Random Banter

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Ok so you guys are ganging up on me for God knows why. If you want me to leave its all good.
Lol. We're not ganging up on you. You're ganging up on us, all by yourself.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I am in fact trying to get a more constructive dialogue going between us by moving away from the handjobs you keep bringing up.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
??? show me
You've been calling me Lord Balls for days now. What did I ever do to illicit this type of preferential treatment? You didn't start punning on other members' names until later.

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
You've been calling me Lord Balls for days now. What did I ever do to illicit this type of preferential treatment? You didn't start punning on other members' names until later.

Am I fighting with people in my posts and making them feel stupid for their beliefs or things they like? Except for youngjerk who has been chasing me around asking for handjobs and sperm and banging his cousins and jacking his brother.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Look mr. Jass. I don't have a problem with the fact that you go to church. I don't have a problem with the fact that you like Star Trek Discovery. I don't have a problem with the fact that you like Stargate Universe. I don't even have a problem with the fact that you like Apple. From what I've seen of you around here so far, you and me probably have the best basis for friendly engagement with each other.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Am I fighting with people in my posts and making them feel stupid for their beliefs or things they like? Except for youngjerk who has been chasing me around asking for handjobs and sperm and banging his cousins and jacking his brother.
You lured him into making comments by the way you posted yourself. And he never asked for handjobs or sperm.

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
Look mr. Jass. I don't have a problem with the fact that you go to church. I don't have a problem with the fact that you like Star Trek Discovery. I don't have a problem with the fact that you like Stargate Universe. I don't even have a problem with the fact that you like Apple. From what I've seen of you around here so far, you and me probably have the best basis for friendly engagement with each other.

I know you don't and you were cool with me from the beginning but Overdone seems to have a problem with me not conforming with my likes and beliefs.

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
You lured him into making comments by the way you posted yourself. And he never asked for handjobs or sperm.

How did I lure him? I never asked him if he bangs his cousins he just offered that up freely then went on about handjobs and sperm and jacking his brother or cousin.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
How did I lure him? I never asked him if he bangs his cousins he just offered that up freely then went on about handjobs and sperm and jacking his brother or cousin.
I'm too tired to look it up. Point me to the specific post where he said that and I'm willing to look into it. If I'm not asleep yet that is.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I know you don't and you were cool with me from the beginning but Overdone seems to have a problem with me not conforming with my likes and beliefs.
Overmind is a special one. He can accept that people have differing opinions to his own but he'll always make sure to expressly stress his own opinions are contradictory to it. It doesn't mean he doesn't accept you or respect you. But the fact that you show up here out of the blue and offer a 180 degree opposite stance from his own on a number of key topics is suspicious to him and I think he has good reason for that.

I can't help but notice that you didn't answer my question. If you know I didn't have a problem with you or gave you a hard time on anything and that I was cool with you from the beginning, then why did you pick me to be the first person to ridicule by punning on my name?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
Overmind is a special one. He can accept that people have differing opinions to his own but he'll always make sure to expressly stress his own opinions are contradictory to it. It doesn't mean he doesn't accept you or respect you. But the fact that you show up here out of the blue and offer a 180 degree opposite stance from his own on a number of key topics is suspicious to him and I think he has good reason for that.

Here are his words again. You can see how he says nobody here is into anything I enjoy including religion. I showed him a post where another member says they go to church so I know it's a lie but the reply was designed to make me feel unwelcome.

You love Apple, SGU, Star Trek Discovery, Michael Burnham, religion, yet you want to be at GateFans where nobody here is into any of those things?

I can't help but notice that you didn't answer my question. If you know I didn't have a problem with you or gave you a hard time on anything and that I was cool with you from the beginning, then why did you pick me to be the first person to ridicule by punning on my name?

Your name was easy and was the first post I read. I do it to everyone in real life.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I know you don't and you were cool with me from the beginning but Overdone seems to have a problem with me not conforming with my likes and beliefs.

Huh? Not really, no. But I am responsible for how the site is run, ultimately. The membership here shapes the culture of the site and I don't force anybody to think any sort of way. I make mistakes, and sometimes I am in the minority. I have no problems with that, I am not a narcissist.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Here are his words again. You can see how he says nobody here is into anything I enjoy including religion. I showed him a post where another member says they go to church so I know it's a lie but the reply was designed to make me feel unwelcome.

Your name was easy and was the first post I read. I do it to everyone in real life.

I overstated the facts. :) I do that sometimes, and you are free to call me out on it like everyone else does when I do that. :) But please, drop the Dumb Yoda act. We see right through it!

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
Huh? Not really, no. But I am responsible for how the site is run, ultimately. The membership here shapes the culture of the site and I don't force anybody to think any sort of way. I make mistakes, and sometimes I am in the minority. I have no problems with that, I am not a narcissist.

And yet .......

You love Apple, SGU, Star Trek Discovery, Michael Burnham, religion, yet you want to be at GateFans where nobody here is into any of those things?