Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Watch CBS find a way to sue the Orville and Fox

That has already been covered by Fox's lawyers and Seth's lawyers. Seth approached CBS to do Star Trek before they handed it over to Kuntsman, and they blew him off. The Orville may "feel like Trek", but nothing in it is actionable in a court of law. There is no IP violation on any level. The ships are different, the uniforms, the aliens, the stories, all of it is unique to The Orville. It is as different from Star Trek as Discovery is...except that The Orville did not rip off a 2004 video game from a poor programmer. ;)
That has already been covered by Fox's lawyers and Seth's lawyers. Seth approached CBS to do Star Trek before they handed it over to Kuntsman, and they blew him off. The Orville may "feel like Trek", but nothing in it is actionable in a court of law. There is no IP violation on any level. The ships are different, the uniforms, the aliens, the stories, all of it is unique to The Orville. It is as different from Star Trek as Discovery is...except that The Orville did not rip off a 2004 video game from a poor programmer. ;)

Plus they could always fall back on the parody defense. The Orville has a lot more humor than ST does and legally that gives them an edge.

I almost hope CBS does go after TO though. It would only add to the fan resentment against them and would be a huge public relations mistake on their part. It would also give TO more notoriety. Win/win for Trek fans no matter how you slice it. :icon_lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Plus they could always fall back on the parody defense. The Orville has a lot more humor than ST does and legally that gives them an edge.

I almost hope CBS does go after TO though. It would only add to the fan resentment against them and would be a huge public relations mistake on their part. It would also give TO more notoriety. Win/win for Trek fans no matter how you slice it. :icon_lol:

Since The Orville is going to take over the former Star Trek fanbase, what will they be called? Orvillers? Somebody needs to come up with a catchy phrase. :)
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
He has no idea , does he , as to how much they are going to destroy the Picard character . Those are std writers he is sitting with !

He has NO clue whatsoever. And that exact same facial expression is what he is going to have on his face when he sees what they are going to do with him. They are going to Last Jedi the hell out of his character and turn him into an idiot spewing nonsense like they did Nimoy's Spock in the 2009 Abrams reboot. They will pass him around their NuTrek universe and sprinkle him where they need to tie anything new into canon. And they wont give a damn who he has been in the franchise. Oh, and of course they will probably mention that ALL of the crew from the previous Enterprises have been killed off and eaten, and that Riker had a sex change and Geordi got burned up in a warp core or some dumb shit.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Why is the "agree" button right between the "derailing" and "dislike" buttons?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Random....how do you want them to be?

Well I find that when using my smartphone my fat fingers and the small size of those icons regularly cause me to accidentally tap "derailing thread" or "dislike" when I intend to hit the "agree" icon. (I also sometimes tap "derailing thread" when trying to tap on "funny".) Maybe it's not so much the order in which they are placed but the size of the icons or the space between them which could bring improvement in that regard. But perhaps some distinction could be made between "positively charged" ones and "negatively charged" ones, so group the positives together and the negatives together. Right now it's "like" (positive), "dislike" (negative), "agree" (positive), "derailing thread" (negative), "funny" (positive), etc. You already have "baiting", "bad spelling" and "clueless" all the way to the right, so perhaps it would make sense to move "dislike" and "derailing thread" to the right as well, possibly leave an empty space the size of an icon between the positive group to the left and the negative group to the right. But that's just an idea and it's not something I would care a whole lot about. Be interested in hearing others' opinions and ideas about it.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
By the way, where is this quote from?

People in fancy suits look really successful until you realize they work for people in t-shirts and jeans

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well I find that when using my smartphone my fat fingers and the small size of those icons regularly cause me to accidentally tap "derailing thread" or "dislike" when I intend to hit the "agree" icon. (I also sometimes tap "derailing thread" when trying to tap on "funny".) Maybe it's not so much the order in which they are placed but the size of the icons or the space between them which could bring improvement in that regard. But perhaps some distinction could be made between "positively charged" ones and "negatively charged" ones, so group the positives together and the negatives together. Right now it's "like" (positive), "dislike" (negative), "agree" (positive), "derailing thread" (negative), "funny" (positive), etc. You already have "baiting", "bad spelling" and "clueless" all the way to the right, so perhaps it would make sense to move "dislike" and "derailing thread" to the right as well, possibly leave an empty space the size of an icon between the positive group to the left and the negative group to the right. But that's just an idea and it's not something I would care a whole lot about. Be interested in hearing others' opinions and ideas about it.

I have this same problem...why haven't I solved it? No excuse...doing it now. I think maybe larger and a more logical order. :). I couldn't do the think you asked before, giving multiple ratings. But I can add new ones.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I have this same problem...why haven't I solved it? No excuse...doing it now. I think maybe larger and a more logical order. :). I couldn't do the think you asked before, giving multiple ratings. But I can add new ones.

Not so simple. The icons are sprites on a sprite sheet and the entire sprite sheet would have to be redone to change what I want to change.