Random Banter

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I wonder what tool he used for the second bigger dent, or whether he just used his hand.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I wonder what tool he used for the second bigger dent, or whether he just used his hand.
Looked like he was using his hand. This is a great tip for newer cars, since the steel used to build them is a much thinner gauge than cars made in America until about 2005. In 1980, the average car panel could not be dented easily. You could sit on hoods of cars and they would not dent. Nowadays, a long pass of a football could dent the average car. And sitting on somebody's hood or trunk will dent them. Only trucks are still made with the thicker stuff.


Well Known GateFan
this isnt quite random, but i didn't think it was necessary to make a thread

does anyone else see anything generically wrong with these videos?

not the actual vids or content or the 'acting' or 'reality'--i think they make their vids pretty well for being parents/ non pro's

but rather the way that these parents are using their kids to make these things; many of these have quite a following and high views as well as many commercial spots (do they still make money from those?)

at least the actual entertainment industry has rules and regs controlling the use of children

what impact is this going to have on thes ekids when they grow up and are no longer made to think they are big stars by their parents?

or, just when they are old enough to not be cute anymore?
(and they are not just americans either.. other ppl from other nations doing same)


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I think the viri and bacteria don't think, they just do.