Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Myself having asthma also , often begin coughing when waiting in a docotors office or a public place when I get a whif of someones purfume but also if they went out for a smoke and came back in . Cigarette smoke sets me off instantly so if an e cig is setting someone like myself off as it is with aliz, could the smoker not be adding nicotine of some sort to there vape ?
PS omg vaping looks stupid ... looks like a steam train coming into a station, then when the smoke clears you see bearded man bun boy all smug from his cloud and crowd clearing creation ...

Yep, the man bun wearing hipsters give vaping a bad image, because they always get expensive vapes and then crank them up to make HUUUUUGGGE clouds. I only vape in the smoking areas of where I work, or in my car, or I sneak one or two at my desk or in the men's room. I never make giant clouds anywhere, even at home. Why do it? As far as nicotine triggering, if you got caught in a vape cloud with a high concentration of nicotine, I can see you possibly reacting to it. But not after the cloud has dissipated. There is nothing left to inhale. Nothing on the clothes, and if you did not see it you would never be able to tell is a vaper just vaped or even vapes at all.


Well Known GateFan
Coffee and tea? I don't inhale coffee or tea. I drink it. I don't put a towel over the cup and suck in. It has very little concentration unlike the vapors that push out huge clouds of condensed air with whatever they chose to put in their vapes.

Yes, the hospital stated that the vaping caused her asthma attacks. It is as you said in your own thread.. "not 100 percent safe". It is a large amount of vapers being pushed into lungs of people that don't have healthy lungs. Some people with asthma can handle it better than others, it depends on how bad their asthma is and whether or not you are comparing it to smoking, which is of course, much worse.

I don't not like it, it fraks with my lungs. What I also can't stand is the people that vape those super sweet smelling ones that encase the entire area. And yes, if I was forced to live in a bakery, that would be the same and also make my head hurt if it was forced upon me. I vaped myself and if it did not frak with my lungs, then I probably still would. When I vaped I woke up the next day with sore lungs even with my no nicotine and less obtrusive scented vapes. And also, there is no way to police whether or not people are vaping with or without nicotine, which I most definitely do not want, or should be forced to be around.

Science might not have found out why yet, it just does. And there are actual studies that have found it to be detrimental. I have no doubt in my mind some point soon, science will dig up the reasons why.

Quote from a the latest studies on vaping:
"First of all, nicotine may cause inflammation of the lungs, which may worsen asthma symptoms. In fact, a study showed that the short-term effects caused by smoking are similar to vaping. ... E-cigarette exposure also leads to the destruction of lung cells and may cause asthma and emphysema.Jun 22, 2018"

If you enjoy vaping, then vape away. Just don't try to say it should be allowed in the workplace. That is ridiculous.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Coffee and tea? I don't inhale coffee or tea. I drink it. I don't put a towel over the cup and suck in. It has very little concentration unlike the vapors that push out huge clouds of condensed air with whatever they chose to put in their vapes.

Yes, the hospital stated that the vaping caused her asthma attacks. It is as you said in your own thread.. "not 100 percent safe". It is a large amount of vapers being pushed into lungs of people that don't have healthy lungs. Some people with asthma can handle it better than others, it depends on how bad their asthma is and whether or not you are comparing it to smoking, which is of course, much worse.

I don't not like it, it fraks with my lungs. What I also can't stand is the people that vape those super sweet smelling ones that encase the entire area. And yes, if I was forced to live in a bakery, that would be the same and also make my head hurt if it was forced upon me. I vaped myself and if it did not frak with my lungs, then I probably still would. When I vaped I woke up the next day with sore lungs even with my no nicotine and less obtrusive scented vapes. And also, there is no way to police whether or not people are vaping with or without nicotine, which I most definitely do not want, or should be forced to be around.

Science might not have found out why yet, it just does. And there are actual studies that have found it to be detrimental. I have no doubt in my mind some point soon, science will dig up the reasons why.

Quote from a the latest studies on vaping:
"First of all, nicotine may cause inflammation of the lungs, which may worsen asthma symptoms. In fact, a study showed that the short-term effects caused by smoking are similar to vaping. ... E-cigarette exposure also leads to the destruction of lung cells and may cause asthma and emphysema.Jun 22, 2018"

If you enjoy vaping, then vape away. Just don't try to say it should be allowed in the workplace. That is ridiculous.

Interesting. I will tell you, when I first started vaping, I got a TERRIBLE upper back pain which was so bad I could not sit up straight. I went out and bought a chair massager to relieve it and I also went to my doctor who told me it was muscle spasms. I am convinced it was my body getting used to the vape (the propylene glycol specifically). After that, it went away after about two weeks and everything has been smooth sailing. But I was instantly turned off by "clouders" who seem to think that making huuuuge billowing clouds of vapor is somehow cool. It's dickish and dumb. I only see male vapers doing that and never females. And they are always young males. I never make giant clouds. Also I 100% agree that the workplace is never a place for vaping, even though I sneak them in every now and then (I work a graveyard shift :)). I have no problems with my vapes at all.

One thing, it made me smoke MUCH less of my other stuff. ;) I hardly touch that anymore. On the weekends, sometimes a tiny bit if stuck in traffic. And it is totally legal in California now. I found that to be very strange.

I only take issue if people not only say that they dislike vapers/vaping (because many do), but they also claim that it contains poisons or that "studies found" that it is as dangerous as smoking. That is just pure bullshit.
OMG!! politics off the reservation and in the wild!!!!! :vala-newanime016:
One isolated post which is quickly followed by non-political posts? 100% acceptable. :)

Not really politics as much as it was a commentary on the ridiculous news media these days. The coverage of John McCain was over the top and completely undeserved. (His family and Washington politicians were only too happy to take part in the circus.) They even preempted Judge Judy just to show McCain lying in state somewhere. Judge Freakin' Judy!!! That is simply unacceptable. :icon_mad:



Well Known GateFan
vaping opponents may consider the placebo effect may be in effect per visual input.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
vaping opponents may consider the placebo effect may be in effect per visual input.

Definitely that. :) I have a cigalike (Mark 10), looks like a real cigarette, and I was using it and some woman across the street started fake coughing and glaring at me. I just yelled to her "It isn't even a cigarette, bitch!" :)

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
I disapprove of the politics of those people over there. I would like to purchase the flatulence flavored vaping fluid.


Well Known GateFan
any opinions/experiences here from ppl on CBD oil? vaped. capsules or gummies

looking at maybe using them since I have finally lost total confidence in my VA doc and stopped going to the VA

their bureaucratic schlock finally made it to my little clinic in the woods :(
any opinions/experiences here from ppl on CBD oil? vaped. capsules or gummies

looking at maybe using them since I have finally lost total confidence in my VA doc and stopped going to the VA

their bureaucratic schlock finally made it to my little clinic in the woods :(

I miss the simpler times when all you needed was a bong and a friend's basement bedroom to hang out in; spinning Boston or Fleetwood Mac or Rush on the stereo (vinyl of course) while you blazed up a dime bag and still had plenty left to spare after everyone was baked. Now we got pot "oils" and "candy" and fucking "granola bars" (and shitty music by Cardi B to accompany it). :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
I miss the simpler times when all you needed was a bong and a friend's basement bedroom to hang out in; spinning Boston or Fleetwood Mac or Rush on the stereo (vinyl of course) while you blazed up a dime bag and still had plenty left to spare after everyone was baked. Now we got pot "oils" and "candy" and fucking "granola bars" (and shitty music by Cardi B to accompany it). :facepalm:


but CBD has little to no thc in it. like .03% or else it could not be sold in PA

sold otc no rx needed

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

but CBD has little to no thc in it. like .03% or else it could not be sold in PA

sold otc no rx needed

I have used both CBD oil and the high CBD strains made into "wax". I vaped both of those. The CBD part of marijuana is what has given me relief from my migraines since becoming a Medical patient 7 years ago. And you're right, it has very little THC in it, but it does have some, and you will feel it.

Honestly, you would be MUCh better off if you just get the whole leaf/bud of a high CBD strain. The effects of marijuana are pleasant and relaxing. And non-addicting. You will be spending lots more for that fancy CBD oil.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I miss the simpler times when all you needed was a bong and a friend's basement bedroom to hang out in; spinning Boston or Fleetwood Mac or Rush on the stereo (vinyl of course) while you blazed up a dime bag and still had plenty left to spare after everyone was baked. Now we got pot "oils" and "candy" and fucking "granola bars" (and shitty music by Cardi B to accompany it). :facepalm:

Wait...no Floyd or ELO or Van Halen? Pink Floyd is forever linked with weed in my memories. So much so that when I hear Comfortably Numb, I feel a little stoned even when I haven't even smoked anything. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Yep. :) You needed to see this bitch. Snobby, hipster chick wearing one of those striped condom shaped knit hats, staring into her phone, wearing hipster glasses with pink lenses, etc. She could have just minded her own business, but since she chose to react, I did too. :)
Wait...no Floyd or ELO or Van Halen? Pink Floyd is forever linked with weed in my memories. So much so that when I hear Comfortably Numb, I feel a little stoned even when I haven't even smoked anything. :)

Yeah, all that shit dude. We had everything from Van Halen to Alan Parsons. You name it someone had it on vinyl. Of course no American teen years were complete without dropping the needle on this album at every party:
