Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Keg stands, beer bongs -- young people don't know how to drink these days. They turn it into a circus act. It seems to have reached epidemic proportions now but it's been going on for awhile unfortunately. I remember a couple years back a girl at work kept talking about how when she was in a sorority they would routinely make "Jello shots". How stupid. :rolleye0014:

Funnels and tubes are fine for the brewing of beer but they have no place in the drinking of it. And gelatin should remain in your grandma's refrigerator where it belongs. Hell, even in my wildest days I never saw anyone do a keg stand. Had they tried they would have been thrown out of the party for excessive stupidity.

Its ridiculous. I am still seeing those "jello shots". Also something called a "boiler maker", where you float a shot glass of whisky in a mug of beer and then when you drink it, the whisky goes down first and then the beer. Why? The guy's friends seemed enthralled by it and ordered a round of them for themselves. I'm talking about a recent visit to a local bar with neighbors/friends. Then there are those Jaeger shots (I did these when younger). But connected with it is a drinking game which is actually printed on the placemats? I outgrew that sort of thing a couple of decades ago.
OMG, I just took a sip of this "Straight Up" iced tea and it has got to be one of the worst things I've ever tasted. Contrary to the vicious rumor that someone was spreading around here (in Dutch no less), I've never actually drank paint thinner but I imagine it would taste very similar to this crap. It's unbelievably horrible. It tastes nothing like tea. Seriously, it's like someone from Snapple scooped a bucket of swamp water out of the retention pond behind the factory and decided to bottle it. Consume at your own peril! :sour:



Well Known GateFan
Now this kind of Canadian driver is NEVER found on our roads! Is till want to know; just how nice are Canadians required to be (is it a law?) that as soon as they cross the Peace Bridge they totally loose it?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Now this kind of Canadian driver is NEVER found on our roads! Is till want to know; just how nice are Canadians required to be (is it a law?) that as soon as they cross the Peace Bridge they totally loose it?

That sort of thing is what is normal in my world. I never see the road ragers I have seen on YouTube where they take tire irons to windshields and have brawls on the roadway.


Well Known GateFan
That sort of thing is what is normal in my world. I never see the road ragers I have seen on YouTube where they take tire irons to windshields and have brawls on the roadway.

i have never seen them either. only place i have ever seen anything close was in korea early 90's when privately owned auto's starting to become a big thing and driver's licensing there had a much lower standard then now.

then, there fender bender = fist fight

thing about the canadians i keep cutting on, is that, where i am at-US 219. the canadian drivers are like demons!!

one not dare to enter the road while they are in sight! you may get t boned. they don't slow down for a thing. about 90% of the school bus/flashing lights violations here are committed by canadians! and i am pretty sure they have a similar law up there

why they do it? IMO, they think america is like the 'wild west'

like we don't have laws, and if we do then we don't care about them breaking any

along the road, when i pick up trash along my property, do you know how many TIM HORTONS cups and donut wrappers I pick up!! this is no exaggeration

i think, they think, there is a different standard and since they believe that (maybe) they have a higher standard of behavior then they can just do what ever down here

SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!! :smiley-laughing021:


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Well well. The boss of Epic, producer of the game Fortnite appears to be a bit delusional. There was a serious security vulnerability for Android users which they have adressed after it being reported to them by Google. But they insisted that Google should not release information about this vulnerability for 90 days instead of 7 days. That would be safer for users in their opinion. Yeah let's leave all these users in the dark for all this time so that hackers can compromise them in secret. I feel Google absolutely did the right thing here.

Epic, by the way, removed Fortnite from the Google Play Store recently because they didn't want to pay Google. Had they not taken the game from the store the security update would have been a non-issue. What a bunch of epic-whiners! I'm glad I don't play the game.


Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
OMG, I just took a sip of this "Straight Up" iced tea and it has got to be one of the worst things I've ever tasted. Contrary to the vicious rumor that someone was spreading around here (in Dutch no less), I've never actually drank paint thinner but I imagine it would taste very similar to this crap. It's unbelievably horrible. It tastes nothing like tea. Seriously, it's like someone from Snapple scooped a bucket of swamp water out of the retention pond behind the factory and decided to bottle it. Consume at your own peril! :sour:


The trick is to make unsweetened green tea because it is naturally sweet.


Well Known GateFan
i have never seen them either. only place i have ever seen anything close was in korea early 90's when privately owned auto's starting to become a big thing and driver's licensing there had a much lower standard then now.

why they do it? IMO, they think america is like the 'wild west'

like we don't have laws, and if we do then we don't care about them breaking any

along the road, when i pick up trash along my property, do you know how many TIM HORTONS cups and donut wrappers I pick up!! this is no exaggeration

i think, they think, there is a different standard and since they believe that (maybe) they have a higher standard of behavior then they can just do what ever down here

SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!! :smiley-laughing021:

Oh, my! Get out on the road there fancy pants. Head to a store where they sell Kraft cheese and buy some Ontario medium cheese cause that might go well with your American wine.

You obviously don't watch hockey. Come this tariff season it is going to get nasty.