Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
When did we become so sensitive to being offended? The whole purpose of an argument/discussion is that you are questioning the general consensus/what is acceptable. I always like to question things because that's how we stay healthy.

I question things because I am curious, and because nobody else's solution is going to be my solution. Information is always more valuable than instruction.


The Belle of the Ball
Um....not in my copy of "The End of Eternity they aren't".... :)

Read Foundation's Edge, the character Dom tells about a fable about the Eternals...;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You never heard of Catan or Star Trek? :P

It's quite a popular board game I believe. The original that is. This is a new edition.

I have not played a board game in literally more than two decades. :redface: It is not at all that I don't like them, since I love them and was raised on them (cause I'm from ancient times when there were no consoles, computer games, or cellphones or internet).

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I have no one to play board games with anyway.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I can think of way more real life people who deserve a statue before Chief O'Brien. I'd even prefer to see a statue of Colm Meaney from the Barrytown trilogy films tbh.

Also I remember a reference in DS9 to the Chief visiting close relations in Dublin ( I don't remember the episode though ). Also Colm Meaney has a Dublin accent not a Killarney accent so...
Does his accent matter at all?

I think a statue of the chief would be cool. I liked his character on the shows.


Well Known GateFan
Is honesty a crime in today's society? It seems whenever I speak the truth people see it as a threat or an insult so they distance themselves away from me.

depends on what you are saying/speaking on

maybe they dont like their comfort zone encroached on with a truth/opinion that is at odds with what they know?

this is also a way to 'shut down' ppl they dont want to hear from--the death of free debate

if you have something to say that is differing from their world view they will shout you down, shut you out or just assault you verbally so your message is not communicated

it is favored tactic of the 'millennial' generation


Well Known GateFan
Over medication of the elderly is a real serious problem - especially in nursing homes. Medicated patients are quiet! :vala-newanime016::vala-newanime016:

in PA, nursing homes and other 'assisted care' facilities are not allowing their patients to have any anti anxiety or pain meds that are deemed to now be those the nation is at 'war" with

2 drugs, widely used by seniors (and it is not their fault. many were prescribed these in their mid ages before new stuff, like zoloft and paxil,etc, came out or became popular with dr's) are lorazepam and xanax

as these are 2 drugs that have a high street value, facilities have made the decision to not allow them in their spaces. guess they feel it is somehow safer to do this and take the risk on someone having a severe withdraw reaction.

IDK if they see this, but i see it as they don't trust their staff to not steal these meds from patients


Well Known GateFan
SSRIs should be banned to be sold to the public but it's a legal way for the pharma companies to make money so they kill old people slowly by killing them from the inside. They get depressed because they start to loose their teeth which is the root of clinical depression. You'll noticed that old folks with no teeth tend not to smile as much. When they lose their teeth, they start to fall apart and become frail and fragile. It's because they are smokers or exsmokers. Always remember, to take care of your teeth because they are more important than we give them credit for. Bad oral health is the cause of dementia/heart disease/stroke/ If you have old folks, don't give them drugs - because they are not the answer. Eating lots of fresh vegetables, meat/fish/eggs/leafy greens is.

Why not prescribe music instead?

you miss the point

when anyone is on something like lorazepam or xanax, neither one of those can just be stopped in a 'cold turkey' manner, there needs to be taper down period to avoid severe reaction

but many facilities choose to do this and are basically gambling with the patients life. they would rather do this then have any controlled substance in their facility

and these are benzodiazepines not SSRIs