Random Banter

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This is a great video about he history of god games.


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Without even reading this article, I like the title of it. Because I f'ing hate vaping and it disgusts me.



Well Known GateFan

you link literally has ZERO to do with what I posted on benzo withdraw and the impact on oppkl taking it especially the elderly

giving someone a SSRI or SNRI anti anxiety or anti depression pill WILL NOT subdue the effects of benzo cold turkey withdraw

actually many of those drugs- the new and older ones, cause ppl to become more agitated and anxious when starting them. many ppl who are given them to replace a benzo without proper benzo taper actually become combative and get the cops called on them when it is actually the medical ppl who should be arrested for being medically irresponsible and creating the situation

the best you can get is either an opioid or marijuana

it is dangerous and highly irresponsible doing what these elderly facilities are doing yet it is allowed as 'the war on drugs 2.0' excuses it

this older generation was given these benzos and were told they were safe and good for long term use because that is how they were marketed then-- it is not like the put themselves on the stuff what with the level of trust older ppl had been taught to give dr's and the culture of "Doctor said" rather then "THE doctor said" (a small but hugely impact difference)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
People smoke because it makes them look cool so they can fit in socially. It is also because they have a mental disorder deep down. smokers suffer from depression so they need a stimulant to keep their brain ticking.

When I started smoking in 1980, it was because I was in the military and only the smokers got special smoke breaks outside, and yeah they seemed like the cooler guys in the platoon. I also noticed that many of the actors and other cool guys I admired were smokers. In those days, you could smoke in theaters, restaurants, even hospitals. But, that was 1980. I smoked after that because I was addicted to nicotine and could not stop smoking. Then in California the anti-smoking ordinances and designated smoking areas made it difficult to enjoy it. then more recently, say about 10 years or so, it has become a net negative to be a smoker. You can even be denied employment for being a smoker. Most dateable women here in CA will not date a smoker. Most men here younger than me will not date a female smoker. Just about everyone who used to smoke is now a vaper, and vaping is seen as cool here. Besides that, it makes you a non-smoker.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That's essentially why many picked up the habit in the olden days yes but today it's about fitting in a group but essentially it's all about getting a high.

Interesting! In California, marijuana is legal for everyone recreationally. You can't just light up while walking in the street, and many companies with smoking areas will not allow smoking marijuana in those areas. But some do. You have to use the smoking areas to vape as well, but many of the vapers are ex-smokers, and they choose to segregate themselves from the actual tobacco smokers. So, I think these groups and what make you part of "the cool table" varies according to where you are.

If I wanted to get high, I listen to music and there is plenty of good shit out there that provides that stimulation.

During the olden days like the 30s/40s/50s they used actors to make them look cool. Hey, smoke this, so it will make you feel good. It's the oldest marketing trick in the book and it is still used today. Nike uses it, Apple uses it and pretty much every major brand uses it.

Yes, it's still USED today, but it is not nearly as effective as it used to be. Millennials reject traditional advertising (this is a good thing). The old gray companies which have been around for decades are starting to buckle. You can't hire some big boobed model to sell products that nobody really wants anymore. A square jawed hunk is not gonna sell women appliances or cars or services. These days, smoking has been painted as uncool and unacceptable.

Noticed that they don't hire normal people to do ads anymore? It's because the clothes that they are advertising gives people the illusion that they can look that good but most people can't unfortunately. It was like this during the 80s and 90s and why drug use skyrocketed. Drug use sky rocketed because it's was the cool thing to do to be socially acceptable. I am not too big on socializing - I have the internet for that which is good enough. Call me a cave men all you want, but I am not like those cavemens basement people who live in their mother's basements and stay there for life :p

That is called being an "incel" (the bolded in the last paragraph). For more than 10 years now, I have had an active personal policy of NO COMMERCIALS. I can't begin to tell you how much more comfortable I feel without ads in my entertainment!
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Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
It's always non-smokers who say that smokers smoke because they want to look cool.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's always non-smokers who say that smokers smoke because they want to look cool.

I smoked for longer than you have alive years, and I did it to look cool. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yup Lord Ba'al. I never smoked for the nicotine high either nor to cover up an underlying depression. If I go for a day without a cigarette and have one I feel the light headedness from the nicotine hit but its years between doing that.

Mostly the only reason I smoke is because I find it relaxing. My favourite dessert after a hearty meal is a cigarette. The last thing on my mind is looking cool.

But what about that FIRST cigarette and that first pack? Do you remember why you started? I remember distinctly, and I remember why I started. I rarely feel depressed about anything.


Well Known GateFan
no Marijuana and opioids should not be given.

i am so sorry for you..you just do not seem to be able to follow....

i do not advocate for giving out these drugs, however, my point has been that since things like benzos had been given to these now old ppl in facilities, a very long time ago-when benzos were the du jour choice of doctors to prescribe-- these ppl developed a physical dependency on them and now when they are old and in facility, the facilities will not let them have these meds

YOU CANNOT simply stop a benzo after being on it for yrs.. SO the next best you can do for these ppl is to give them small dose of opioids or marijuana FOR THEIR SAFETY so they dont go into any number of CNS meltdowns and die

but they will not even do this..as a consequence more and more elderly are being sent to the Emergency room for withdraw from benzo and/or being charged with a crime when they freak out in the nursing home

it is ALL the fault-- NOW AND THEN-- of the medical system. in the past when they prescribed these benzos long term and told the patients they were safe to take. and now when the system is being highly irresponsible just to avoid some inconvenience in having to manage controlled meds--so they just ban them from their facilities


Well Known GateFan
When I started smoking in 1980, it was because I was in the military and only the smokers got special smoke breaks outside, and yeah they seemed like the cooler guys in the platoon. I also noticed that many of the actors and other cool guys I admired were smokers. In those days, you could smoke in theaters, restaurants, even hospitals. But, that was 1980. I smoked after that because I was addicted to nicotine and could not stop smoking. Then in California the anti-smoking ordinances and designated smoking areas made it difficult to enjoy it. then more recently, say about 10 years or so, it has become a net negative to be a smoker. You can even be denied employment for being a smoker. Most dateable women here in CA will not date a smoker. Most men here younger than me will not date a female smoker. Just about everyone who used to smoke is now a vaper, and vaping is seen as cool here. Besides that, it makes you a non-smoker.

i was in for 20 yrs starting in 84 and i never took one puff or one chew of tobacco. when smokers got breaks in basic, i just went to the latrine and took a break in a toilet stall and caught a nap :)