Random Banter

That's funny, I've always pictured you like this:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ridiculous overreaction by the CBS legal department. There was no money involved. The project appears to be pure fan art. As long as there was no defamation of characters or canon it's pretty harmless.

Well, now that will certainly put Star Trek fan butts in the theaters, and also make them open their wallets and pay for CBS Ass Access and catch them some STD. :facepalm:. Way to go, Paramount and CBS! Bring em all in BY FORCE.

Well, now that will certainly put Star Trek fan butts in the theaters, and also make them open their wallets and pay for CBS Ass Access and catch them some STD. :facepalm:. Way to go, Paramount and CBS! Bring em all in BY FORCE.

View attachment 34727

I love the pic. You just know that Seth MacFarlane wouldn't have a problem with Orville fans creating a project like this. Hell, he'd probably encourage them to have fun with it as much as they want.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Ridiculous overreaction by the CBS legal department. There was no money involved. The project appears to be pure fan art. As long as there was no defamation of characters or canon it's pretty harmless.
It becomes even more interesting when you consider that there's a lawsuit running against CBS for STD infringing on intellectual property of an indy game developer.