Random Banter

I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. Au contraire. But I'm not wrong here. Although I do admit that today was an off day at work and it was extremely frustrating. By the way, have I ever seen you admitting you were wrong?

Since I've never made an erroneous statement on this site it's doubtful you have ever been privy to my admitting a mistake. Regardless, I accept that as a human being I can, theoretically, be fallible so of course I would admit my error...should I ever be proven wrong. :)

At any rate, on behalf of the billions of people you have offended with your "old fashioned" comments (that were ripped from a Weimar Germany periodical no doubt) I accept your apology. :)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Since I've never made an erroneous statement on this site it's doubtful you have ever been privy to my admitting a mistake. Regardless, I accept that as a human being I can, theoretically, be fallible so of course I would admit my error...should I ever be proven wrong. :)

At any rate, on behalf of the billions of people you have offended with your "old fashioned" comments (that were ripped from a Weimar Germany periodical no doubt) I accept your apology. :)
I'm pretty sure I've pointed out mistakes to you on various occasions and instead of admitting your mistake you turn to deflection. Skillfully as you may do it, I'm very much not blind to this fact. ;)

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
The fuk??? :stung:

The bitch in the article you linked wasn't doing anything disingenuous. She was stating an opinion of what she would like to see in future movies and the comic book universe. The only one being disingenuous here is the guy frantically back-peddling on his quasi-bigoted stance. ;)

I think Lord Balls was being quite genuous. How do we know for sure that Winter Soldier and Captain America aren't playing ride the star spangled Banner in a three way rear entry assault?
I'm pretty sure I've pointed out mistakes to you on various occasions and instead of admitting your mistake you turn to deflection. Skillfully as you may do it, I'm very much not blind to this fact. ;)

See, you can be magnanimous even when you're wrong. That shows a strength of character that is rare these days. Kudos my friend! :cheerful:
I think Lord Balls was being quite genuous. How do we know for sure that Winter Soldier and Captain America aren't playing ride the star spangled Banner in a three way rear entry assault?

Funny how it's always you straight FOX news types who come up with these weird demagogic yet homoerotic scenarios. You fear "the gays" while at the same time you have a penchant for describing the most salacious of gay porn scenes. It's a fascinating dissonance to observe.

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
Funny how it's always you straight FOX news types who come up with these weird demagogic yet homoerotic scenarios. You fear "the gays" while at the same time you have a penchant for describing the most salacious of gay porn scenes. It's a fascinating dissonance to observe.

Hey wait a minute! I'm just saying Lord Balls makes a good point that we don't know what goes on off camera or in their minds!


Well Known GateFan
Naw he's a good support character but not a lead character. It would be too much about honor and slapping in the face with a white glove challenges and battles over insulting their family names.

i read elsewhere that his identity confusion..long thought settled.. will have resurfaced and Worf will be going for the gold to become the first Transgender Klingon. all to supplant his confusion and angst over the whole " am I Klingon or Human" issues

some of TPTB for a potential show want him to go for the " I identify as a Vulcan Sehlat" and have seek that transition instead

all would make for a really wonderful show...


Well Known GateFan
Bruce Banner/The Hulk is decidedly male. There isn't even a question about this fact. The movies show an attraction/love between Black Widow (female) and Bruce Banner (male). The movies also show a male/female relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Pot, Hawkeye (male) and a female wife, etc. etc. etc. Virtually every Marvel (or DC) male superhero has a female romantic interest and "this sort of shit" is on screen in every single movie. Seriously dude, have you never seen a superhero movie? The template for nearly every superhero character is: straight white male with straight white female love interest.

The fact of reality is that minorities, gays and people of color, are underrepresented in superhero movies. If they weren't there wouldn't have been the orgiastic response to Black Panther where people fell over themselves to praise it for being the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. If minorities, and blacks in particular, were a normal part of the pantheon of superheros all this time then the reception to Black Panther would not have been as big as it was. (I'm not saying that BP was not a good movie, I'm saying a ton of white people virtue signaled the shit out of it to show how accepting their were. We all know this, let's not pretend otherwise.)

At any rate, it's clear you don't have any rational ax to grind here, you just made a stupid post that can easily be knocked down and instead of admitting it was stupid you chose to double-down on the stupidity. I like to think you're better than that but it looks like you've gone full potato and have joined the ranks of FOX viewership or its Irish equivalent or something like that. Good luck with that dude. :rolleye0014:
^^^The bolded. ESPECIALLY the second paragraph. Kudos for being so woke. :). I think part of Deadpool's popularity is his pansexuality as well. The epitome of the "superhero template" is Superman and Lois Lane in DC, and in Marvel right now it would have to have been Thor and Jane Foster. I did not include Spidey and Mary Jane because they both are not in the Disney Marvelverse together yet.

so, have you both drank the kool aid on having all entertainment become infected with SJW-isms or are you simply arguing for basic representation? :)

because i distinctly remember both of you commenting-in the negative- several times on the infiltration of SJW-ism into so much current tv and movies

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
i read elsewhere that his identity confusion..long thought settled.. will have resurfaced and Worf will be going for the gold to become the first Transgender Klingon. all to supplant his confusion and angst over the whole " am I Klingon or Human" issues

some of TPTB for a potential show want him to go for the " I identify as a Vulcan Sehlat" and have him seek that transition instead

all would make for a really wonderful show...

oh, ok, footnote is now needed here

this was sarcasm :)