Random Banter

Yep. :) You needed to see this bitch. Snobby, hipster chick wearing one of those striped condom shaped knit hats, staring into her phone, wearing hipster glasses with pink lenses, etc. She could have just minded her own business, but since she chose to react, I did too. :)

I hate people like that. Bitches like that want to be victims without experiencing genuine victimization. They want the virtue signalling brownie points of standing up against an imaginary and fantastical injustice that isn't remotely real. Hell, I spent years working in warehouses and loading docks where everyone but me smoked, all day everyday non-stop. And no one ever complained about it because that was just how it was. Today's snowflakes wouldn't stand a chance in that world.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I hate people like that. Bitches like that want to be victims without experiencing genuine victimization. They want the virtue signalling brownie points of standing up against an imaginary and fantastical injustice that never occurs. Hell, I spent years working in warehouses and loading docks where everyone but me smoked, all day everyday non-stop. And no one ever complained about it because that was just how it was. Today's snowflakes wouldn't stand a chance in that world.

It has become ridiculous. Feminists who feel "offended" and get all triggered if a man holds the door open for them or offers to help them change a tire. At one of my jobs, the shop (manufacturing shop) was 100% guys. I was doing computer work there, of course. But this shop hired a female employee who on day one of her job, wrote a complaint to HR about "girlie calendars", soft porn posters/photos of actresses with big boobs or provocative poses, and all of the profanity in the shop. :facepalm:. The guys HATED her. She lasted two weeks and got fired when the guys all set her up to fail by using dirty tricks. :) That was undoubtedly wrong what they did, but I completely understood. She even complained about seeing a guy in the shop "fondling himself" when all he did was adjust his nuts, not even where he thought anyone could see him. Sheez. Guys have nuts. They sometimes have to be adjusted. WTF?


Well Known GateFan
The effects of marijuana are pleasant and relaxing


not going to loose my carry permit OR my ability to own/buy a firearm

yes, i know PA said that counties didn['t have to still do this, but many are choosing to err on the side of old beliefs and are yanking the permits and then "Asking" ppl to surrender or provide proof of sale of their handguns or non hunting long guns (you can keep a hunting weapon, as the legislature ruled that a med mj rx does not strip one of their right to hunt).

the loophole in harrisburg left the ult decision with county sheriffs

besides,, there is no Dr in a bout a 2 hr radius of here that will write a RX for med mj ...yet. they have a lot of elderly patients and the companies must dr's work for do not want the perceived stigma and the potential loss of customers

i will try the cbd..i do not want to get high..why would anyone want that feeling of loss of control? thats why i do not drink

i just want some alt's to my hwave machine to help with pain mitigation

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Well, who didn't see that coming? :) Frankly, I thought Amazon was going to be valued at the first Trillion long before Apple. But unless Apple diversifies into something other than just phones, computers and TV boxes, it will stagnate. I would love to see Apple get into the movie business. :) They have such exacting standards as far as presentation goes. I am afraid that they would do something obtuse like charging double to see their films than other films (in theaters). And if they ever have a paid service, it will probably try and require Apple TV and iPhones and Macs :)

Congratulations Amazon!


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
idk what med mj prices are, i know insurance does n't pay for it, a 30 day supply of cbd capsule or gummies is $27.50

The capsule makes more sense. CBD gummies taste weird. I didn't know you were considering edibles. :) You have to really watch out with those if you don't want to get high, because they may just say "High CBD strain" and still include some THC.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
idk what med mj prices are, i know insurance does n't pay for it, a 30 day supply of cbd capsule or gummies is $27.50

Sounds just about right.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan

not going to loose my carry permit OR my ability to own/buy a firearm

yes, i know PA said that counties didn['t have to still do this, but many are choosing to err on the side of old beliefs and are yanking the permits and then "Asking" ppl to surrender or provide proof of sale of their handguns or non hunting long guns (you can keep a hunting weapon, as the legislature ruled that a med mj rx does not strip one of their right to hunt).

the loophole in harrisburg left the ult decision with county sheriffs

besides,, there is no Dr in a bout a 2 hr radius of here that will write a RX for med mj ...yet. they have a lot of elderly patients and the companies must dr's work for do not want the perceived stigma and the potential loss of customers

i will try the cbd..i do not want to get high..why would anyone want that feeling of loss of control? thats why i do not drink

i just want some alt's to my hwave machine to help with pain mitigation
So if you use marihuana you are still allowed to hunt but you apparently lose the right to protect yourself.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah, all that shit dude. We had everything from Van Halen to Alan Parsons. You name it someone had it on vinyl. Of course no American teen years were complete without dropping the needle on this album at every party:

Thanks for this! I took a puff from my old glass bong while playing this. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Hadn't been used in more than 8 years. :) Of course, I had to dig this up:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Do you remember when they used to have head shops in the back of record stores? That was always fun to take a walk through the back room to look at all the paraphernalia. :icon_lol:

Of course. :) And the coolest ones had bead curtain doors. :icon_lol: Funny that in the 1980s, "retro" was emulating the hippies of the 1960s. Headbands, long hair, paisley print and sometimes bell bottoms! :biggrin: That bong is from the 1980s, and I have used it maybe 20 times in that time. Mostly with friends. I am just not that big on smoking anymore but I still need it to prevent migraines. The high CBD stuff is not really recreational.
Of course. :) And the coolest ones had bead curtain doors. :icon_lol: Funny that in the 1980s, "retro" was emulating the hippies of the 1960s. Headbands, long hair, paisley print and sometimes bell bottoms! :biggrin: That bong is from the 1980s, and I have used it maybe 20 times in that time. Mostly with friends. I am just not that big on smoking anymore but I still need it to prevent migraines. The high CBD stuff is not really recreational.

Amazing it lasted so long. From what I recall glass bongs have a short shelf life due to being dropped. :icon_lol:

The most creative one I've ever seen was a converted Italian wine bottle like this. Just getting the smoke all the way to the top could take up to 3 breaths (from what I was told ;)).



Well Known GateFan
So if you use marihuana you are still allowed to hunt but you apparently lose the right to protect yourself.
well its weird

om and i have long history of discussing this..we are on the same page on it, just I dont have so much trust in some ppl :)

but that aint for this thread

but in a nutshell and to be brief AND TRY TO KEEP IT SANITIZED of those pesky P word issues :)

yes... if one admits to using MJ for any reason then the FED rules and a technicality is that one then becomes unable to have a "carry permit"

that doesnt necessarily mean you cant have A gun --like a firearm meant primarily for hunting. or that you ant use another's rifle togo hunting..

now, in states where med mj is legal, each state has the responsibility of determining if they are going to actually report the issuance of the card to the FEDERAL firearms "cops"

in pa, the state said, it is no longer mandated, by they will leave that up to the discretion of each county sheriff--they issue the carry cards in PA

now, since sheriff is an elected position, then most sheriffs in rural, conservative leaning areas have decided to stick with the old mandate "voluntarliy" for "public safety'

all the while, lets remember we have all manner of carry card holders with Rx's for oxycodone, hydrocodone and all manner of benzos..so the logic doesnt follow as those meds are far more "dangerous" to the operation of a weapon then MJ WOULD EVER BE (and i have never used it... grew up in a big alcohol area here, though it has been supplanted by illegal drug use) but all the data states that to be true


Well Known GateFan
High CBD strain" and still include some THC

less then .03% as allowed to pa law can be sold OTC

a local tobacco store and a local health food store carry it

anything higher (no pun) needs to be from a dispensary and you need a RX (which, no Dr around here..ANYWHERE around here will touch)

the issue is

ok... as little as 3 yrs ago, the VA, on whole was over prescribing narcs and benzos along with muscle relaxers and anti inflammatory meds

my dr was giving me scripts fro hydrocodone, tramadol and a hydrocodone /motrin (combunox) "Frankenstein" pill AS WELL AS giving me valium for neck spasms!!!

I NEVER TOOK ALL OF THESE, dont worry---- they came by UPS and i had to sign for them, so most of them--after i figured out wha twas coming when-I refused shipment on. I only took the tramadol and the valium (occasionally) those other drugs did not help at all

about 6 months ago, they suddenly stopped or severely cut back on narc/benzo scripts--many disasters have occurred because of this in the va system..vets have killed themselves after not being 'drawn down/tapered' off of them and were sent to yoga or acupuncture in their place

luckily, my doc gave me a $3000 HWAVE device instead of the Yoga and a smelly Guru

but, he then put me on flexeril AND robaxan--- "take 1 pill 3 times a day" for both

i tried that.

for about 4 days was loopy as hell and way more fucked up then any narcotic ever made me--which was never BTW

i was doing stuff like going to walmart at 2 am and doing a full cars worth of shopping. then came home and tld my wife i didn't understand why i had the store to myself

then, i went to taking both just once aday...still loopy

then my doc told me "oh yeah, you could go into a fog state or even a temporary loss of memory condition..some ppl have that reaction"

That week I quit the VA and use a local Dr with my army retirement insurance...i feel bad for other vets who are not retirees and dont have this option..they are stuck

So yeah...looking for other options. all i take now is celebrex, vit D prescription strength, and the occasional tylenol or advil and still use the HWAVE (which does work very well btw)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This seems to tie in nicely with what you folks were discussing here recently.

Ben Cort: What commercialization is doing to cannabis

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
It's so nice when the link doesn't work. Try looking it up on TED.



Well Known GateFan
It's so nice when the link doesn't work. Try looking it up on TED.

View attachment 34660

the commercialization is one thing that I believe will lead to the eventual total legalization of mj for any reason for the entire nation --with NO loopholes

because big money seems to always gets what it wants