Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This tweet thread was a really interesting read.

I read the whole Twitter thread...fascinating! I suspected as much. Turns out that our brains have many "ugly hacks" that manipulate our perceptions. And they go across all of our sensing systems like touch, taste, hearing, sight, etc. What is even more fascinating is that many of these things were known long ago and the science of manipulating those hacks to a desired result is part of Voodoo, Witchcraft, Kabbalah and others...like Advertising.


Well Known GateFan
I read the whole Twitter thread...fascinating! I suspected as much. Turns out that our brains have many "ugly hacks" that manipulate our perceptions. And they go across all of our sensing systems like touch, taste, hearing, sight, etc. What is even more fascinating is that many of these things were known long ago and the science of manipulating those hacks to a desired result is part of Voodoo, Witchcraft, Kabbalah and others...like Advertising.
That’s because we are in the matrix !

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Anyone heard of this new movie with Dwayne Johnson coming out this week named Skyscraper?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OMG, not another crappy DJ movie. :rolleye0014: I would sooner chew a ball of aluminum foil, swallow it and wait for it to make its way, slowly and painfully, through my digestive tract than sit through this turd of a movie.

He is a full-on Disney boy. I really like the guy, but I can't take him seriously as a badass lead man. I am sure the budget will be such that they will make the money back and a little change, but DJ is never blockbuster material.
He is a full-on Disney boy. I really like the guy, but I can't take him seriously as a badass lead man. I am sure the budget will be such that they will make the money back and a little change, but DJ is never blockbuster material.

Yeah I don't hate the guy for earning a paycheck but his movies are always low-IQ type of things. I'm sure this one will have lots of daring feats of agility that he does in front of a green screen. It will also have a lot of cardboard character bad guys and cute, precocious children who make witty, albeit snarky, observations about the dire situation they find themselves in.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Yeah I don't hate the guy for earning a paycheck but his movies are always low-IQ type of things. I'm sure this one will have lots of daring feats of agility that he does in front of a green screen. It will also have a lot of cardboard character bad guys and cute, precocious children who make witty, albeit snarky, observations about the dire situation they find themselves in.

I have noticed that few movies are designed for people with an IQ above 115. There are simply not enough of us to turn a profit. Hollywood may be the masters of sexual harassment and diabolical accounting, but they sure do know what the mass of humanity wants to see in a movie.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
He is a full-on Disney boy. I really like the guy, but I can't take him seriously as a badass lead man. I am sure the budget will be such that they will make the money back and a little change, but DJ is never blockbuster material.

The older I get, the more I miss Walt.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
I read the whole Twitter thread...fascinating! I suspected as much. Turns out that our brains have many "ugly hacks" that manipulate our perceptions. And they go across all of our sensing systems like touch, taste, hearing, sight, etc. What is even more fascinating is that many of these things were known long ago and the science of manipulating those hacks to a desired result is part of Voodoo, Witchcraft, Kabbalah and others...like Advertising.

I read something from 16th Century England that said the wearing of lipstick was a form of witchcraft because it prompted men to marry.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You know, the black pornographic actor in my profile pic looks a lot like Cory Booker.

I thought he was Vin Diesel in a suit when you first uploaded it. :) Who What is Sarah Palin doing these days I wonder?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Sarah who? :daniel_new004:

(Actually, she's busy giving lessons on how to swallow...something.)


She needed lessons? Even her hands naturally fall in grasping mode in front of her face. You know, to hold whatever she is swallowing still so she does not miss anything. :) Maybe there is a "swallow gene"?