Random Banter

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Here are his words again. You can see how he says nobody here is into anything I enjoy including religion. I showed him a post where another member says they go to church so I know it's a lie but the reply was designed to make me feel unwelcome.

Yeah I didn't like it when he did that. But it wasn't intended to make you feel unwelcome. It was intended to call you out.

I've been a member here for years and I follow most of the threads, aside from some topics in which I really have no interest. I know I've read all of the posts that you're referring to by posting links. I can tell you that despite my experience with the website and technology in general, there is no way I could pull up all those links as fast as you're doing. It gives me the idea that you have built some kind of database where you store these things allowing you to copy these things quickly for your convenience.

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
Yeah I didn't like it when he did that. But it wasn't intended to make you feel unwelcome. It was intended to call you out.

I've been a member here for years and I follow most of the threads, aside from some topics in which I really have no interest. I know I've read all of the posts that you're referring to by posting links. I can tell you that despite my experience with the website and technology in general, there is no way I could pull up all those links as fast as you're doing. It gives me the idea that you have built some kind of database where you store these things allowing you to copy these things quickly for your convenience.

It's just a search at the top, i put hand job and the name of the poster. Here look


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
So, @Hugh Jass, tell me something that interests you aside from God, Star Trek Discovery, Stargate Universe and Apple. Let's see if we can get something more interesting going.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Well I guess that's it for the day then. At least for me. My left eye is almost completely shut and the bed is calling my name. Hope by the time I come back tomorrow I won't find you have left Jass. And who knows there might be something of interest to talk about. Laters!

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
So, @Hugh Jass, tell me something that interests you aside from God, Star Trek Discovery, Stargate Universe and Apple. Let's see if we can get something more interesting going.

I love cheeseburgers! Also big fan of international food trucks!



Well Known GateFan
So, @Hugh Jass, tell me something that interests you aside from God, Star Trek Discovery, Stargate Universe and Apple. Let's see if we can get something more interesting going.

hmm.. ask him if he ever took a trip..where is it again..oh yeah! Singapore


What ship is this?
Staff member

Can we all just get along? This is (at least to my observation) starting to spiral off into some pretty weird places.

GateFans has been around a while and has a pretty eclectic membership. Some of us started at the old sgusucks forum which was founded largely by refugees booted out of GateWorld for criticizing SGU. One reason we are all pretty free speech here is we experienced internet censorship firsthand.

We have diverse opinions on many things. Just off the top of my head:

- I like Star Trek 09 and Beyond but not Into Darkness. Pretty much everyone else here dislikes them all.

- I am Apple neutral but dislike Apple fanboys. Most of the rest of the forum is more opposed to Apple.

- Some of us are more religious, others less so.

And yet we coexist, discuss, fellowship and have been a cohesive group for years. How can this be???

Because we found common ground in some places and in others we agree to disagree. Hence the "dysfunctional family" moniker. So if you can be part of a community like this then Welcome! :welcomewagon:

If not I still wish you well.
Look mr. Jass. I don't have a problem with the fact that you go to church. I don't have a problem with the fact that you like Star Trek Discovery. I don't have a problem with the fact that you like Stargate Universe. I don't even have a problem with the fact that you like Apple. From what I've seen of you around here so far, you and me probably have the best basis for friendly engagement with each other.

Whoa whoa whoa Casanova, dial it back a bit. We've had this thing, this connection, for years now and I'm not just gonna let you ghost me cuz there's some new fast-talkin' chicky on the block. You ain't gonna turn me into no back-burner bitch, so don't make me boil a rabbit to prove my point.

giphy (1).gif


Well Known GateFan
Well, well, well. I am off the site for a few days and what is my husband doing but chatting up these rabbit killing thugs and name changing strangers! Oh My! :smiley-laughing021:


Well Known GateFan
that's not the context of his posts though. He went on about having videos of himself jacking off his cousin or whatever.

no dambit! get it right at least

it was a Polaroid land camera and the cousin was a she


What ship is this?
Staff member
no dambit! get it right at least

it was a Polaroid land camera and the cousin was a she

Now see if you REALLY wanted to go for full effect you should have substituted wild animals for cousins...


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
It gives me the idea that you have built some kind of database where you store these things allowing you to copy these things quickly for your convenience.

or maybe an AI?

maybe he knows someone who knows something about that? :hypnotysed: