Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm not denying that smoke gets in clothes and such and you could smell it on my breath. But if you're close enough to smell my breath than you're in my personal space and you better get the fuck out of it quick! ;) But @Overmind said that vape doesn't linger and that is not true. It in fact lingers quite a lot. Smoke perhaps lingers for a lot longer, especially in textiles and such, but I find vape a lot more potent.

It does not linger. It isn't smoke. But smoke is smoke whether it comes from a car, a toaster, a skillet or even cigarettes. Its smoke. There are actual particulates which stick to stuff like any microdust, and it can and does linger for hours, days or sometimes weeks later. You are the first person I have ever heard of who complains about the smell of a vape. I DO find "clouders" annoying (people who make giant clouds). But of the things that annoying vapers do, leaving a smell is not one of them. There is nothing to carry a smell left over after the cloud is gone.

Please provide an objective example of vape vapor lingering longer than a minute or two, and leaving a smell behind. Video, article, anything other than your own opinion. Thanks!
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This is simply not true.

Yes it is, and I would like you to prove it isn't. Its one of the main reasons people switch to vaping. How can you smell anything when most of the cilia in your lungs and nose are paralyzed by tobacco smoke? At first, I thought you were kidding and just being sarcastic, but you sound like you are being serious. Vapes do not leave anything behind to smell. Nothing. When the vape cloud is exhaled, you CAN smell the flavor. But the very worst vape flavor is still more pleasant than cigarette smoke.

Please describe the smell you think you are smelling. I can't think of any flavor of vape juice that has an offensive smell except perhaps clove-based ones (because I don't like the smell of cloves). But even those flavors in a vape cloud dissipate as soon as the cloud does.

I find it amusing that a smoker who smokes as much as you do would be complaining about the alleged smell of a vape. :)





Your turn...
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm not denying that smoke gets in clothes and such and you could smell it on my breath. But if you're close enough to smell my breath than you're in my personal space and you better get the fuck out of it quick! ;) But @Overmind said that vape doesn't linger and that is not true. It in fact lingers quite a lot. Smoke perhaps lingers for a lot longer, especially in textiles and such, but I find vape a lot more potent.

A smoker leaves a stink in all areas they smoke in. Even the smell of an ashtray is offensive. You must be referring to a specific vaper in a specific situation, and I would have to guess that this vaper uses a strong vape liquid that has an offensive smell. But even with that, there is nothing left after the cloud is gone.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Dude, are you talking about vaping or not? I can smell a smoker DAYS after they have smoked a cigarette. I can smell them across the street, even in a breeze. But vapes do not leave any sort of smell at all. Its one of the reasons people vape in the first place. What is it you are smelling, and are you sure it's them and not your own clothes perhaps? Perhaps they are vaping actual tobacco in their vapes? There is nothing to linger or smell. Its steam. You can smell whatever flavor they are vaping if you stand in the vapor before it dissipates, but after its gone, so is any aroma from the vape.
Seriously dude. You don't think I know the difference between the smell of tobacco and whatever fucking shit they use in their vaper piece of crap stuff? They got all kinds of "flavors" and all of them are nastier smelling than the others. If only they were using tobacco flavored vapor that would probably be a lot better. All this caramel candy shit and whatever fucking stink they can imagine is just extremely nauseating to me.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Yes it is, and I would like you to prove it isn't. Its one of the main reasons people switch to vaping. How can you smell anything when most of the cilia in your lungs and nose are paralyzed by tobacco smoke? At first, I thought you were kidding and just being sarcastic, but you sound like you are being serious. Vapes do not leave anything behind to smell. Nothing. When the vape cloud is exhaled, you CAN smell the flavor. But the very worst vape flavor is still more pleasant than cigarette smoke.

Please describe the smell you think you are smelling. I can't think of any flavor of vape juice that has an offensive smell except perhaps clove-based ones (because I don't like the smell of cloves). But even those flavors in a vape cloud dissipate as soon as the cloud does.

I find it amusing that a smoker who smokes as much as you do would be complaining about the alleged smell of a vape. :)





Your turn...
It's proven simply by the fact that I told you.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Seriously dude. You don't think I know the difference between the smell of tobacco and whatever fucking shit they use in their vaper piece of crap stuff? They got all kinds of "flavors" and all of them are nastier smelling than the others. If only they were using tobacco flavored vapor that would probably be a lot better. All this caramel candy shit and whatever fucking stink they can imagine is just extremely nauseating to me.
None of them are as bad as tobacco smell. I smoked longer than you have been alive, so I think I know a little about smoking. :). I bet if you ask any random person, even a non smoker, that they would rather tolerate the "stink" of vape over burning smoke. You are a full on smoker. Why the hate for vapers? I am sure few of them share that hate for your smoking. And frankly it's hypocritical.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's proven simply by the fact that I told you.

Some guy at 7-11 told me that satellites can hear people talking on the ground even without cellphones. :). I don't doubt you think you are smelling what you claim. But nobody else I have ever heard of has said that. Can't please everyone! I will stick to my vape.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
None of them are as bad as tobacco smell. I smoked longer than you have been alive, so I think I know a little about smoking. :). I bet if you ask any random person, even a non smoker, that they would rather tolerate the "stink" of vape over burning smoke. You are a full on smoker. Why the hate for vapers? I am sure few of them share that hate for your smoking. And frankly it's hypocritical.
You are getting way ahead of yourself man. You are full on on the defensive while I did not even attack anyone least of all you. I just gave my opinion that vaping stinks and that the smell of it nauseates me and that it lingers. There is nothing to prove there because I personally experience this almost every goddamn day. It affects me so much that the other day while I was at work outside at the smoking section having a smoke and some guy came out there and started vaping I actuallly walked away from the smoking section out in the open onto the parking lot while it was raining. Because being out in the rain was far less annoying to me than being in the same area as that vaper. Because being in that vape ruins my whole experience of having a smoke as well as ruining the whole experience of having a break for me. So you see there is nothing to prove here because I just fucking hate the vape shit and that is a fact. I also did not say anything about smoking. I know smoke stinks. I have smelled my tshirt after waking up after a night out in a place where smoking was legal and that shit fucking stinks like hell. I am not denying that fact, I am confirming that. This however does not mean that by comparison vaping is better when it comes to smell. I would probably rather smell someone else's stinky smoky tshirt even if it has a lot of sweat mixed in than smelling that shit vape. This is my personal opinion on it. It is disgusting to me clear and simple. This is not meant as a dig at you whatsoever. I also don't care how anyone else feels about vaping and smoking. I'm not smoking on the goddamn bus and neither would I ever consider using after shave or deodorant or whatever other crap that gives of a smell when I'm inside a bus, but I've experienced other people doing such things. Fucking assholes and bitches, that's what those kind of people are. Inconsiderate pricks! I don't care if there's anyone out there who hates me for smoking. I don't smoke on the bus. You know what, I remember going out with my family on a terrace in the summer (a restaurant/bar/drinks type of situation) and we just sat down at our table (outside in the midst of like 50 other tables) and ordered our drinks and several of our party lit a cigarette. Then a guy at a table next to us started coughing. Not coughing because there was something in his throat, but very obviously coughing just very exarratingly to get attention. Then he said excuse me would you mind not smoking because it's bothering me. I was bothered by that because it was a hot day and I was fully in my right to light a smoke and I certainly deserved one, but I said sure and immediately extinguished the cigarette I just lit even though I was fully aware that the guy was basically being a bit of a dick. (you had to be there to fully understand, but trust me on this) So I threw away my expensive cigarette for no reason other than some random guy asking me to even though I hadn't smoked for hours. My brother didn't though and neither did any of the others in our party. They were like fuck off asshole, and rightfully so in my opinion. But that is just how considerate I AM. It is in fact quite hard to explain in words how considerate I am towards other people. I take into account things that they could probably not even imagine and preemptively alter my behavior because of it, just because I think that in some kind of scenario someone could be somehow experiencing a slightly negative thought if they were super uber sensitive about something. That's how considerate I am. But I know that is something that almost no one could ever comprehend so there really isn't much point in trying to explain it. But here I am giving it a try anyway. In any case, vape on dude. As long as I don't have to smell it I won't care. I'm just pointing out that vaping is disgusting to me but that doesn't change my opinion on the value of any person who chooses to vape. I'm not attacking anyone.

By the way, I don't know whether I have said this around here before, but are you aware that because of the fact that I am a smoker I am heavily discriminated against by the government? That would be the UK government in this case, but I guess the same is true for smokers in many other countries. All packs of cigarettes have to be presented the same these days. They all look the same. They are all giving a very non attractive color. They all have certain pictures on them most of which look very disgusting (which has nothing to do with smoking by the way). They are even locked away behind doors. You can't even ask anymore what kind of cigarettes a store has. You would have to look at a piece of paper an choose one from there because the store clerks are technically not allowed to show you what they have behind the doors. I mean how fucked up is that!?! If they had any shred of integrity in them they should be doing the same to all alcoholic products and any product which contains sugar and probably many other products. But they don't. Smokers are singled out and discriminated against. Somehow there is not a single peep about that. It's beyond fucking comprehension to me how something like this is possible. If I go to a store and I say I would like a pack of cigarettes and they ask me what I want and I say I dunno what do you got they can't fucking show me. FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE GOVERNMENT! By buying cigarettes I'm paying so much fucking taxes that I cover several other people's medical bills, but I have to be fucking put in my place by them. Assholes! Meanwhile all the people with type 2 diabetes are roaming free unhindered.

Anyway, maybe you see now why I would get ticked off by people suggesting that it would be okay to vape on the bus or at work or in any public place whatsoever.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
PERFECT. Slow poke in fast lane gets trolled. BAHAHAHA


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Lol, I just re-read my previous post here. I was seriously ticked off it seems. My wife surprised me with a bottle of Jack last night. She needs to stop doing that. I'm not feeling as great as I was yesterday. Looks like there's about 20% left. Still, I really meant what I said.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Lol, I just re-read my previous post here. I was seriously ticked off it seems. My wife surprised me with a bottle of Jack last night. She needs to stop doing that. I'm not feeling as great as I was yesterday. Looks like there's about 20% left. Still, I really meant what I said.

Yup. :) Didn't sound like your normal convo. And I totally get the smoker discrimination thing. Here in CA, being a smoker can make the difference between getting hired or not. If you are a smoker, and the smell can be detected by your non-smoking interviewer, you will likely be pushed to the back of the line. In other cases, you are asked directly (like my current job). There are many reasons they give, like needing to take smoke breaks. There is also the (assumed) greater cost of healthcare, potential sick days off, and the impressions one gives to clients of the company, when in a customer facing position. All of those things, plus the recommendation of my doctor, is why I am a non-smoker today. I actually LIKE vaping now, and I have been given compliments on how my car and clothes and breath no longer smells of cigarette smoke. So, when you said that vaping is "disgusting" and stinks, I took it personally. Even after stepping back and trying to see if there was anything to what you said about the smell of vaping, I am still saying it does not linger. It might be because of the flavors I like which are fruity or sweet, never weird smells like clove or mint or other strong smells.

Again, to each his/her own. For me, vaping has been a godsend on both the health front and on the social front. If you find it disgusting, then you do. :)
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Lol, I just re-read my previous post here. I was seriously ticked off it seems. My wife surprised me with a bottle of Jack last night. She needs to stop doing that. I'm not feeling as great as I was yesterday. Looks like there's about 20% left. Still, I really meant what I said.

You live in the UK now. Class, it's all about class, darling. ;)


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
You live in the UK now. Class, it's all about class, darling. ;)

View attachment 34519
Saw an episode of Shark Tank last night with two people "invented" a glass that you can stick on a bottle, so you can drink out of a glass while drinking straight from the bottle. Americans of course. The whole thing looked ridiculous and pointless. But they did get a deal with a shark. Go figure.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Saw an episode of Shark Tank last night with two people "invented" a glass that you can stick on a bottle, so you can drink out of a glass while drinking straight from the bottle. Americans of course. The whole thing looked ridiculous and pointless. But they did get a deal with a shark. Go figure.

I am still dumbfounded with the existence of a "beer bong". Who the hell decided it was needed, and who the hell uses these things? Why is it a thing to "chug" beers as fast as possible? I find it asinine and utterly juvenile.

I don't drink, so anything leading to drunkedness baffles me. I occasionally will have a drink if with friends, but I order a single gin and tonic, and nurse it all night. It comes with a lime wedge, so if I drink it down, I can always have the waitress bring me a 7-up with a lime and nobody knows the difference. :)
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I am still dumbfounded with the existence of a "beer bong". Who the hell decided it was needed, and who the hell uses these things? Why is it a thing to "chug" beers as fast as possible? I find it asinine and utterly juvenile.

I don't drink, so anything leading to drunkedness baffles me. I occasionally will have a drink if with friends, but I order a single gin and tonic, and nurse it all night. It comes with a lime wedge, so if I drink it down, I can always have the waitress bring me a 7-up with a lime and nobody knows the difference. :)

Keg stands, beer bongs -- young people don't know how to drink these days. They turn it into a circus act. It seems to have reached epidemic proportions now but it's been going on for awhile unfortunately. I remember a couple years back a girl at work kept talking about how when she was in a sorority they would routinely make "Jello shots". How stupid. :rolleye0014:

Funnels and tubes are fine for the brewing of beer but they have no place in the drinking of it. And gelatin should remain in your grandma's refrigerator where it belongs. Hell, even in my wildest days I never saw anyone do a keg stand. Had they tried they would have been thrown out of the party for excessive stupidity.