Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
Watched the first 4 mins then started to laugh . They sure don't have smart writers like they do on The Expanse because these guys have no clue about gravity ! Just watch the first few mins and you will know what I mean . Just sloppy brainless writing ... Massive CGI and they can't figure out how gravity works !


Well Known GateFan
Like literally the whole world! The best way to fix it is using this 4 step system. Delete Windows, sell PC, buy Apple, relax. Apple rulez!
Not a chance would I buy another apple product ... This is my last phone from that company . An ifone is the only product of apple I have ever owned . Latest update for the iphone 4,5 and 6 which i have makes your battery die faster so you take it to the genius bar but they want to up-sell you or charge you a ton to replace the batteries . The newer fones have there batteries glued in so you brake a $1000 fone to change the battery and have to buy a new one . Apple YOU SAY !!! Never ever again !

I agree that in the heat of battle to save the Earth sexuality is a moot point. But I don't have a problem with the pantheon of superheroes reflecting society by including a few gay people. The more superheroes there are the more the chance that there would be gay ones. Same with ethnicity -- or do superpowers only accrue to straight white people?

Besides, Black Widow is obviously lesbian. The writers can pretend that she has a thing for Bruce Banner but we all know that she's wanting some of that Scarlet Witch action, nome sayin'? ;)

wigflip-saywhat (1).jpg
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Well Known GateFan
I used over 50 emails and multiple server locations . Thats 1250 votes per day .
And it still lost ?
Has anyone here ever watched the girl with a gun show ?

Wyona Earp is actually pretty good considering how cheap of a production it probably is.

There could be two seasons mounted on your 'Netflix' server.
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Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I agree that in the heat of battle to save the Earth sexuality is a moot point. But I don't have a problem with the pantheon of superheroes reflecting society by including a few gay people. The more superheroes there are the more the chance that there would be gay ones. Same with ethnicity -- or do superpowers only accrue to straight white people?

Besides, Black Widow is a obviously lesbian. The writers can pretend that she has a thing for Bruce Banner but we all know that she's wanting some of that Scarlet Witch action, nome sayin'? ;)

View attachment 34904
My point is that any of the superheroes could already be gay or bisexual or whatever. For all we know Bruce Banner doesn't have a dick but a vagina when he turns into the Hulk. This sort of shit is not on screen in super hero movies for good reason. The reason being that it has nothing to do with the matters at hand. It's not a fucking interpersonal drama.
My point is that any of the superheroes could already be gay or bisexual or whatever. For all we know Bruce Banner doesn't have a dick but a vagina when he turns into the Hulk. This sort of shit is not on screen in super hero movies for good reason. The reason being that it has nothing to do with the matters at hand. It's not a fucking interpersonal drama.

Bruce Banner/The Hulk is decidedly male. There isn't even a question about this fact. The movies show an attraction/love between Black Widow (female) and Bruce Banner (male). The movies also show a male/female relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Pot, Hawkeye (male) and a female wife, etc. etc. etc. Virtually every Marvel (or DC) male superhero has a female romantic interest and "this sort of shit" is on screen in every single movie. Seriously dude, have you never seen a superhero movie? The template for nearly every superhero character is: straight white male with straight white female love interest.

The fact of reality is that minorities, gays and people of color, are underrepresented in superhero movies. If they weren't there wouldn't have been the orgiastic response to Black Panther where people fell over themselves to praise it for being the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. If minorities, and blacks in particular, were a normal part of the pantheon of superheros all this time then the reception to Black Panther would not have been as big as it was. (I'm not saying that BP was not a good movie, I'm saying a ton of white people virtue signaled the shit out of it to show how accepting their were. We all know this, let's not pretend otherwise.)

At any rate, it's clear you don't have any rational ax to grind here, you just made a stupid post that can easily be knocked down and instead of admitting it was stupid you chose to double-down on the stupidity. I like to think you're better than that but it looks like you've gone full potato and have joined the ranks of FOX viewership or its Irish equivalent or something like that. Good luck with that dude. :rolleye0014:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Bruce Banner/The Hulk is decidedly male. There isn't even a question about this fact. The movies show an attraction/love between Black Widow (female) and Bruce Banner (male). The movies also show a male/female relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Pot, Hawkeye (male) and a female wife, etc. etc. etc. Virtually every Marvel (or DC) male superhero has a female romantic interest and "this sort of shit" is on screen in every single movie. Seriously dude, have you never seen a superhero movie? The template for nearly every superhero character is: straight white male with straight white female love interest.

The fact of reality is that minorities, gays and people of color, are underrepresented in superhero movies. If they weren't there wouldn't have been the orgiastic response to Black Panther where people fell over themselves to praise it for being the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. If minorities, and blacks in particular, were a normal part of the pantheon of superheros all this time then the reception to Black Panther would not have been as big as it was. (I'm not saying that BP was not a good movie, I'm saying a ton of white people virtue signaled the shit out of it to show how accepting their were. We all know this, let's not pretend otherwise.)

At any rate, it's clear you don't have any rational ax to grind here, you just made a stupid post that can easily be knocked down and instead of admitting it was stupid you chose to double-down on the stupidity. I like to think you're better than that but it looks like you've gone full potato and have joined the ranks of FOX viewership or its Irish equivalent or something like that. Good luck with that dude. :rolleye0014:

^^^The bolded. ESPECIALLY the second paragraph. Kudos for being so woke. :). I think part of Deadpool's popularity is his pansexuality as well. The epitome of the "superhero template" is Superman and Lois Lane in DC, and in Marvel right now it would have to have been Thor and Jane Foster. I did not include Spidey and Mary Jane because they both are not in the Disney Marvelverse together yet.

Twalet Brash

GateFans Member
Bruce Banner/The Hulk is decidedly male. There isn't even a question about this fact. The movies show an attraction/love between Black Widow (female) and Bruce Banner (male). The movies also show a male/female relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Pot, Hawkeye (male) and a female wife, etc. etc. etc. Virtually every Marvel (or DC) male superhero has a female romantic interest and "this sort of shit" is on screen in every single movie. Seriously dude, have you never seen a superhero movie? The template for nearly every superhero character is: straight white male with straight white female love interest.

The fact of reality is that minorities, gays and people of color, are underrepresented in superhero movies. If they weren't there wouldn't have been the orgiastic response to Black Panther where people fell over themselves to praise it for being the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. If minorities, and blacks in particular, were a normal part of the pantheon of superheros all this time then the reception to Black Panther would not have been as big as it was. (I'm not saying that BP was not a good movie, I'm saying a ton of white people virtue signaled the shit out of it to show how accepting their were. We all know this, let's not pretend otherwise.)

At any rate, it's clear you don't have any rational ax to grind here, you just made a stupid post that can easily be knocked down and instead of admitting it was stupid you chose to double-down on the stupidity. I like to think you're better than that but it looks like you've gone full potato and have joined the ranks of FOX viewership or its Irish equivalent or something like that. Good luck with that dude. :rolleye0014:

I had a whole lot to say here but it seems you've hijacked my every thought in this one, eloquently worded post. I have nothing more to add here. :beckett_new049:

Hugh Jass

GateFans Cadet
My point is that any of the superheroes could already be gay or bisexual or whatever. For all we know Bruce Banner doesn't have a dick but a vagina when he turns into the Hulk. This sort of shit is not on screen in super hero movies for good reason. The reason being that it has nothing to do with the matters at hand. It's not a fucking interpersonal drama.

I have to agree with Lord Balls. We never seen Hulk's dick. Even in the last Thor when he gets out of the tub we don't know if Thor made that face because he saw a pecker or a box! If he had a big green hammer we'd have seen a shadow of it swinging when he was walking buck naked!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Whatever. I'm not wrong. The fact that there's a handful of glances or confirmed relationships between a handful of characters doesn't proclude the possibility that some of the known superheroes could be gay, bisexual or transsexual. Also there is absolutely no reason why every "party" needs to be equally represented or proportionally represented in every single aspect of life. I don't go to a gay club complaining that there's a disproportionate amount of gay people in there and there should be more non-gay people to more accurately reflect the balance as it is in society. I don't complain to a studio about the fact that there's not enough cars being casually tossed around by individuals in their latest romantic comedy offering. A movie's writers and producers should be able to create something according to their artistic vision without being influenced by outside pressure regarding what should and should not be included. You don't like the result then don't watch it. You don't like the concept, do it your fucking self instead of demanding from someone else to go along with your ideas. There should be plenty of LGBTWhatever people out there so that if they all chipped in a tenner or two they would be able to come up with a budget comparable to a major Hollywood production.

For the record, I have no objection to any movie including super hero movies including gay, bi or transsexual characters. Someone mentioned Deadpool and that is perhaps my favorite character of the recent movies. What I do however absolutely and unequivocally hate is when people try to use their position to influence others by means of the media to go along with their beliefs and ideas. It's not the same as some random person (like ourselves) posting their ideas on the internet.

Funny how some people here were quick to dismiss a Christian missionary getting murdered as his own fault for sticking his nose in other peoples' business as if it was nothing without even knowing anything about what really went down when all he probably tried to do is speak to people face to face whereas it is perfectly alright with you for someone to disingenuously spread their opinions through mass media and then jump on someone who doesn't like that.
I have to agree with Lord Balls. We never seen Hulk's dick. Even in the last Thor when he gets out of the tub we don't know if Thor made that face because he saw a pecker or a box! If he had a big green hammer we'd have seen a shadow of it swinging when he was walking buck naked!

So now we're "size shaming" the Hulk? :icon_lol:
Whatever. I'm not wrong. The fact that there's a handful of glances or confirmed relationships between a handful of characters doesn't proclude the possibility that some of the known superheroes could be gay, bisexual or transsexual. Also there is absolutely no reason why every "party" needs to be equally represented or proportionally represented in every single aspect of life. I don't go to a gay club complaining that there's a disproportionate amount of gay people in there and there should be more non-gay people to more accurately reflect the balance as it is in society. I don't complain to a studio about the fact that there's not enough cars being casually tossed around by individuals in their latest romantic comedy offering. A movie's writers and producers should be able to create something according to their artistic vision without being influenced by outside pressure regarding what should and should not be included. You don't like the result then don't watch it. You don't like the concept, do it your fucking self instead of demanding from someone else to go along with your ideas. There should be plenty of LGBTWhatever people out there so that if they all chipped in a tenner or two they would be able to come up with a budget comparable to a major Hollywood production.

For the record, I have no objection to any movie including super hero movies including gay, bi or transsexual characters. Someone mentioned Deadpool and that is perhaps my favorite character of the recent movies. What I do however absolutely and unequivocally hate is when people try to use their position to influence others by means of the media to go along with their beliefs and ideas. It's not the same as some random person (like ourselves) posting their ideas on the internet.

Funny how some people here were quick to dismiss a Christian missionary getting murdered as his own fault for sticking his nose in other peoples' business as if it was nothing without even knowing anything about what really went down when all he probably tried to do is speak to people face to face whereas it is perfectly alright with you for someone to disingenuously spread their opinions through mass media and then jump on someone who doesn't like that.

The fuk??? :stung:

The bitch in the article you linked wasn't doing anything disingenuous. She was stating an opinion of what she would like to see in future movies and the comic book universe. The only one being disingenuous here is the guy frantically back-peddling on his quasi-bigoted stance. ;)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
The fuk??? :stung:

The bitch in the article you linked wasn't doing anything disingenuous. She was stating an opinion of what she would like to see in future movies and the comic book universe. The only one being disingenuous here is the guy frantically back-peddling on his quasi-bigoted stance. ;)
No. She is an executive at Marvel and she is going out in the media proclaiming her personal longings for a gay super hero to be included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She is perfectly aware that in today's climate of rainbows and shit it is not socially acceptable for anyone to give any sort of criticism whatsoever on gay aspects. She knows that if anyone would speak out against her on this topic in any way shape or form, that person would by the general public be perceived to and made out to be a "bad person" whilst she herself comes across as the "good person". She has effectively put her own personal agenda in the spotlight in a way which makes it hard to be ignored. Essentially she has leveraged the fact that she's gay in combination with the fact that it is socially unacceptable to critique gayness to benefit her agenda. She may have also done so in part just to put herself in the spotlight. One could argue in fact that she has actually ABUSED gay people and their struggles in general by doing this. Not to mention the pressure she has now put on Marvel to either produce a gay super hero or to come up with a very good reason not to produce a gay super hero. If I were her boss, I would be looking into whether or not it would be possible to terminate her employment.
It's ok dude, everyone has an "off" day every now and then. I'm not perfect either. But I've found the trick is to recognize that I'm not always right and don't have to take everything personally. Trust me, the Marvel movies aren't going to have a gay Puerto Rican Captain America mincing around in Prada heels anytime soon so it's still safe to go to the theater. ;)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
It's ok dude, everyone has an "off" day every now and then. I'm not perfect either. But I've found the trick is to recognize that I'm not always right and don't have to take everything personally. Trust me, the Marvel movies aren't going to have a gay Puerto Rican Captain America mincing around in Prada heels anytime soon so it's still safe to go to the theater. ;)

I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. Au contraire. But I'm not wrong here. Although I do admit that today was an off day at work and it was extremely frustrating. By the way, have I ever seen you admitting you were wrong?