Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
It does mention that I don't follow structure well. But I might do 3 other tests to see what it gives me and I don't think giving a specific number of agree or disagree is the right way about doing things when it comes to personality tests. My outburst was super aggressive. But, it was so unpredictable as well. I blame the people I was working for who made me belittle.
It's generally not the people, it's the situation. Not giving them a pass, people can be pric,ks, but your type reacts better to situations than mine does. Again, play to your strength brother, not your weaknesses.


Well Known GateFan
It's generally not the people, it's the situation. Not giving them a pass, people can be pric,ks, but your type reacts better to situations than mine does. Again, play to your strength brother, not your weaknesses.
So they've given me an official warning but I feel I am wasting my life by working at the current job and I am not going anywhere. But the places I want to do things are far far away like in Frankston which is a hole.


Well Known GateFan
So they've given me an official warning but I feel I am wasting my life by working at the current job and I am not going anywhere. But the places I want to do things are far far away like in Frankston which is a hole.
So, the question I have for you is this, which means more to you?
Your happiness, or your paycheque?
Frankston may be a hole, but would you be happier there than where you are?
I gave up chasing "leadership" roles years ago, I've had enough of them over 30 years of working, the only way I would consider it again is if I was working for myself.


Well Known GateFan
So, the question I have for you is this, which means more to you?
Your happiness, or your paycheque?
Frankston may be a hole, but would you be happier there than where you are?
I gave up chasing "leadership" roles years ago, I've had enough of them over 30 years of working, the only way I would consider it again is if I was working for myself.
Happiness for sure but the pay cheque is minimum wage lol. A cleaner earns more than me.
So, anyone been following USA politics lately? lol
You should watch Planet America
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkdzJLXvoxk


Well Known GateFan
So, the question I have for you is this, which means more to you?
Your happiness, or your paycheque?
Frankston may be a hole, but would you be happier there than where you are?
I gave up chasing "leadership" roles years ago, I've had enough of them over 30 years of working, the only way I would consider it again is if I was working for myself.
The only issue is that I am not getting called for interviews for some reason I submit my resume but for some reason life has other plans.


Well Known GateFan
If it's somewhere local to you, don't submit a resume, take one down, introduce yourself first and hand it over in person. It's far, far more effective. Nearly every job I have ever had I've done this way. It breaks the ice, gives the employer a visual, and let's you answer questions right away even before you get to a potential interview. It might even turn into an interview. Going through stacks of boring, faceless resume's is well, boring, inject that personality in and I bet your chances go up.


Well Known GateFan
If it's somewhere local to you, don't submit a resume, take one down, introduce yourself first and hand it over in person. It's far, far more effective. Nearly every job I have ever had I've done this way. It breaks the ice, gives the employer a visual, and let's you answer questions right away even before you get to a potential interview. It might even turn into an interview. Going through stacks of boring, faceless resume's is well, boring, inject that personality in and I bet your chances go up.
Sadly, I have tried that and they just tell me go online and submit in the job boards for some reason.


Well Known GateFan
Sadly, I have tried that and they just tell me go online and submit in the job boards for some reason.
They just want to avoid the work, and HR dept's are full of themselves. Main point, if you introduce yourself, people are more inclined to listen to you EVEN if they require all the hoops as well. Submit online, THEN go where ever you need to go and when they say "submit online" you can say "already have, just wanted to introduce myself"
One-two punch.


Well Known GateFan
They just want to avoid the work, and HR dept's are full of themselves. Main point, if you introduce yourself, people are more inclined to listen to you EVEN if they require all the hoops as well. Submit online, THEN go where ever you need to go and when they say "submit online" you can say "already have, just wanted to introduce myself"
One-two punch.
Most likely they will say we will let you know or they will look at me funny. I've been told that people have become more lazy after Covid.


Well Known GateFan
I am hiding the thumbnail but man this would give me nightmares and it's giving me a headache and scared of the shit the Gen Alpha watches.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzD9OxAHtzU&pp=ygUPc2tpYmlkaSB0b2lsZXQg and also


What ship is this?
Staff member
Also a lot of companies nowadays are using video sharing for interviews. Some ways to help make a better impression:

1) Look your best. Grooming and wearing business type attire can be a help.

2) Research the company beforehand - that way you can speak from knowledge and it shows them you are thorough.

3) This one is optional - maintain your own private video sharing account. For example I keep my own Zoom account that I personalized. Just having something like that you can display shows professionalism.

There are more such ideas but these are starters.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Whine and complain when you don't get that job! Likely the powers that be just decided on their own that you were not worthy.

Hide the mirror! :P


Well Known GateFan
Also a lot of companies nowadays are using video sharing for interviews. Some ways to help make a better impression:

1) Look your best. Grooming and wearing business type attire can be a help.

2) Research the company beforehand - that way you can speak from knowledge and it shows them you are thorough.

3) This one is optional - maintain your own private video sharing account. For example I keep my own Zoom account that I personalized. Just having something like that you can display shows professionalism.

There are more such ideas but these are starters.
What about networking events?

I have this astronaut giving a speech at a event I might go in November.

View: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_M._Hern%C3%A1ndez



What ship is this?
Staff member
Networking events are also a good way to get into circulation.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Rest in peace James Earl Jones. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, but I did like what I've seen (and heard) of him.


Well Known GateFan
Fucking devastated with that news, Loved him Since the Original Conan


What ship is this?
Staff member
I know a lot of people loved him as Vader (like I did) but his portrayal of Thulsa Doom in Conan the Barbarian was awesome!