Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
a calorie is not a calorie - in other words, calories from protein is different to calories from carbs.

MRE's are high calorie on purpose.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well if you want calories....



What ship is this?
Staff member
That was absolutely fucking gross from the very moment he opened those wrappers.

Well of course! But it did show a lot of calories...


Well Known GateFan
I just like to watch it given how much stuff they are able to put in a package but still, nothing beats traditional food though.


in 1991 in iraq, we stopped nearby a iraqi bedoin vilalge. they had a winter crop of plum tomatoes and green onions growing

we salivated...

after eating nothing but mres for so many weeks we traded all kinds of stuff--especially socks, they loved our green and black wool cotton blend socks

we got very creative using the tomatoes and onions and mixed them with stuff like the mre chicken and rice



Well Known GateFan
a calorie is not a calorie - in other words, calories from protein is different to calories from carbs.
MRE's are high calorie on purpose.

mres are made for soldiers who are charging bunkers and kicking in doors on a daily basis

unfortunately,, soldiers-even combat ones, are not always doing that and most soldiers do not at all

but the same mre's are issued to the commo guy sitting in his rig in the a/c who could get buy on far less calories

and at the very end, the hershey's "desert bar" made it to theatre. a chocolate bar that would not melt in the high heat---one wonders just what the hell was in that to keep it from melting. we got boxes and boxes of them
seems hershey began selling them commercially after, i wonder what they are called now?


as a measure of this too many calorie deal,when we got back from desert storm in 91, the division cdr put out a memo that he was authorizing a 6 month suspension of the army weight and body fat standards

and now, when ppl deploy they have access to all kinds of junk on top of the mre's--fast food trailers, candy at the mobile px, pizza concessions.... all to satisfy the new millennial military
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The Belle of the Ball
Ok the eternals idea seems snatched from Asimov. He has a book called The end of Eternity featuring a future ruling class called the Eternals…...but hey stealing from Asimov worked for George Lucas! :vala-newanime016::vala-newanime016:

for 3.5% of the population the LGBTQ are everywhere. :shep_wave2:

HAD to reply to my own post... after writing this ^^ I went to my bookcases and extracted the End of Eternity to reread yet again! wonderful thing about Asimov is he makes for a good 2nd, 3rd, even 450th read! :D


What ship is this?
Staff member
Hi Rac!

I’m not sure I’d call the Eternals a future ruling class. Remember the reveal about the invention of time travel that basically made the story the biggest time loop story ever seen in Science fiction?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I haven't seen the video yet, but...freedom has a history? :confused0006:. Seems to me that the default state was always freedom until the formation of nation-states. Freedom ceased the moment the first territorial border was drawn.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Is honesty a crime in today's society? It seems whenever I speak the truth people see it as a threat or an insult so they distance themselves away from me.

In 2019 and for some time to come, you are going to have to find a way to navigate around the NPCs who are programmed to be offended or outraged when you tell them the truth or otherwise make them feel "uncomfortable" in some way. I have had to do that, and I continue to do it. I think my outlet is going to be my new YouTube channel when I go online with it very soon.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Is honesty a crime in today's society? It seems whenever I speak the truth people see it as a threat or an insult so they distance themselves away from me.
I guess it depends on which truth you are speaking. And on whether that truth is in actuality a truth or just your vision of the truth. And on whether the person you're speaking to has the capability of understanding or empathising with that particular truth.


The Belle of the Ball
Hi Rac!

I’m not sure I’d call the Eternals a future ruling class. Remember the reveal about the invention of time travel that basically made the story the biggest time loop story ever seen in Science fiction?

Yeah and since they were
they were definitely a ruling class--- making them benevolent rulers of mankind.


The Belle of the Ball
I haven't seen the video yet, but...freedom has a history? :confused0006:. Seems to me that the default state was always freedom until the formation of nation-states. Freedom ceased the moment the first territorial border was drawn.

Oh hell no - it ceased to exist when one person decided he/she was entitled to the production of another.....gee sounds familiar! ;)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Yeah and since they were
they were definitely a ruling class--- making them benevolent rulers of mankind.

Um....not in my copy of "The End of Eternity they aren't".... :)