Random Banter


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually where I work our messaging to clients about AI has been changed.. Now it is more "what does your business do and would it benefit from AI?" than "AI is for everyone!". We've gotten rid of the "AI for the sake of AI" messaging.


Well Known GateFan
So, this asshole has stolen my hard earned money and I didn't want to do the course he offered despite appearing on a current affairs he seemed a bit dodgy and yet after taking him to court I have found out that he has retired and sold off the business to someone else. Get this I have to also pay him $10.00 as conduct money to attend but how can I do that by a substituted service? He has been sitting on my money for the past 5 years and apparently he is overseas as well. Another debt collector is after him as well. So what do i do?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
So, this asshole has stolen my hard earned money and I didn't want to do the course he offered despite appearing on a current affairs he seemed a bit dodgy and yet after taking him to court I have found out that he has retired and sold off the business to someone else. Get this I have to also pay him $10.00 as conduct money to attend but how can I do that by a substituted service? He has been sitting on my money for the past 5 years and apparently he is overseas as well. Another debt collector is after him as well. So what do i do?
What are you talking about?


Well Known GateFan
What are you talking about?
What is it about my post you didn't understand? I purchased a course but I didn't want to do it anymore but the guy is refusing to give me a refund of my money. He fled the country despite an order from the small claims court and I've had to take this matter to the Magistrate's court as well. A substituted service means serving the court documents electronically to attend a court hearing.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Is the amount high enough to get international law enforcement involved?


Well Known GateFan
Is the amount high enough to get international law enforcement involved?
Not sure to be honest I am not a lawyer. I tried looking up his IP address but somehow it redirects to Google LLC I don't think he wants to be found. Can you guys think of any other way?


Well Known GateFan
I have been called up for a meeting @Gatefan1976 I am in the same boat as you. I lashed out at a few people today I couldn't take the pure insanity of my job where I was not learning any new skill or knowledge at all. They refused to give me a earlier time and they don't respect me as they even took 45 mins away from my time from the previous day which was the first thing we were going to discuss but we never did. I might be fired tomorrow.


Well Known GateFan
Dude, I live with that fear every week. I'm not incompetent or incapable, just I get so furious at those in power that I start wanting to put heads through walls. People like to say you have a choice, but that is not actually true, The only time you have a real choice is when you ALREADY have a backup in place, that is just fact.


Well Known GateFan
Dude, I live with that fear every week. I'm not incompetent or incapable, just I get so furious at those in power that I start wanting to put heads through walls. People like to say you have a choice, but that is not actually true, The only time you have a real choice is when you ALREADY have a backup in place, that is just fact.
Exactly, I don't have any choice. My dad tells me don't feel guilty or have any regrets because the fact that no one bothered to contact you afterwards shows that they don't really care about you or they will take the sides of someone in a higher position than you. The only thing they did was setup a meeting with my manager.


Well Known GateFan
How long ,would you think, if all involved were to 'Manhattan Project' it, would it take to advance, 'perfect' , unify and deploy all of these technologies?

Could be used to put a human on a planet- say Mars or further, WITHOUT actually sending a human there -at least at first
Send in 'robots' first to set up shelters, labs, 'grow tanks', communications, mineral extraction, food production etc.. all that would be needed ahead of time

maybe even send with them frozen human genetic material that could be used- be 'programmed' to 3D print a clone of a trained scientist on Earth.. to include 'downloading' that person's knowledge?

could possibly even do genetic engineering to enhance them for adaptations to the environment- like temperature, heavy gravity and other differences that would negatively affect a human from earth?

one issue would be 'translating' the 'build a human' print instructions from genetic/organic to digital for transmission then translating it back to genetic code to for the bioprinting.

tell me why it wouldn't work ?



Well Known GateFan
Dude, I live with that fear every week. I'm not incompetent or incapable, just I get so furious at those in power that I start wanting to put heads through walls. People like to say you have a choice, but that is not actually true, The only time you have a real choice is when you ALREADY have a backup in place, that is just fact.
So, I didn't get fired but I have regular counselling sessions that I have to attend. But the aggressive behaviour from me is so out of character for me.


Well Known GateFan
So, I didn't get fired but I have regular counselling sessions that I have to attend. But the aggressive behaviour from me is so out of character for me.
How much, if anything do you know about MBTI?


Well Known GateFan
How long ,would you think, if all involved were to 'Manhattan Project' it, would it take to advance, 'perfect' , unify and deploy all of these technologies?

Could be used to put a human on a planet- say Mars or further, WITHOUT actually sending a human there -at least at first
Send in 'robots' first to set up shelters, labs, 'grow tanks', communications, mineral extraction, food production etc.. all that would be needed ahead of time

maybe even send with them frozen human genetic material that could be used- be 'programmed' to 3D print a clone of a trained scientist on Earth.. to include 'downloading' that person's knowledge?

could possibly even do genetic engineering to enhance them for adaptations to the environment- like temperature, heavy gravity and other differences that would negatively affect a human from earth?

one issue would be 'translating' the 'build a human' print instructions from genetic/organic to digital for transmission then translating it back to genetic code to for the bioprinting.

tell me why it wouldn't work ?

I think we are missing two key technologies in that. Terraforming and to the second point Holographics. What you propose COULD indeed be done by robots to do the terraforming, but with real-time holographics you could maintain human control (not that it's always a good thing!!) re-design a planet by remote control, then when it's ready, actually send people there. I'm wary of genetic manipulation, at least to that extent simply because it will turn into yet another "race war" Far better to ship the robots off, let them do the work and set up a system of holographic relays via satelites to control them. How long would that take? Considering the speed of tech advancement, not too long HERE, but the better question is how long it would be to set up THERE. Get the bots there, get the relays up and running could take years, but as to tech advancement? I think if we as a species seriously wanted to go for it? Not that long at all. It would be easier to find planets in the "goldylocks" zones, but then you would be looking at developing stable cryogenics or FTL/warp drives, and I think we are much much further away in developing those techs.


Well Known GateFan
Ahh, I am the campaigner (ENFP) The anger you get is from the Shadow side of your personality and while I can deal with it fairly well and use it to my advantage, your personality type is not used to it. It's why it feels so bad for you. Your type tends to be more structured, while mine prefers chaos. Anger is a function of chaos, "losing your shit" is a clear example of that. Don't get me wrong, it can get me into trouble, but anger is not my first "port of call" it's just.... I am more confident in using it. I feel when you get to that point of boiling anger you need to slow your roll a bit, and let that structured sense regain control. The meditation, trying something like four four breathing might serve you much better than going to the anger. Me being in a calm medatitive state is not the best for me, and anger is not the best for you When I get calm and medatitive, I can get clinically mean (I don't mean angry, I mean being deconstuctivly cruel), and that's a state I don't like. Your type handles that far better than I ever could.
Play to your strengths not your weaknesses!!


Well Known GateFan
I think we are missing two key technologies in that. Terraforming and to the second point Holographics. What you propose COULD indeed be done by robots to do the terraforming, but with real-time holographics you could maintain human control (not that it's always a good thing!!) re-design a planet by remote control, then when it's ready, actually send people there. I'm wary of genetic manipulation, at least to that extent simply because it will turn into yet another "race war" Far better to ship the robots off, let them do the work and set up a system of holographic relays via satelites to control them. How long would that take? Considering the speed of tech advancement, not too long HERE, but the better question is how long it would be to set up THERE. Get the bots there, get the relays up and running could take years, but as to tech advancement? I think if we as a species seriously wanted to go for it? Not that long at all. It would be easier to find planets in the "goldylocks" zones, but then you would be looking at developing stable cryogenics or FTL/warp drives, and I think we are much much further away in developing those techs.
we could NEVER ""have to "" actually send anyone from EARTH to the target destination

if, as I said, proper human organic material- to use as a type of printer base- like stem cells (or whatever) were sent, frozen with the robotics.

then, when the environment, even if just shelters or even caves, or underground tunnels, were prepared, the 'humans' could be bioprinted and raised by AI

the issue of education and transfer of knowledge is an issue (i mean its ALL an issue) but not long ago to think that a person's memory could be 'uploaded' was just a dream

now tech is being developed to do just that

then, it would be a matter of communicating that info and somehow develop, maybe through genetic manipulation, a type of genetic learning by incorporating that knowledge of experts on earth, perhaps long dead, into the 'unprinted' brains of person distant

do you remember- or maybe you don't- how 20 yrs ago (that long already!) when here and elsewhere people were talking about the ridiculousness and impossibility of the human- cylons from BSG? Well, all of the tech I put in links to says "how to build a cylon (very BASIC course) 101"


Well Known GateFan

i have a feeling though that some here would call BS on the MBTI and say its skewed to make you think you are something you are not :)

there are free tests online
The "16 personalities" can be off, which is why I would recommend doing it at least 3 times to create a baseline, then do it again to work out where you really stand. You could also go the ennegram path to work things out as well. I'm not suggesting MBTI is the "be all and end all", merely a way to recognize things in your head. I AM an ENFP, it's how I see patterns and construct my worldview My love for people and not systems, the ever ending, well need to evolve, to communicate, to hold up my brothers and sisters, to show love for them, to change and evolve as needed, to not judge, but to support.
Your type, if accurate is far, far more grounded than mine and it is why many people say the ENFP/INTJ pairing is the best you can get. The INTJ can tell people like me to pull thier heads out of thier ass and just get shit done. My type tells you to never stop following your dreams.
What you are proposing insofar as colonization of other planets, The ENFP will drop 20 idea's on you, 18 will SUCK, that's just fact. the 2 idea's that can work? That's when you shine, You can make it happen when we cannot, we just move on to the next dream.


Well Known GateFan
Ahh, I am the campaigner (ENFP) The anger you get is from the Shadow side of your personality and while I can deal with it fairly well and use it to my advantage, your personality type is not used to it. It's why it feels so bad for you. Your type tends to be more structured, while mine prefers chaos. Anger is a function of chaos, "losing your shit" is a clear example of that. Don't get me wrong, it can get me into trouble, but anger is not my first "port of call" it's just.... I am more confident in using it. I feel when you get to that point of boiling anger you need to slow your roll a bit, and let that structured sense regain control. The meditation, trying something like four four breathing might serve you much better than going to the anger. Me being in a calm medatitive state is not the best for me, and anger is not the best for you When I get calm and medatitive, I can get clinically mean (I don't mean angry, I mean being deconstuctivly cruel), and that's a state I don't like. Your type handles that far better than I ever could.
Play to your strengths not your weaknesses!!
It does mention that I don't follow structure well. But I might do 3 other tests to see what it gives me and I don't think giving a specific number of agree or disagree is the right way about doing things when it comes to personality tests. My outburst was super aggressive. But, it was so unpredictable as well. I blame the people I was working for who made me belittle.