive causing depression, then that is like saying ppl with big ears can hear better or ppl with large nostrils can smell better or ppl with 'yellow skin' and slanted eyes can do math better

if you are speaking of ppl who have gotten their faces disfigured by injury well ,then the cause of depression is not simply because their face is disfigured. if would be just one facet of it

and, if a person became depressed only from a disfigurement then that person is pretty shallow to start with


Well Known GateFan
the interesting things you can find on a walk through the woods in our county

and you can keep them if you like

this set is fairly large from a well matured bull Elk


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
You say to be positive well guess what I found out today? I had an accident a couple of years ago, and my insurance that my rego pays for covers that - and I can access it whenever I want when I need to within a reasonable time frame. I put forward a claim through to seek treatment but I find out that the case manager who is suppose to respect privacy breached that. These pieces of shit send off a PI to my previous employer prior to me signing my privacy waiver forms. Forget that, the fact is this is a service I AM LEGALLY ALLOWED TO ACCESS but they went to the extreme of sending off a PI thinking that I am making shit up. So there is now an inquiry going with the person who did this and abused her powers and position. The privacy coordinator accepted that privacy was breached. Hope she gets fired and see how it feels likes it. They have everything on me including my medical records. The police report backs that up, yet this bitch still sends off a PI. Piece of shit! This bitch had access to my medical records too.
I think you meant to quote someone else's post there.


The Belle of the Ball
Interesting! In California, marijuana is legal for everyone recreationally. You can't just light up while walking in the street, and many companies with smoking areas will not allow smoking marijuana in those areas. But some do. You have to use the smoking areas to vape as well, but many of the vapers are ex-smokers, and they choose to segregate themselves from the actual tobacco smokers. So, I think these groups and what make you part of "the cool table" varies according to where you are.

Yes, it's still USED today, but it is not nearly as effective as it used to be. Millennials reject traditional advertising (this is a good thing). The old gray companies which have been around for decades are starting to buckle. You can't hire some big boobed model to sell products that nobody really wants anymore. A square jawed hunk is not gonna sell women appliances or cars or services. These days, smoking has been painted as uncool and unacceptable.

That is called being an "incel" (the bolded in the last paragraph). Fore more than 10 years now, I have had an active personal policy of NO COMMERCIALS. I can't begin to tell you how much more comfortable I feel without ads in my entertainment!

I always mute (or ffwd if on dvr) commercials. Why? Because when Cable tv first started in late 70's and 80's it was sold to us with the promise "If you pay for tv, there will be no commercials"...we all know how that turned out! :P So for the last 20 to 30 years I HAVE ROUTINELY MUTE COMMERCIALS. drives Mr. RAC & SNOOKIE A LITTLE NUTS AT TIMES, BUT IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING! :P


The Belle of the Ball
the interesting things you can find on a walk through the woods in our county

and you can keep them if you like

this set is fairly large from a well matured bull Elk

WOW! what will you do with those?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
the interesting things you can find on a walk through the woods in our county

and you can keep them if you like

this set is fairly large from a well matured bull Elk


No one gonna comment on the fact that he looks like he's posing as if his dick has antlers?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I see. Something you may wish to keep in the back of your mind is that for males the age from about 25 to about probably a few years after yours, there is a strongly increased tendency to be belligerent. I don't know the details of it, but I believe the reason for this might be hormone related. I definitely experienced this for myself when I was in that age range. I believe that being aware of this fact has definitely helped me to get through it in a calmer manner and has helped me to properly assess and when necessary adjust both my thoughts and my behavior. I'm not saying that your behavior needs adjustment mind you. I'm saying that this realization allowed me to pass through this phase far more pleasantly than I was doing before I came to it. Just some friendly advice there for ya.


Well Known GateFan
WOW! what will you do with those?

thats not me :) from a local FB page

do you know how much some wanna be from Philly or Baltimore or Pittsburgh would pay for those?

many ppl have them mounted properly and sell it

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I don't advocate on giving any medication period. I think we tend to under-estimate our body's tolerance level.
I will refuse to take drugs as I am confident that it's down to our facial structure as a weak chin or a strong chin affects your mood. It does to me. Unfortunately I have no scientific proof because I have not run studies or have journals to backup my hypothesis - but a face tells a lot about a person. His lifestyle/whether he takes drugs whether he's a smoker/whether he is confident or lacking in confident/ whether he's suffering from a condition or how old he or she is.
Unfortunately, humans are stupid and they can't see this - it's only those that have suffered can tell you.
I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to go against you. There's plenty of people who are physically handicapped or "malformed", either by cause of an accident or just because they were born that way, who don't let their appearance or their "disability" stand in the way of their happiness or the goals they wish to accomplish. You're asserting that, even though you have no proof whatsoever, and though (in your words) it is just your hypothesis, a person's facial structure is the reason for their depression. Sorry to you once again, but that is just plain dumb. I'm rather surprised at this because I know you are way too intelligent to be spouting that kind of reasoning. It may be true for you, it may even be true for other people besides you, but how could you possibly take a leap from that to generalizing that facial structure is at the foundation of people's depressions everywhere. People get depressed for many different reasons. As far as "strong chin" or "weak chin" are concerned, I don't have a clue what that fucking means. And I'm 40 years old. I've never concerned myself with the concept of either a strong chin or a weak chin. I have no idea what a strong chin is supposed to look like. And even if I knew something was supposedly a strong chin, what the fuck does that mean? It's a bloody goddamn chin. It doesn't mean fuck all. People's "obsession" with how they look has always confounded me. When people pass judgement on other people for how they look, I think fuck them. Honestly, I think it's pathetic to look down on someone because their looks aren't all that. If someone does that, in my opinion, their an extremely weak individual.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

People do get depressed for many reasons but some are better at covering it than others. Some choose not to speak up, some choose to pick up a nasty habit to cover it up. Some take medication to cover it up but it's a condition that never gets cured because they don't know the cure.However, I do know the cure for clinic depression - it is our environment that's changing our faces but we don't even realize it.

You did not read his message in the other thread. Please do.