Random Banter

This one is different. Spidey is not alone. ;) Also there appears to be plenty of humor in it. Watch the trailer.

It looks good. But you do know there is at least one animated Spiderman series where there are multiple characters with spider powers, right? (Disney XD.)

I admit I like the trailer but I have a hard time accepting that so many people are being bitten by radioactive spiders. It seems like a singular event that would be hard to repeat. I'm also not thrilled with Peter Parker being portrayed as something of a deadbeat bum. He can't afford a burger and fries? Really? :rolleye0014:

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
It looks good. But you do know there is at least one animated Spiderman series where there are multiple characters with spider powers, right? (Disney XD.)

I admit I like the trailer but I have a hard time accepting that so many people are being bitten by radioactive spiders. It seems like a singular event that would be hard to repeat. I'm also not thrilled with Peter Parker being portrayed as something of a deadbeat bum. He can't afford a burger and fries? Really? :rolleye0014:
Well he doesn't really have a job perhaps. Maybe he's even pretending to be dead.

At the end of the trailer there's a spider roaming free. I guess there was some kind of accident at the lab.


Well Known GateFan
It somehow reminds me of that time when Traci Lords (if you have to ask, don't. :)) tried to remake herself into a "legitimate actress".

The Miss America Pageant is the human equivalent of a dog or cat or pony show. Yeah, there are the Toddlers & Tiaras pageants, but this one is for women. It is a pageant firmly rooted in hetero maleness. Now, they want to morph it into a feminist competition. Whatevs, it should just go away. Why do we need a Miss America? This is what the Miss America pageant really is, and yeah that is a scale:

View attachment 34163
Beauty pageants have always been venues to show off T&A. It's not any deeper than that. So if they think they're gonna be successful by making pageants something other than this they're sadly mistaken. Better to simply end the stupid pageants than try to make them into something they're not.

all things being 'full circle' in the course of time and all...

someday, are descendants/ replacements will ook on with disdain at our society's over indulgence in all things SJW-ish and return to the same old things again

sure, they may be done in different ways more respectful and all, but it will all go back around

young women will be openly praised for their beauty with out the complimenter being 'shamed' or labeled a sex offender

women will be able to say they appreciate the look of a man's body without being labeled a slut by other women

society will no longer be so hyper sensitive over the whole "what offends/ i am sorry if this offends you/ you are a (fill in the blank) 'ist'. Rather they will approach all this with a sense of sensibility and common sense before they open their mouths to begin with

another words, being sick of all of our "improvements" to social justice, they will know before hand what to say,ehen to say it and how to say it without fear or reprisal

all this when ever American society matures again


Well Known GateFan
so that electric lawn mower i got is really quite the ass kicker!!!

that is, it kicks "grass ass" :icon_mad:

once we got the lawn down to avg height, one charge will cover the whole yard

this on a yard where the gas mower needed to be refilled before finishing

so , it was well worth it

<< random thought, did i already post this? >>>

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
all things being 'full circle' in the course of time and all...

someday, are descendants/ replacements will ook on with disdain at our society's over indulgence in all things SJW-ish and return to the same old things again

sure, they may be done in different ways more respectful and all, but it will all go back around

young women will be openly praised for their beauty with out the complimenter being 'shamed' or labeled a sex offender

women will be able to say they appreciate the look of a man's body without being labeled a slut by other women

society will no longer be so hyper sensitive over the whole "what offends/ i am sorry if this offends you/ you are a (fill in the blank) 'ist'. Rather they will approach all this with a sense of sensibility and common sense before they open their mouths to begin with

another words, being sick of all of our "improvements" to social justice, they will know before hand what to say,ehen to say it and how to say it without fear or reprisal

all this when ever American society matures again

Hmmm....I think some things will be eliminated because they are offensive, and will never return or be social acceptable again. I also think that some of the things which seem acceptable today in SJW America will become unacceptable again, and will go away.
Hmmm....I think some things will be eliminated because they are offensive, and will never return or be social acceptable again. I also think that some of the things which seem acceptable today in SJW America will become unacceptable again, and will go away.

I think "victim fatigue" will set in eventually. We will then be able to get back to cracking jokes without people freaking out.


Well Known GateFan
Hmmm....I think some things will be eliminated because they are offensive, and will never return or be social acceptable again. I also think that some of the things which seem acceptable today in SJW America will become unacceptable again, and will go away.

Yes, exactly...you know what I mean. common sense is dead and ppl are operating on either a 'dumbed down"version of existence so as not to offend anyone or are operating in a state of hyper vigilance and lacing their sentences with apologetic preambles before EVERYTHING THEY SAY!

"offensive" what a broad ranging definition used by our society of today!

one example-
for some, you can't even openly discuss the history--not the good or bad or any commentary, JUST the events-the facts- of the rise and fall of the NAZI party in Germany, in a classroom, without their being "offended"

i am guessing they want to refer to these individuals and the movement as the 'really scary bad ppl from germany' instead?

in this example, some day perhaps history and other events such as this WILL be once again able to be discussed in public/classroom AFTER the idiocy of the uber editing of the SJW crowd dies off

there are so so many other examples in all facets of life that have been "edited" out of our life for little reason except that it may "offend" some one. even a perceived possibility of offense even when no one in the supposedly offended audience even complains!

like how so many ppl,men and women, are "offended" when a man opens a door for a woman..or if anyone holds a door opened for a old person... OR heaven help you (oops just offended someone!) allow a older person to go in front of you in a line or in to a elevator,etc,etc

the use (or rather obliteration of the use) of certain words is another issue

like how SJW's of old and now refuse to let the word 'retard' exist. EVEN when used in other meanings. like "the sandbags retarded the advance of the flood waters"

i think many ppl are indeed smart enough (though some just barely) to know that if the above sentence were spoken then implication and context would clearly indicate that no developmentally challenged ppl are being discussed!

HOWEVER, the rabid SJW's would pounce on any one using this sentence when all they are doing IS talking about a flood and its prevention from being spread

or to use the word "prejudice" "prejudiced". they will only assign the meaning-the negative meanings, to this word. when in fact prejudice can simply mean a partiality to a certain thing

like, "i like meat of all kinds but i am prejudiced to the beef"

this school year, a new word cultures teacher for our son's 10th grade AP World Cultures class would not allow the use of the word "Jews" when speaking of the religious group. He wanted then to use the word "judaic peoples" instead!! :)

Ok--I wonder if he has a problem with the words "catholics" protestants" "muslims" "hindus" "animists", etc, etc? they are words used to describe the same thing; a certain group of religious ppl

I'd bet he would fail to see the connection

BTW -this was the same guy who told the principle that my son's wearing of a hindu/buddhist swastika was "offensive" to him. no, my son never took it off


Well Known GateFan
I watched this yesterday, the whole season. This kids are beyond amazing.

They make you have hope for the future.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This one is different. Spidey is not alone. ;) Also there appears to be plenty of humor in it. Watch the trailer.

Wait....what? So, all they did was to add an "ethnic" Spidey, and a Lady Spidey to the mix? I think audiences will see through this. What I am seeing is a production which has burned out Peter Parker as Spider-Man, but wants to continue cashing in on him in the long run. So, they created "Miles Morales" in the Marvel comics in 2011 while Obama was President. They made him an Afro-Latino to knock out the minority requirement to be inclusive to blacks and Latinos, and also a female Spidey (Spider-Woman?), and they have created a "Spider-Verse"? What is to prevent the irradiated spiders from just becoming common and allowing for armies of spider-persons to be created worldwide? They did this to Iron Man.

It's okay, the Millennials will probably be fine with it.
Wait....what? So, all they did was to add an "ethnic" Spidey, and a Lady Spidey to the mix? I think audiences will see through this. What I am seeing is a production which has burned out Peter Parker as Spider-Man, but wants to continue cashing in on him in the long run. So, they created "Miles Morales" in the Marvel comics in 2011 while Obama was President. They made him an Afro-Latino to knock out the minority requirement to be inclusive to blacks and Latinos, and also a female Spidey (Spider-Woman?), and they have created a "Spider-Verse"? What is to prevent the irradiated spiders from just becoming common and allowing for armies of spider-persons to be created worldwide? They did this to Iron Man.

It's okay, the Millennials will probably be fine with it.

Yes, "burnt out" is definitely the way to put it. As it is I don't have a problem with them dong an ethnic Spiderman version because it's essentially an urban story of sorts. (Spidey web slinging through the canyons of the city is central to the origin story. -- Of course minorities don't just live in urban areas but in this fictional context it makes sense.)

But ethnic portrayal or not, the story is burnt the f*** out. It has surpassed the point of ridiculousness and gone full tilt into absurdity. There are now a million incarnations of Spiderman and they're all, conveniently, uber-cool high school teens. There's the spider chick that's too cool for school and is always smarter than her male counterparts. There's also the dumb jock who makes surfer references even though he's never seen the ocean in his entire life. Then there's the arrogant dude who has a chip on his shoulder that isn't a team player (at first) but ultimately he fits in and it's discovered that he has a heart of gold. And then there's Aunt May who has gone from being a helpless old granny to a slim, trim cougar that is a ball-busting bitch that all the kids look up to. :rolleye0014:


The Belle of the Ball
As long as the SJW are perpetually offended or looking to be so - we will exist in an Orwellian universe of newspeak! :P

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
For medical reasons that I won't elaborate, I have been looking up a lot of free porn on the internet. We are living in an golden age of free internet porn. I have discovered that Bing does a good job of classifying porn according to genre and subgenre. Yes, when Microsoft decided to compete against Google, they wanted a better way to look up internet porn.