Random Banter

Not really a spoiler as much as it is simply conjecture but a theory is being floated that Capt. A will be killed off, possibly along with Tony Stark. In the future they might plug in a successor for Capt. A, like his friend "Bucky" or someone instead of simply recasting the role. Chris Evans has signaled a long time ago that he didn't want to play the role forever. I remember him making a comment in an interview about it being part of his contract negotiations early on so I'm sure his departure from the role has been planned for awhile now.

As for Downey, it's just a rumor that Tony Stark might buy the farm also but they already have a bunch of Ironmen out there so replacing Stark/Downey in the storyline wouldn't be that big of a deal if they go that route. I'm not a fan of Downey or Ironman so I have no problem with this.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
So not only Iron Fist got cancelled but also Luke Cage. I guess with my luck, they'll sign on for a couple of more seasons of that shit show Jessica Jones. Ah well, at least the third season of Daredevil is out.
So not only Iron Fist got cancelled but also Luke Cage. I guess with my luck, they'll sign on for a couple of more seasons of that shit show Jessica Jones. Ah well, at least the third season of Daredevil is out.

They got cancelled? (I'm too lazy to Google.) I'm not exactly heartbroken over the news to be honest. As for JJ, I thought you were a fan of that show? Personally I thought it stunk on ice and couldn't get through the first season. She's a wholly unlikable character.
I wonder what beast we are containing under this pile of turd. Good lord, thanks to this AI, I don't see ads. Youtube is littered with ads these days. Too many infact and even then, 293,000 objects blocked since install?

View attachment 34792

I love UBlock Origin! It works great. In fact I've gotten so used to how well it works in the background that I'm shocked when I use a device that doesn't have it loaded. It's an absolute must for watching YouTube. I haven't seen a single ad on YouTube once I installed it.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
@Tripler or other Canadians.

What is a good place in Montreal for ordering a nice small custom made cake and having it delivered that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
@Tripler or other Canadians.

What is a good place in Montreal for ordering a nice small custom made cake and having it delivered that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
Crap . I have no idea to be honest . There are a ton of Bakery's in Montreal . I guess search online my friend . I only go to Montreal for the Smoked Meat Sandwiches , not the cakes ...
Good Luck

I got an amazing meal some years ago at L'Auberge Saint-Gabriel in Montreal. The food and house wine was so good that I ate and drank myself into a near coma. I spent the night groaning on my hotel bed from ingesting so much food! The pain and discomfort was worth it though because it was a meal that I will never forget. The French might fail at many things but they excel at gastronomy. Just a word to the wise. ;)

I know this doesn't help in securing a long distance gateau, nonetheless the story needed to be told. You can resume your regular duties now.


Well Known GateFan
absolutely NOT a shortcut. time to set this up to get that precise a block lay would take way more then just laying them out the regular way

but it was cool to watch
