Random Banter

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I know I haven't been around much for the past week or so. There are various reasons. I have my parents visiting for about a week because of my 40th birthday which we celebrated yesterday. Also my awesome wife gave me a new laptop last week (ahead of my birthday so I could start enjoying it during my holiday) and I haven't quite settled into using it fully yet. Please rest assured that I will be back, potentially with vigor, as soon as things have gone back to normal and I've gotten used to the new situation. ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I know I haven't been around much for the past week or so. There are various reasons. I have my parents visiting for about a week because of my 40th birthday which we celebrated yesterday. Also my awesome wife gave me a new laptop last week (ahead of my birthday so I could start enjoying it during my holiday) and I haven't quite settled into using it fully yet. Please rest assured that I will be back, potentially with vigor, as soon as things have gone back to normal and I've gotten used to the new situation. ;)

Your wife put a lot of thought into that gift! Happy 40th, and as always, great to have you here. :)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I just watched Now You See Me 2 with my parents, having watched the first movie yesterday. I love these movies. My parents had never seen them before and liked them as well. I myself have seen them 3 times now I think and they're still great. So afterwards I'd searched for references to Now You See Me 3. Turns out that there are a few mentions from already a few years ago and that's it. What I found however is that apparently these films weren't as big of a hit as they are in my eyes. The first link I went to even has this "writer" being quite negative about the movies, which I find rather surprising and even unsettling.

It's still mind-blowing that an average and dare I say semi-forgettable film such as this could become such an investment for the studio, but it doesn't take much nowadays to warrant sequels -- or in this case a trilogy.

Seriously? Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Nick Romano, whoever the fuck you are, obviously you are a dick and you have no taste. Fuck you and die.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
By the way @heisenberg, it's time for you to pick a new avatar. You know you're not going anywhere. We know you're not going anywhere. I don't want you to go anywhere because I enjoy reading your posts. Get on with it will ya! ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
no man...you just turned 40? VIGOR is definitely a thing of the past... :)

happy birthday

Whatcha talkin bout Willis?! Vigor certainly is not a thing in MY past!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
That seems like trek overload to me . Way to many programs tho the cartoon may be ok but how will they do the voices ?
They will hire voice actors. Or they'll generate them by computer.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Lol! That asshole Russian Ignashevich just scored an own goal without even looking at the ball because he was too busy brutally working a Spaniard to the ground without any cause. Congratulations man, you just showed the entire world what an enormous dick you are!

EDIT: I had to remove one of the videos because apparently it was removed by the user.
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Lol! That asshole Russian Ignashevich just scored an own goal without even looking at the ball because he was too busy brutally working a Spaniard to the ground without any cause. Congratulations man, you just showed the entire world what an enormous dick you are!

EDIT: I had to remove one of the videos because apparently it was removed by the user.

roflbot (1).jpg

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This tweet thread was a really interesting read.


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
WTF is he talking about?

He's talking about how eyes work. Or rather how we think eyes work but they really don't. Because a lot of what we (think we) see is actually conjured up by the brain.##

I thought it was all fairly easy to follow. Did you read the follow-up tweets or just the first one? Coz there's like 30 of them in a row which together basically form a small article. (I know right, why not just write an article, but that's how it's done these days apparently, on Twitter.)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This is the best thing I've ever seen on Twitter. If any of you have any idea of how and where to promote this further, please do. Read the responses to this tweet.
