Random Banter

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
In the US, anyone who has any visible blackness is considered black, even when their skin is very light (like me).

When the NAACP was first founded, the lightness of some of the founders of the organization prompted some blacks to call it the National Association for the Advancement of Certain Persons.
I swear, the Build-a-Bear fiasco proves that there's no hope for this world. Such pathetic whiners, it's disgusting. :facepalm:


tweet 3.png

Aw, your special little crotch fruit who survived a routine medical procedure doesn't get an over-priced piece of junk, boo hoo. :rolleye0014:

dave a.jpg

Hey "Dave A", if you are rich enough to piss away 100 miles of gas (at UK prices no less) you easily have enough money to buy one of these stupid bears on any given day throughout the year. You deserve a lifetime of meltdowns from your children because you, "Dave A" are a self-important, entitled idiot. :rolleye0014:


You're right Jasmin, your sweet little ovarian mistakes should never, ever experience disappointment in life. How dare Build-a-Bear deny your right to give your precious spawnlings a piece of over-priced, synthetic crap. Now your children will be socially ostracized and won't be able to get into an Ivy league university. :rolleye0014:

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Yeah I heard about mile long lines at the stores. It's utterly pathetic. Sad people. If you want it that badly then go to the store and pay the normal price. I heard that at least one person was assaulted because of this. Definitely not the chain's fault. Fucking morons.
Yeah I heard about mile long lines at the stores. It's utterly pathetic. Sad people. If you want it that badly then go to the store and pay the normal price. I heard that at least one person was assaulted because of this. Definitely not the chain's fault. Fucking morons.

The dramatic overreaction these people are having is beyond laughable. That one woman actually claims that Build-a-Bear is "destroying hope" in children. And Dave A is "angry and fuming". What a pathetic douche. :rolleye0014::rolleye0014::rolleye0014:

They're a bunch of triggered materialistic twits that are teaching their children all the wrong things when it comes to living a meaningful life.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah I heard about mile long lines at the stores. It's utterly pathetic. Sad people. If you want it that badly then go to the store and pay the normal price. I heard that at least one person was assaulted because of this. Definitely not the chain's fault. Fucking morons.
The dramatic overreaction these people are having is beyond laughable. That one woman actually claims that Build-a-Bear is "destroying hope" in children. And Dave A is "angry and fuming". What a pathetic douche. :rolleye0014::rolleye0014::rolleye0014:

They're a bunch of triggered materialistic twits that are teaching their children all the wrong things when it comes to living a meaningful life.

I saw this phenomena with Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmo, Beanie Babies...what the f*ck? They are freakin stuffed animals. 100% of these stuffed polyester things will one day be tossed aside or given to the dog as a toy. The messages being posted are pathetic, and these kids throwing tantrums need to be spanked. Oh wait. can't do that any more.
I saw this phenomena with Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmo, Beanie Babies...what the f*ck? They are freakin stuffed animals. 100% of these stuffed polyester things will one day be tossed aside or given to the dog as a toy. The messages being posted are pathetic, and these kids throwing tantrums need to be spanked. Oh wait. can't do that any more.

The parents are worse than the kids really. A 2 year old kid will be happy playing with a cardboard shoe box if you give them one. I guarantee you the kids weren't the ones clamoring to go to the mall to get a specialized teddy bear. They are only having "melt downs" now because their stupid parents hyped them up for it.

*I'm still shaking my head at the idiot who is complaining because his "hard working" wife had to drive 100 miles (was that just one way?) in order to take advantage of this deal. His user info puts him in the UK so that means they are spending around 5 Lbs (British pounds) a gallon for a 100 or 200 mile trek in order to save approximately $23.

Their daughter is 2 so they would pay a base price of $2 for an item that normally retails in a range of $10 to $25. Accessories are sold separately so they would still pay full price for any of those. So no matter how you slice it these idiots were losing money by making a special trip to get a bear. If they were so intent on getting their crotch potato a Build-a-Bear why didn't they just wait for a day when they were in that town anyway on various errands? Why make a special trip? That makes no sense. People this fiscally stupid should not be allowed to breed.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I swear, the Build-a-Bear fiasco proves that there's no hope for this world. Such pathetic whiners, it's disgusting. :facepalm:


View attachment 34240

Aw, your special little crotch fruit who survived a routine medical procedure doesn't get an over-priced piece of junk, boo hoo. :rolleye0014:

View attachment 34239

Hey "Dave A", if you are rich enough to piss away 100 miles of gas (at UK prices no less) you easily have enough money to buy one of these stupid bears on any given day throughout the year. You deserve a lifetime of meltdowns from your children because you, "Dave A" are a self-important, entitled idiot. :rolleye0014:

View attachment 34238

You're right Jasmin, your sweet little ovarian mistakes should never, ever experience disappointment in life. How dare Build-a-Bear deny your right to give your precious spawnlings a piece of over-priced, synthetic crap. Now your children will be socially ostracized and won't be able to get into an Ivy league university. :rolleye0014:


As a fan of the Uncharted games I have to say that's a pretty good fan film. Whoever owns the rights to make the movie is foolish for dragging their feet. It should have been done a couple years ago.

At any rate, I'm glad Fillion made an homage to it. He's perfect for Nathan Drake except for the fact that he's a little bit too old for the part, but that's not that big of a deal. He can still carry it off so I would be fine with him in the lead role. The casting of "Sully" was good too but the blonde chick isn't right for the part of "Elena". She's way too whiny. They need a young Jewel Stait type for that role.

I also wish the "game mode" lasted longer on the gun fight scene. That was very true to the actual gameplay and I would have loved to see a little more of it.

Overall I applaud Nathan Fillion for making this fan film. I hope it stirs some interest in getting the wheels turning in regards to producing the official movie.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Holy shit! I'd never heard of this before. That's quite something. Almost feels like an april fools prank.

Will Marshall: The mission to create a searchable database of Earth's surface

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