Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to go against you. There's plenty of people who are physically handicapped or "malformed", either by cause of an accident or just because they were born that way, who don't let their appearance or their "disability" stand in the way of their happiness or the goals they wish to accomplish. You're asserting that, even though you have no proof whatsoever, and though (in your words) it is just your hypothesis, a person's facial structure is the reason for their depression. Sorry to you once again, but that is just plain dumb. I'm rather surprised at this because I know you are way too intelligent to be spouting that kind of reasoning. It may be true for you, it may even be true for other people besides you, but how could you possibly take a leap from that to generalizing that facial structure is at the foundation of people's depressions everywhere. People get depressed for many different reasons. As far as "strong chin" or "weak chin" are concerned, I don't have a clue what that fucking means. And I'm 40 years old. I've never concerned myself with the concept of either a strong chin or a weak chin. I have no idea what a strong chin is supposed to look like. And even if I knew something was supposedly a strong chin, what the fuck does that mean? It's a bloody goddamn chin. It doesn't mean fuck all. People's "obsession" with how they look has always confounded me. When people pass judgement on other people for how they look, I think fuck them. Honestly, I think it's pathetic to look down on someone because their looks aren't all that. If someone does that, in my opinion, their an extremely weak individual.

imo there is no such thing as an 'ugly person' as per their looks. now personalities are another thing

and, idk if i mentioned this before, but look at all of the beautiful ppl (as well as the very wealthy ones) who kill themselves deliberately all the time

ppl get depressed-as in actual clinical depression, for biological reasons. anything else is emotional depression

there is a difference


Well Known GateFan
seems Australia is over run with cats! the govt has a plan to kill millions of them by 2020 though state sanctioned kill on site programs

the AUS govt claims that 28 species of mammals are now extinct or near it due to these cats

and, may I add, that cat killing, Australian rednecks are just as hard to understand as american ones

<<WARNING!!>>> video contains scenes of Australian citizens open carrying firearms!!!

VIDEO REMOVED (graphic killing of cats)

Note from Admin: Videos posted at GateFans cannot show killing of anything at all. Please refrain from posting any videos depicting hunting, killing, skinning of carcasses, autopsies, shootings, dead bodies, anything similar.
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Well Known GateFan
has anyone been able to make it through one episode of CBS' new twilight zone?

they put the first 2 eps up on YT for free

i find them totally unwatchable


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
imo there is no such thing as an 'ugly person' as per their looks. now personalities are another thing

and, idk if i mentioned this before, but look at all of the beautiful ppl (as well as the very wealthy ones) who kill themselves deliberately all the time

ppl get depressed-as in actual clinical depression, for biological reasons. anything else is emotional depression

there is a difference

Bolded - really? Of course there is. And being able to see that is part of human biology. There are cues we see which say to the brain "attractive" and "unattractive". Those cues are different for each person, but the scale of attractive vs unattractive exist for everyone on some level. Every human has their idea about what makes for an attractive woman or man.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Shane McGowan got married last year. He must have a shining personality given how he looks.

View attachment 35159

Although the famous attract women like flies to shyte.

OMG, that dude looks totally REKT. From a guy standpoint, I would classify that dude as "ugly". But like I said, that is coming from a straight guy. Perhaps he is seen as attractive by some women or perhaps other guys who look similar to him? It is a subjective thing.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Here's the lovely couple Overmind One.

View attachment 35160

You may remember him from this song:

Shane McGowan is famously wrecked although he did get his teeth fixed. I think it stopped him singing though. I've never heard anyone accuse him of being attractive though. I'd be curious to ask the lady what the appeal is.

You never know with women! But I think their scales are on a different plane than men. Maybe it is the fact that he is talented? Uninhibited?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That's true Overmind One. Men are apparently more visual than women. I guess I'll never know what a woman thinks.

I don't even know what men think tbh. The few women I had genuine deep feelings for I experienced some sort of a soul connection with. Other men found them physically beautiful but that's not why I had feelings for them. I dunno. I thought they were beautiful too but that's because they were them you know? It had nothing to do with looks outside of the fact that they simply looked like them.

Maybe most women have a man who thinks they are beautiful inside and out. Maybe physical attractiveness doesn't really matter to love even with men. I don't know though. I can only speak from my own experiences.

I do know that looks never play a part in the friendships I form with other men. I couldn't care less. And many women I find attractive only became attractive when I began to explore their interests and personality. But for the most part, physical attractiveness plays a large role in employment, in social situations where nobody knows each other, and sometimes in interactions with law enforcement or other authority figures.


Well Known GateFan
to believe in the false notion of human ugliness is a learned behavior

it only serves to make things easier for people who do not have the fortitude to talk or otherwise engage with someone who looks different. a 'shortcut' of a sort for people to take the easy way out and not have to do something with a person-- "ugly"-- as they have been taught to believe

it is a learned behavior for excluding certain humans from society-- just like the false construct of 'racism'

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
to believe in the false notion of human ugliness is a learned behavior

it only serves to make things easier for people who do not have the fortitude to talk or otherwise engage with someone who looks different. a 'shortcut' of a sort for people to take the easy way out and not have to do something with a person-- "ugly"-- as they have been taught to believe

it is a learned behavior for excluding certain humans from society-- just like the false construct of 'racism'

True, but much of what humans consider beautiful in other humans is genetically based and hard wired. Makeup and clothing sometimes mimic these traits they do not really have.